Hero of Darkness

Chapter 28
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Chapter 28

Chapter 28: First Target

For the following days, Kahn received training and combat experience from one of the most elitefighters in all different professions.

Let it be Archers or Magicians, Kahn not only learned a few of their core techniques and spells; he alsoexcelled at them by a huge margin compared to others who would usually take months to reach thatlevel.

All his trainers left with their jaws dropping on the ground, every single one of them not believing thetalent this young man had in their respective fields.

And after one week of repeated training sessions, Kahn was finally done in being proficient in them andreaching more than 50% mastery in these skills, spells & combat techniques. The current Kahn wouldbe able to use any weapon belonging to any class and different spells and combat techniques uniqueto these classes without any problem.

This left a sour taste in all his trainers who thought he was wasting his god-gifted talent by focusing onswordsmananship instead. Few of them even offering him to become their disciple. But Kahn refusedall of them.

The agreed date of the first week was over and the days of his hunting began from today.

Kahn was sipping some morning herbal tea inside the Golden Crow restaurant as by now, he too wasaddicted to this aromatic & soul soothing tea.novelbin

Today, he was going to receive a detailed report on all his targets, their routines and the best locationsto carry out the assassinations as agreed during their initial planning.

Kahn was to get familiar with different professions and their weaknesses and Solomon & Arkham'speople were to gather more detailed and sure-shot intel on all of their potential targets.

As Kahn was basking in the delicious taste of the tea, a slim elven archer sat across the opposite sideof the table. He didn't make any greetings and ordered some breakfast.

Both he and Kahn didn't speak a word to each other either. If anyone looked at them, they'd think thatthese two were nothing but strangers to each other.

As the Elven archer finished his breakfast, he suddenly took out a small book and passed it to Kahnfrom under the table, completely hidden from everyone's eyes.

The Elf gave a slight nod and left the place in a hurry. Kahn took the small book and placed it in hisSpace Ring. Soon, Kahn left for the adventurer association and after he finally reached there, heregistered himself for the dungeon exploration list and paid a small fee for buying a dungeon pass.

Unlike many Novels & Mangas he read in his previous life; the dungeons in Rakos Empire weremonitored by both the adventurer association & the military platoons stationed close to these dungeonsin case of a monster tide occurred. They will be the first line of defense. The dungeon passes wereused as permission to explore and also to keep a record of all the people entering the dungeons incase they went missing or needed reinforcement during life and death situations.

It was also to stop the unregulated & unrecorded flow of resources adventurers gained from thesedungeons.

Kahn had 3 objectives for his dungeon visit today.

The first was obviously to hunt monsters & absorb their abilities. 2nd was to use this opportunity toincrease his combat experience & improve his combat mastery using the different techniques he hadlearned in the past week. 3rd was to deliver upon his first target mentioned inside the small book.

On his way to the closest dungeon which was barely 5 kilometers away from the city, Kahn went to amerchant shop and bought some smoke bombs and tear gas bombs.

Normally, adventurers used it to hunt down groups of low-level monsters that traveled in groups. ButKahn was going to use them for some other purpose.

He also bought a black cloak to hide in the crowd and to avoid the eyes of fellow adventurers.

When Kahn finally reached the closest dungeon towards the city named the Bromnir dungeon, heentered after showing his pass. Surprisingly, he wasn't the only one entering while wearing a blackcloak. There were many individuals who did the same. Out of 10, at least 2 would be wearing blackcloaks as far as Kahn could see. Many trying to hide their identities.

[Good for me. This way, no one would be able to link me to the incident either.] Thought Kahn as heentered the gigantic cave-like door to the dungeon that was filled with plenty of adventurers going inand out like ants gathering around sugar.

Kahn had placed his longsword inside the space ring and currently had a normal-looking bow on hisback with a quiver full of arrows. He was entering the dungeon as an archer this time.

After entering the first floor, Kahn didn't waste time wandering around and asked a nearby adventurerabout the directions towards the 9th floor.

The first 2 floors were flooded with people and only from the 3rd floor, did the real battles began.

Kahn kept descending the downstairs and walked nearly a few miles down the ground to finally reachthe 9th-floor door. As the floor level increased, the stronger monsters & creatures would one face. Afterthe 7th floor, no one would dare venture further without a team of allies.

So watching a lone archer going below the 7th floor surprised many but it was still acceptable for themas there were always risk-takers. Here, you were responsible for your own life. And nobody would careif you lived or died in this place.

Each floor in these dungeons covered the area of a big town having perimeters of around 6 to 8kilometers on average. Here, many different monster species lived and hunted for resources. And sodid the adventurers.

To the residents of these dungeons, any outsider would be no different than food so they attackedthese adventurers at the first sight.

The 9th floor was an area of crevices and withered trees. This floor was a hunting ground for many bigadventurer teams & the residents of this floor being none other than Kobolds.

These monsters had very sensitive noses and hearing. So they were very hard to hunt in a groupunless you had a bigger group of your own.

"Finally. I'm here. Now, where are those bastards?" spoke Kahn to himself. He started looking aroundfor groups of people.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Kahn finally found a group of more than 20 adventurers full ofmixed-race people and humans trying to fight off against a pack of kobolds. All these people had anemblem on their chest; the emblem indicating the adventurer team he had seen before.

This was his first target as the book had provided him intel on...

The Groundhog adventurer team.

From the intel he received, The Groundhog adventurer team had more than 400 members.

Stragabor being their leader and his family who had a rich background funding the whole team.

There were dozens of groups like the one before Kahn, sent to dungeons to hunt for monsters, rawmaterials & monster cores and later be sold in the market.

In other words, this group was no different than workers farming for resources and later give it all totheir bosses.

Kahn maintained a kilometer distance from this group and activated his Hunter Intent skill which let himgauge the strength of his targets about whether they were stronger than him or not. This ability alsohad a very long reach and was no different than a filter system for Kahn.

[The Strongest among them seems like between level 32 to 35. But the numbers are too big for me tohunt alone. Also bringing all of their attention towards a single target won't be easy. If I want to kill themefficiently without any fail, I need to give them a big target.] Kahn thought to himself as a plan hatchedin his mind.

Kahn ran amongst the withered trees and went far away from the Groundhog adventurer teammembers.

Since he lacked numbers, he would use outside help.

Not only was he planning to overcome his disadvantage with numbers.. He was going to use the oldestand yet most efficient battle strategy in the book.

Kahn let out an evil grin as he finalized his plan..

"Killing two birds with one stone."

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