Her Sweet Revenge

Chapter 110
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Chapter 110

Chapter 110 Grand finale - A beautiful end

"Have you set the timer on?" She asked and he nodded.

"In the next hour, the bomb is going to blow off.." He said and Giselle stood up.

"Then let me show her what torture is like.." She said and walked away.


Elle groaned and opened her eyes. Her head was pounding. She looked around and rememberedKiera.

"Kiera!" She yelled and tried to stand up but then she noticed that her hands and legs were tied and abomb was strapped on her body. Her eyes widened and tears fell from her eyes. Giselle came out andwalked to her. She smirked and grabbed her hair and then slapped her hard on the right cheek, sheslapped her again on the left one and Elle smirked.

"It must hurt that no matter what you do, Jason will never love you. He will only love me!' She said andGiselle slapped her again bruising her lips in the process.

Just then they heard gunshots. Giselle's eyes widened immediately.

"I told you. My love will be always here to save me.." She said and Giselle grabbed her cheeks.

"Shut up!" She yelled and ran off. James also came out when he heard the gunshots.

"What's going on?" She asked him and just then one of the goons ran in, injured.

"We are been raided by the police.We are already surrounded. We have to get out of here boss.." Hesaid and James shot him. He fell to the ground dead.

do now?" Giselle asked panicking. James smirked and clenched his fists tightly.

"Jason!" He groaned and grabbed his gun, then he walked away.

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