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Chapter 1

“Lysander, Lysander…” In her ear was his slightly deep and hoarse voice, gentle and a hint of clinging.After getting married for three years, Lysander Thorne was still of the opinion that Josiah Guerra wasan entirely different being when in bed. On ordinary days, Josiah was considerate and gentle, a truegentleman. But when it came to their intimate moments at night, Lysander always felt like she couldn’tkeep up with his stamina. By the time it was all over, she was so sore that she couldn’t even lift herarms. And then, he grasped her arm again. Lysander couldn’t even open her eyes. She pleaded andacted coyly, “Don’t you think we should stop?

We both have to work tomorrow.” She was currently preparing for a job evaluation, busy to the point ofexhaustion. After finishing her report in the early hours of the morning, she was dragged into a“workout” by him. At this moment, she felt like a fish out of water, so tired that she could only pant.Josiah chuckled softly. “What are you thinking about?” She blushed slightly. “What do you…” His large,knuckled hands gripped her shoulder blades, his fingers gently pressing on her sore spots. With hisstrong grip and great precision, a comforting sensation spread through her limbs, causing her toinvoluntarily let out a soft moan. “Feels good, doesn’t it?” His voice sounded in her ear, deep andhoarse, as gentle as ever. Lysander couldn’t help but blush. As an OBGYN, she actually knew moreabout this kind of thing than the average person. Unfortunately, she was only big on the theory side ofthings. When it came to handling the real thing, she considered herself a novice. Fortunately, Josiahwas a gentleman, and they wouldn’t spend all their time clinging to each other like some othernewlyweds, but they still treated each other with respect. In fact, Lysander was very open-minded. Afterall, they only met through a blind date and did not go through the process of dating before entering intomarriage. It was actually quite fortunate that they got along the way they did now. “Now try moving. Doyou feel better?” Lysander tried to move her shoulder, and after his massage, it did feel much better.“Thank you. I feel much better.” She turned around. “When did you learn to give massages?” “I learnedit from an old traditional medicine practitioner before. It’s been so many years, but luckily I haven’tforgotten.” He gently tucked her hand under the blanket and instructed, “Go to sleep.” What is a happymarriage like? There’s no definite answer to that question. Sometimes, Lysander felt a little regretfulnovelbin

that she didn’t get to experience a passionate love relationship in her youth because she was sofocused on her studies and work. But she was content. Whether in terms of family background,appearance, character, or knowledge, Josiah was almost a perfect marriage partner.

He was not a smoker, not an alcoholic, and didn’t have to socialize much. Every time he finished work,he would come home to spend time with her. Even her bestie, Daphne Everhart, who always had a badimpression of men, said Josiah was the epitome of a perfect man. Thus, Lysander felt very content withthis husband of hers. Especially now that she was pregnant. Lysander gently stroked her belly andwhispered, “Josiah, it’s your birthday next weekend, and I have a birthday gift for you.” Suddenly,Josiah’s phone vibrated. He picked it up, and his face suddenly changed. Lysander asked, “What’swrong?” Josiah stood up. “I have something urgent to attend to. I need to go out for a bit.” “Is itsomething related to the company?” “Um… yeah.” His voice was weak but soon was filled withurgency. “I have to go now.” “Okay, drive—” Bam! The door slammed shut. “Drive safely,” she mutteredthe rest of her words. After getting married for three years, she had never seen him so anxious before.Maybe something serious happened at the company. She remembered seeing news about the recentequity mergers and acquisitions by the Guerra Group on the finance news channel a few days ago.She was a medical student and didn’t understand much about business matters, but if it was on thefinance news channel, it was probably not a trivial matter. Lysander clasped her hands together andsilently prayed. I hope everything goes well with Josiah and his company. But just as she was about torest, her phone rang persistently. “Dr. Thorne, please come to the hospital immediately. There is apregnant woman in critical condition!” After years of studying medicine, Lysander found such situationsto be not uncommon. She hung up the phone and immediately changed clothes to head out. When shearrived at the hospital, her assistant, Lynn Vale, was already standing at the hospital entrance, eagerlywaiting. Seeing Lysander, Lynn immediately approached her and handed her the white coat andgloves. “Dr. Thorne, I’ve been waiting for you!” Lysander was a professional when it came to work. Asshe quickly walked inside, she put on the white coat and gloves, asking, “What’s the situation with thepatient?” “It was a car accident. I heard the scene was very gruesome.

The patient is six months pregnant, losing a lot of blood, unconscious, and showing signs of shock.” Sixmonths is a long time. Whether we choose to perform cervical cerclage or abortion, surgery will benecessary. “Have you contacted the family?” “Yes, they have been contacted.” “Have the family signthe consent form. The patient needs immediate surgery.” “Right away.” Lysander went straight to theoperating room. The patient’s condition was indeed not good. After reviewing the on-duty doctor’srecords, she decided to perform a cervical cerclage immediately. What followed was the regular workprocedure that was all too familiar to Lysander. She changed into clean clothes and headed straightinto the operating room. From emergency treatment to surgery, Lysander worked tirelessly for nearlysix hours. When she walked out of the operating room, her legs almost gave up on her. Lynn quicklyheld her up. “Are you okay, Dr. Thorne?” Lysander shook her head. “Help me over to the chair, willyou?” Lynn helped her sit on a chair, then went to get her a cup of hot water, looking at her withconcern. “Dr. Thorne, you’re also pregnant. Technically, you shouldn’t be working so hard. But thepatient’s condition was really tricky, and you were the only one in the hospital capable of saving her.”When Lysander heard her say the word “pregnant,” her hand trembled slightly. “How did you know?”Lynn smiled and blinked at her. “Getting pregnant is great news. Why did you hide it from me? I sawthe test report on your desk yesterday.” Lysander smiled embarrassedly. “Yeah, it is great news.” “Haveyou told your husband?” “Not yet. His birthday is in a couple of days. I’ll tell him then…” Bam! Bam!Bam! Someone was slamming on the door outside the operating room. Lynn said, “It must be thepatient’s husband. He’s anxious to know about his wife and child. Dr.

Thorne, you can rest here. I’ll go talk to him.” “No, let me,” Lysander said. “I am her surgeon. Accordingto hospital regulations, I should personally explain the situation to the patient’s family.” She stood upwith the help of the wall, and Lynn immediately opened the door to the operating room. The manoutside nearly charged in. “Doctor! How is she?!” “Don’t worry, both the mother and child are safe. Butwe need to keep her under observation for a while…” Before she could finish her sentence, both ofthem froze. “Lysander?” Lysander looked at the man in front of her in disbelief. “Josiah?”

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