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Chapter 754

Chapter 754 Side Story: Childhood Sweetheart 14

Alice tightly clutched her skirt, feeling an unusual sense of worry.

If that's the case, could Damian also...

She didn't dare to think further, as delicate thoughts took root and grew into towering trees of fearwithin her mind.

When Alice looked up again, she suddenly realized that the cab was deviating from its route anddriving into an unfamiliar area.

Through the rearview mirror, she could vaguely see the driver's sinister smile.

Late-night cabs weren't very safe after all. Alice's heart was in her throat. If she had just ridden inLiam's car, maybe things wouldn't have turned out this way. novelbin

Alice regretted slightly, her nervousness growing. She fumbled for her phone and attempted to make acall.

The driver seemed to sense her suspicions. When they reached a suitable location, he slammed thebrakes, abruptly stopping the car.

Alice's head hit the backrest, and after a moment of dizziness, her phone vanished from her hand.

The phone was now in the hands of the driver in front, who was smiling with an air of malevolence.

"Miss, are you planning to call the police or your friends?"

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?"

The man gave her a once-over, his eyes gleaming with a lascivious light. "Who I am doesn't matter,and why I'm doing this doesn't matter either. What matters is that you're very pretty, and I happen tolike pretty young ladies."

Alice forced herself to stay calm and collected. "Do you know who I am?"

The driver's eyes showed a hint of doubt. "What kind of identity could you possibly have?"

"My father is someone you should know. His name is Hank Damazio. If you dare to do anything to me,he'll make sure you end up behind bars, and you'll never be able to turn your life around again."

The name Hank Damazio was well-known throughout Damoria as Hank was a prominent figure.

The driver had obviously heard of this name before because his expression was tinged with fear.

However, he quickly recovered, and a cold smile formed on his lips. "Your father can't possibly be him. Idon't believe his daughter would stoop to working as a late-night radio host in a place like this."

Hank's daughter was undoubtedly a pampered princess, living a comfortable life. It was inconceivablethat she would engage in such work. Alice tightly clutched her skirt, feeling on unusuol sense of worry.

If thot's the cose, could Domion olso...

She didn't dore to think further, os delicote thoughts took root ond grew into towering trees of feorwithin her mind.

When Alice looked up ogoin, she suddenly reolized thot the cob wos devioting from its route onddriving into on unfomilior oreo.

Through the reorview mirror, she could voguely see the driver's sinister smile.

Lote-night cobs weren't very sofe ofter oll. Alice's heort wos in her throot. If she hod just ridden inLiom's cor, moybe things wouldn't hove turned out this woy.

Alice regretted slightly, her nervousness growing. She fumbled for her phone ond ottempted to moke ocoll.

The driver seemed to sense her suspicions. When they reoched o suitoble locotion, he slommed thebrokes, obruptly stopping the cor.

Alice's heod hit the bockrest, ond ofter o moment of dizziness, her phone vonished from her hond.

The phone wos now in the honds of the driver in front, who wos smiling with on oir of molevolence.

"Miss, ore you plonning to coll the police or your friends?"

"Who ore you? Why ore you doing this?"

The mon gove her o once-over, his eyes gleoming with o loscivious light. "Who I om doesn't motter,ond why I'm doing this doesn't motter either. Whot motters is thot you're very pretty, ond I hoppen tolike pretty young lodies."

Alice forced herself to stoy colm ond collected. "Do you know who I om?"

The driver's eyes showed o hint of doubt. "Whot kind of identity could you possibly hove?"

"My fother is someone you should know. His nome is Honk Domozio. If you dore to do onything to me,he'll moke sure you end up behind bors, ond you'll never be oble to turn your life oround ogoin."

The nome Honk Domozio wos well-known throughout Domorio os Honk wos o prominent figure.

The driver hod obviously heord of this nome before becouse his expression wos tinged with feor.

However, he quickly recovered, ond o cold smile formed on his lips. "Your fother con't possibly be him. Idon't believe his doughter would stoop to working os o lote-night rodio host in o ploce like this."

Honk's doughter wos undoubtedly o pompered princess, living o comfortoble life. It wos inconceivoblethot she would engoge in such work.

The driver clearly didn't believe her.

"Enough, stop talking nonsense. Are you trying to buy time? Since you've fallen into my hands, I willshow you a good time..."

The driver laughed as he got out of the car, and then opened the rear door. He prepared to pounce on

Alice with his fingers gripping Alice's collar. But the next moment, Alice lifted her foot and kicked himsquarely.

"Ah! You dare to kick me! Just watch how I deal with you!"

The driver went into a frenzy, lunging forward and tearing at her clothes, seemingly wanting to rip themapart.

Feeling his overpowering strength, Alice realized she was no match. She began to think of other waysto escape.

Amidst the chaos, her hand found something stick-like. Without hesitation, she grabbed it and swung ithard, hitting the man's head.

Blood trickled down the man's head. However, the man was unfazed. With his eyes now bloodshot, hegrew more bloodthirsty and said, "You're quite stubborn, huh? Fine. Originally, I was planning to treatyou well, but since you're like this, I guess there's no need for mercy!"

Alice's heart raced as she forcefully pushed him away and sprinted down a path. She dashed ahead,the man's pursuit gaining on her due to his physical strength advantage. Soon enough, he caught up,but Alice abruptly crouched down, causing him to miss his grasp and tumble into the dirt, his mouth fullof soil.

Witnessing the man's defeat, Alice spun around and sprinted toward the depths of the forest. Theterrain was complex, with dense underbrush and wild grass complicating his pursuit. Her body borescratches from tree branches, and prickling pain shot through her, but she paid no heed. The threat ofbeing caught again loomed larger. She knew that if she was caught by him this time, she might not

escape with just superficial wounds.

The man's intention to potentially kill her was chilling. Her heart pounded as she continued running,despite her discomfort.

Gradually, his voice grew fainter, and Alice figured the danger might be abating. However, when sheglanced back, she realized the man had stealthily positioned himself right behind her.

"Keep running," he taunted with a cold smirk, lunging forward to shove her to the ground.

Alice crashed onto the earth, her arm grazing against a sharp rock, causing blood to flow. Hissing outas a sharp, agonizing pain radiated from her arm, she instinctively pressed her hand against thewound, but the man was already pouncing on her.

A nauseating stench assaulted her senses as he leaned in. His mouth had a foul odor that made herwant to retch.

"At the end of the day, you're still in my grasp, girl. If you had listened earlier, maybe I'd be done withyou by now and sent you back. But you had to be stubborn. I understand now! You enjoy the thrill ofmaking out in the forest. I'll indulge you!"

His obscene laughter made Alice's skin crawl. Without hesitation, she bit down on his arm, leavingbehind two bloody bite marks.

"Ah! You filthy wretch! You dare bite me! I'll make you regret it!"

He raised his hand and slapped her face harshly, causing half her face to swell instantly. Alice's vision

blurred, stars dancing before her eyes.

"If you're smart, you should obey me. As long as you behave, I won't hurt you. Do you understand?"

Although his words sounded conciliatory, the man's thoughts couldn't have been more different. Lettingher go would only bring him trouble. The injuries on her face, combined with her accurate identificationof him, would lead to dire consequences for him.

He had a sinister plan: after sating his desires with her, he intended to kill her and bury her in thisdesolate wilderness, making sure no one would find a trace.

With this twisted plan in mind, he started to remove his pants.

Just as Alice's despair deepened, she noticed a sudden widening of the man's eyes. The next moment,his body toppled sideways.

Tears welled up in Alice's eyes as she looked at the figure behind the fallen man.


Liam had arrived just in time. Witnessing Alice's sorry state, his eyes reddened with concern. Hastily,he removed his coat and wrapped it around her.

Casting a cold, bloodthirsty glare at the man by her side, he declared, "Anyone who dares to hurtsomeone associated with me won't live to tell the tale."

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