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Chapter 987

Agnes was well aware that Jared had cast caution to the wind in his search for her.

She also knew that to pave his way, Jared had utilized a hefty sum from The Tim Group's coffers, jeopardizing a crucial project in the process.But what Agnes didn’t realize was that Jared had encountered a landslide, facing a life-threatening situation.

The pang of guilt in her heart was unbearable

After all, everything traced back to her — it was all because of Agnes.

At this moment, she was nearly at a loss for words

Leo added, "There's something else you might not know. After Mr. Berlin was acquitted and released, Jared was ridden with guilt. He felt helpless andeventually had someone rough up Berlin — knocked a tooth right out of his mouth."

Agnes looked up in surprise.

Jared had done something like that? Could it be that he truly was unaware of Berlin’s release?This incident had always been a sore point for Agnes.

It was also the final straw that had severed her relationship with Jared.

Agnes had always refused to believe that Jared, as sharp as he was, could be ignorant of such a matter. But now, reflecting on it, she realized shehadn't placed enough trust in Jared.

I've been with the boss for years,” Leo said, "and it pains me to see him suffer like this. During the years you vanished, he was enveloped in gloom.He's an incredibly astute man — no one could defeat him. Yet, he's trapped himself in a cage of his own making, unable to break free because theonly one who can outsmart him is himself. Agnes, you hold the key to that cage."

Agnes felt she couldn't bear to listen any longer.Why did she still doubt him?

Doubt Jared's closeness with Valeria.

Doubt Jared's devotion to her.

He had risked his life; what else was there to question?

Besides, Agnes had seen Jared and.Valeria drinking into the wee hourson several occasions. Now, thiskingit over, what if Valeria had oOorchestrated those moments?Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Otherwise, why did it all happen during that specific period? Why were there so many coincidences?Agnes realized just how foolish she had been

Her heart was racked with endless guilt and pain

“Leo,” Agnes said, "I understand. I'll handle our relationship with care. I... won't hurt him anymore."

“Agnes,” Leo replied, "I just want you and the boss to be happy. To be honest, every time you two had a falling out, it broke my heart"

Agnes said>’Leo, I can negotiatewith Ryder if you want to stay at TheTim Group. No matter who's inc”charge, you'll always be the chiefsecretary, Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org -

But Leo s retched out, yawning, "Noneed, Agnes.l've hit the age ofmaturity, and following the boss NNaround has kept me too busy. I'vesmade esough money. It's time Xoenjoyed some romance, maybé evengetmarried. I need to take iteasy.Gtherwise, I might not have thechance later on." Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Leo looked utterly relaxed.

Agnes smiled, "It's time you found a wife. Just make sure to send me an invite to the wedding."“You can count on it.”

After a bit more casual conversation, Leo took his leave.

Agnes glanced at the time. it was approaching eleven o'clock.

She left the small conference room and approached the CEO's office, pausing to knock.

This room used to belong to Jared.novelbin

Agnes had always just walked right in.

So, standing at the door, knocking, felt strangely complicated for Agnes.

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