His Beloved Ex-Wife

Chapter 25
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Chapter 25

The Charming Ex-Wife


Chapter 25 Do You Regret Removing This Child?

Lysander found Daphne’s words to be quite reasonable.

At twenty-six, she considered herself fully mature, capable of handling a breakup with the same level ofmaturity as an adult.

Daphne, being only seventeen at the time, was more prone to impulsive behavior. Despite facing deathonce, with all her bones broken, she had managed to come back to life.

Lysander inquired, “How did you manage to get through that?”

Daphne shrugged indifferently. “I just did. Everyone goes through heartbreak at some point. Time healseverything.”

Lysander nodded in understanding.

Ultimately, time was the best healer.

She wasn’t afraid of feeling sad; she just hoped this period of sadness could be shortened, even just abit.novelbin

Suddenly, Daphne winked playfully at her. “They say the fastest way to get over a past relationship is todive into a new one. Want me to introduce you to a few?”

Lysander shook her head. “Do you think I’m in the mood for that right now?”

For her, it wasn’t just a simple breakup. She gently touched her lower abdomen, still feeling the painfrom the surgery she had undergone the day before.

Daphne’s hand rested on the back of hers. “Lysander, do you regret removing this child?”

Lysander licked her lips and shook her head.

Daphne sighed. “After our conversation yesterday, I understood. Regarding the fate of this child, youactually made up your mind long ago.”


“It’s good that you’ve made up your mind,” Daphne said. “The biggest fear people have is not makingthe wrong choice but not having the chance to repent”

Daphne suddenly became philosophical; perhaps her recent marriage had given her some insight.Lately, her social media feed had been filled with either melancholic or inspirational quotes,accompanied by serene images.

Casually scrolling through the comments, Lysander noticed a few interesting exchanges.

Someone asked, ‘Going through a breakup?’

Daphne replied, ‘You’re the one who had a breakup. I’m not falling in love, but I’m focused on building abetter future’


Another person, lacking insight, added. Going through yet another bres


Daphne responded. The foolish repeat their mistakes, while the wise expand their knowledge

After reading. Lysander raised an eyebrow. Are you preparing for a postgraduate entrance exam?

Daphne shrugged. Just for the sake of a rhyme.

Suddenly, Daphne’s expression changed, her face contorting.

Lysander thought someone had struck a nerve again and refreshed the page, but there were no new


Is it a private message?

Lysander inquired. ‘Daphne, what’s wrong?”

Daphne, looking angry, gritted her teeth and waved her hand. “It’s nothing Just stay here. Deed tomake a call on the balcony.

Lysander suspected that she was probably going to call and vent her anger.

Daphne had always been fiery, and whoever provoked her, she had to vent her frustration on the spot.

As anticipated by Lysander, less than a minute later, she heard Daphne’s angry voice coming from thebalcony. “Do you have a problem? Why change your profile picture now?”

There was a pause before Daphne continued. “If you want to show off your relationship, can’t you picka better time? You can wait until Lysander is feeling better. What’s the rush to change to a couple’sprofile picture? Do you have to hurt her by doing that now?”

There was silence as the conversation continued. “She changed it for you? But can’t you change itback? Have a little empathy, Josiah. It’s only been a day since the abortion. Do you know how she’sbeen these past few days? Or do you think she’s heartless and doesn’t feel any pain? The child wasgrowing in her belly. Do you know she’s feeling worse than you after the abortion?!”

Again, silence followed. “You don’t know anything! Alright, don’t explain to me. I’ll say this: either youdelete Lysander now, or you change the couple’s photo for me right away!”

I see.

He just switched his profile picture to a couple’s photo with Lysanne.

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