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Chapter 2824

Chapter 2824 Everyone grew a little sluggish at the sight. They were in utter disbelief. The biggest thorn in the entire company, Dante, was taken down by Harvey so easily! At first, everyone wanted to see how Queenie and Harvey would show their strength… None of themexpected Dante to give in so quickly. The change was extremely quick, so much that it was shocking.Some who initially wanted to make a joke out of Queenie were in a confused daze. “It’s good that youacknowledge your faults,” Harvey said calmly. “I’ll give you three days.” “If you can get the contract with Ishikawa Corporation within three days, we’ll reimburse you however youplease.”

“You’ll have whatever amount of yearly salary you want.” “But if you can’t do that, I want you out of thecompany. Is that fine with you?” “Of course… If the other higher ups have confidence in this deal, youmay go for it as well.” e “Whichever one of you gets the contract will receive the same treatment Manager Castro gets.” “I’m a man of my word.” ‘What?! The crowd went wild at Harvey’s declaration. Nobody knew about Dante’s salary before, so there weren’t a lot of people jealous of him. But now that they knew his salary was way more than even some of the higher ups, why wouldn’t theybe envious? Everyone had forgotten their initial goals. They rubbed their palms together, ready to fight for theIshikawa Corporation’s contract. The show of strength to hamper Queenie was instantly squashed. Dante’s face bore a wretchedexpression. He gritted his teeth, wanting to rip Harvey to pieces badly. ‘This b*stard keeps hitting mynovelbin

weak spots! I’ve had enough!’ Dante furiously slammed his table and screamed, “Enough with thisbullsh*t, you b*stard!” “You want the contract within three days?!” “Let me tell you right now! Not a single person here can do such a thing!” “If you think this is that easy,then I’ll use all my assets and this position to make a bet with you!» “If you can get the contract with Ishikawa Corporation within three days…” “I’ll give all of my money to you and grovel as an apology!” “But if you can’t, you and this puppet of anexecutive CEO will get the f*ck out of the company!” “Do you dare?!” Dante was getting quite desperateat that moment. He pointed at Harvey’s nose, a resentful look on his face. His mission was to show offhis strength to Queenie, not to be made an example. If he couldn’t do such a thing, then he couldimagine the terrible fate he would end up in. The head of the house did not raise him to do nothing theentire time. Dante had no other choice. He could only fight back and pray that everything would go hisway. “I don’t have that much time to play with you.” “One day is enough.” “I’m not interested in yourmoney, but I’ll have your hands too.” “If I can’t get the contract by tomorrow at the same time, I’ll leavethis company with CEO York immediately!” “But if I do, not only will I have all your money, but I also wantone of your hands crippled!” “Are you down to play?”

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