Her Triplet Alphas

Chapter 73
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Chapter 73

Chapter 12: Chasity’s New Room

Calix “Brunch is ready!” Called Mom. My brothers and I had been in Felix’s room with Chasity. Wehurried downstairs. “This should be good,” snickered Felix.

Mom never cooked. Ever. We always had a professional chef or a maid who was also a cook orChasity who had been taught how to cook by the former cook.

“I’m sure she did her best,” I said although I could smell the burnt toast from the staircase. “It servesthem right! Why should Chasity do everything?” Grumbled Alex. “Where is Chasity?” I asked, realisingshe wasn’t with us. “She was in my room with us,” said Felix. “Maybe she’s using the bathroom,” saidAlex. Felix sighed. “That’s not it,” he growled.

He stomped back up the stairs. Alex and I exchanged a glance and then we ran after Felix. We burstinto the room. Chasity was no longer in Felix’s room. He stomped out of his room and went to her door.He banged on it.

“Felix,” hissed Alex indignantly. Felix was boiling with rage and I didn’t get why. Chasity peeked out ofher tiny room. “Yeah?” She said softly. “Didn’t you hear Mom calling? It’s brunch time. What are youdoing up here?” He demanded. “I never eat with you guys. You know that,” she said, seemingsomewhat annoyed. “We’re mates now,” said Felix. “Yeah but…”began Chasity. “We slept in the samebed last night and you won’t eat with us,” said Felix incredulously. DO NOT be hard on her! I snappedat Felix over mind-link. I am not angry WITH her. I’m angry FOR her and WITH Mom and Dad, hesnapped back. Oh.

“Come downstairs. You haven’t eaten anything for the day yet and it’s almost noon,” said Felix. “I’mused to it,” she said softly, keeping the door ajar. He flung open the door, grabbed Chasity’s hand andmarched her down the stairs. “You’re to eat with us from now on,” he said. “Your parents don’t allow

that,” she said, yanking her arm away. “I am the alpha now!” Insisted Felix. “My mate eats with myfamily!” “Why are you mad at me?” Asked Chasity, seeming close to tears. Felix sighed.

“I’m not mad at you,” he grumbled, pulling her flush against him. He wrapped her up in a bear hug.

She sniffled a little but calmed down. She inhaled his scent deeply. I hugged her frombehind sandwiching her between Felix and me. She relaxed in our arms. Alex hugged her from theside so she was surrounded. She seemed aroused now that all three of us were touching her. Alexkissed the top of her head. Alex grasped her chin to make her look at him. She seemed a bitapprehensive still but she held his gaze.

“From now on, in every situation, I want you to say to yourself ‘I am the Winter Moon Pack Luna’ beforeyou make a decision,” instructed Alex.

“Let’s hear it,” said Felix sternly. “I am the Winter Moon Pack Luna,” said Chasity softly. “It’s brunchtime in the pack house. What do you say?” Demanded Felix. “I am the Winter Moon Pack Luna?” SaidChasity as though it were a question. “So where should the Luna eat?” Asked Felix. “With her Alphas,”said Chasity.

“I totally agree with this mantra,” I said. “But you can’t blame Chasity for feeling uncomfortable eatingwith us. She was made to feel uncomfortable with us,” I said, annoyed.

I wasn’t going to let Alex and Felix run the show anymore. Most of Chasity’s behaviour wereadaptations to things our parents had instilled in her.

“I’ll have a chat with Mom and Dad,” said Alex.

We led Chasity to the breakfast table. Felix pulled out her chair and she sat down. Mom and Dad werealready sitting. The table was only set for five.

“Why is this table only set for five?” Snapped Felix.

He was on edge today. I could tell he was seething. Mom looked up slowly. She spotted Chasity seatedat the table. Chasity didn’t meet her gaze.

“Oh silly me,” chuckled Mom.

She had just forgotten. It was an adjustment for everyone. I smiled at her. I knew she wouldn’t forgetnext time.


Mom pretended she had simply forgotten to set a place for Chasity. I knew it was a deliberate show ofdominance on her part. She knew Chasity was still too timid to challenge her. That was fine. I would bedoing all the challenging on Chasity’s behalf until she was more sure of herself and of her place here.

“Grab another chair, will you, Dad?” I said offhandedly as I sat next to Chasity.

I wanted to see his reaction. He sniffed, clearly annoyed, but got up and added a sixth chair. Alex satnext to Chasity and Calix sat between Alex and Mom.

Mom uncovered the platters on the table: waffles, toast, bacon, sausages and eggs. All of it slightlyburnt. Chasity had a faint smile on her face like she wanted to laugh at the burnt brunch.

What are you smirking at, Beautiful? I asked Chasity over private mind-link. She smiled a little more. Inudged her. What?! She hissed. What’s so funny? I insisted. Nothing! She said. “What do you want toeat?” Said Alex, grabbing Chasity’s plate, intent on fixing it for her. Thad wanted to do that! I said tohim. I always put aside Chasity’s breakfast! Said Alex. No you don’t! I said.

Yes! I do! And sometimes you f*****g steal it, knowing she hardly gets opportunities to relax and eat!He practically roared over mind-link.

I winced. His face softened. I know…you’ll be different now, added Alex. “Waffles,” mumbled Chasity soquietly Alex leant towards her to hear. “How many?” He asked. “Um…one,” said Chasity in hushedtones. “Then that would be waffle, not waffles,” I joked. Chasity just frowned, staring down at her lap.

“How about I just put a bit of everything and you eat until you’re full,”suggested Alex, putting a stack ofthree waffles, two slices of toast, some sausages and bacon and eggs on the plate. He brought thesyrup

closer to her as well as the butter. She smiled slightly as she took the syrup and began to pour it ontothe waffles.

“Has Chasity picked out her new room?” Asked Dad. “She will after she eats,” said Alex.

Chasity’s mouth was full of waffle. She just looked back and forth between Dad and Dad part two alsoknown as Alex. Mom gave Chasity a grim smile.

“We’ll need to find a cook and a housekeeper again on short notice,” said Mom examining hermanicure. “I’m not into this domestic stuff,” she chuckled as though she were making an inside jokewith Chasity.

“Neither am 1,” said Chasity with a wry smile. Calix snickered but quickly stopped when Mom shot hima warning look.

Tate as much of the burnt food as I could before I gave up and just watched Chasity. Everything she didfascinated me. She was pouring her syrup again trying to fill every single syrup trap in her last wafflebefore she took a bite. She caught me staring at her and handed over the syrup assuming that waswhat I wanted. I waved the syrup away.

“Fate is so funny, isn’t it?” Said Mom, laughing to herself as though she were about to elaborate. Ugh.“Mom,” I said quietly, giving her a look that just said “don’t.” She sighed.

I knew she wanted to lament over us being fated to Chasity. Truth be told, I didn’t get what was wrongwith Chasity in Mom’s eyes. Ok so her parents had been less than stellar. That had very little to do withChasity. She hadn’t been around her parents in nine years. She was her own little person. She caughtme staring at her again and frowned. I looked away.


After the slightly burnt and extremely awkward brunch with our parents, I wanted to have some alonetime with Chasity. Felix went outside to shovel the driveway, something I could scarcely believe Chasityhad been made to do from time to time.

“How the f**k did she manage?” I said to Calix as I looked at Felix shovelling snow through the window.

“She didn’t,” said Calix. “She would fall over and drop the shovel and she didn’t have much upper bodystrength,” he said.

“You watched her?” I asked.

“For like five minutes before I would take the shovel and do it for her,” said Calix with a shrug. “I had towait a little bit because Mom would be there surveying the job. I would make small talk with Momand then offer to supervise Chasity in her place,” he revealed.

“No wonder she likes you best,” I said. Calix raised his eyebrows. “She likes all of us,” he said. “Indifferent ways.” Chasity was in my bathroom again and she was taking a rather long time. “You ok,Luna?” I called. She appeared. “Yes,” she said meekly. “Ready to pick your room!” I said excitedly. Shenodded.

Calix pinched her cheek and she giggled. He kissed her forehead and nuzzled her before heading tothe door.

“You’re leaving?” I asked, trying not to sound so glad for the time alone with my Luna. Calix laughed.“Yeah with the understanding that you’ll do the same in future,” he said. “Of course!” I promised.

We should all get a little one on one time with Chasity. It was only natural. Chasity waved bye to Calix,seeming sad to see him go even though he was literally just going to his room. When the door shut,couldn’t help myself. I pulled Chasity close to me and wrapped my arms around her, burying my nosein her fragrant curls and inhaling deeply. She seemed to be enjoying my smell also to my surprise. Shewrapped her arms around me.

“I know which room I want,” she said to me. “You do?!”I exclaimed holding her at arm’s length. Shenodded. “Show me,” I said. Chasity took my hand in hers. I laced our fingers together. I let her lead medownstairs. “This one!” She exclaimed, showing me a downstairs bedroom. “Why this one?” I asked,frowning. It was not on the same floor as my brothers and me.

“Alex!” She exclaimed. My name leaving her lips was music to my ears. “Look at this!” She said,yanking me into the bathroom. She stepped into the huge bathtub and made me step in with her. “It’sso big! I always admire it when I’m cleaning!” She revealed. “Aww, Luna,” I murmured, wrapping her upin my arms.

I lifted her out of the tub and carried her bridal style back into the bedroom. I jumped onto the bed withher still in my arms. She giggled as we bounced a little. I set to work arranging her few belongings andall her new presents in the room as per her instructions. I didn’t want her lifting a finger. I made her liedown while I worked. She was watching me intently and I was enjoying her lingering gaze. If I werekind of a douche like Felix I would be doing this shirtless. Maybe I should.

“I want you on our floor,” I admitted with a sigh.. “I want to bathe in that bathtub,” she said, her eyesbright. I laughed. I hoped the future involved me soaking in that huge tub with her at some point.

“Sure, I guess it’s temporary. Eventually all four of us will sleep in the same room anyway. We can eachkeep our separate rooms to work in,” I said as I helped

“Our date is at seven,” I reminded her as I continued transporting stuff to her room.

+50 Points

Chapter 12: Chasity’s New R…

She followed me up and down the stairs every time. It was adorable. Sometimes I picked her up alongwith the stuff and ran up and down the stairs with her. She giggled the whole time. I wanted her to feelrelaxed with me. I hoped this was helping. I placed her back on the bed after the last trip downstairs. Istarted arranging the last of the items.

Suddenly, she sat up quickly, panting a little. I dropped what I was doing and rushed to her. “Chasity,what’s wrong?” I said, holding her by the shoulders and scrutinising her expression. “Just amemory;”she mumbled.

I winced. Shame and regret engulfed me. I knew it was something to do with me, or my brothers or myparents making her life miserable before. It was going to take a while for her to be comfortable with


“I’m going for a walk,”she said.

She wanted to be away from me. I allowed it. My presence was probably making the bad memoriesmore vivid. I tried to finish up her room and make everything perfect while she went on her walk. Felixwas out there. He was just as obsessed with her smell as I was so I knew he would notice it and keepan eye on her.


I was finished shovelling the driveway. I began changing the oil in the cars. I looked after all five ofthem. If I or Alex didn’t do this, it wouldn’t get done. Calix wasn’t exactly handy. Mom was well… Momand Dad was always preoccupied.

Suddenly, I smelled a heavenly aroma on the ice cold breeze. My boots crunched through the snow asI walked towards the delicious smell. Honey and roses. Chasity. Why was she out in the cold? I waslooking forward to seeing her in her new coat and boots. She would look so adorable. I spotted her butshe didn’t notice me at first. The wind whipped back her curls. She hugged herself for warmth. She wasin socks! Socks! Mother-fucking socks! With no shoes! No winter boots! She had a thin house dress on!What the f**k! Where the f**k was Alex?! He was supposed to be watching her. They were supposed tobe sorting out her bedroom.

She seemed lost in her thoughts. She walked right into me. I caught her. She looked up and gulped atmy furious expression. I picked her up and ran inside. I slammed the door behind me and stompedtowards Alex’s scent. I found him in the downstairs bedroom. I spotted Chasity’s things. f**k! She hadchosen a downstairs bedroom. Another thing to be pissed about. Calix came in, alerted by all the noiseof me fuming about.

“What the f**k was she doing out there like that, Alex?” I yelled. I tossed Chasity on the bed with moreforce than I intended. She bounced a little. She yelped. “Felix, what the f**k?” Bellowed Alex. s**t. Ineeded to be more careful with her. She was tiny.

“Sorry, Baby,” I said quickly. I ran my hands all over her body, searching for any tender areas. I knewthere were none. She fell on a soft mattress but I was enjoying this too much to stop my examination

early. I finished checking for bruises. She was fine obviously. She seemed turned on by the exchangebut i as soon as I released her, she scurried away from me. I turned my attention back to Alex.

“What was she doing out there, by herself, no coat, no boots, in the snow?” I snarled, glaring at myelder brother.

Alex folded his arms. “I thought you were watching her,” I added. “She wanted to go for a walk,” saidAlex nonchalantly. “And you let her go like that?” I snarled.novelbin

Alex sighed. “Yeah,” he said softly.

“She was thinking about some…difficult memories and she was a little panicked. I could tell sheneeded to be away from me, from all of us for a little while,” Alex added.


My elder brothers were intent on arguing. I was focused on Chasity. She was unmated and unmarked. Iwanted to be patient with her but there would be unmated werewolves at her school tomorrow. Herneck could not stare bare like this. My wolf would not allow it.

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