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Chapter 333

“Why do I have to be successful at appraising treasures?”

Harvey York shrugged.

“Me, afraid of wronging him? Is he even worthy to be afraid of?” Harvey said naturally. Appraisingtreasures to him was really nothing more than a hobby. He did not depend on this to make a living,why would he be afraid of offending the said industry’s authorities?

Shane Naiswell’s looks congealed. He tried doing a background check on Harvey after he hadrejected Shane’s offer before, but had found nothing special about him.

There could only be two possibilities.

One, Harvey York was indeed just an ordinary person.

Two, Harvey York’s history was so extraordinary that even the Naiswell family did not have thepermission to look into his past. That was why he had found nothing.

Shane did not think that a person like Harvey was just an ordinary person, so it could only be theother explanation.

“A York, the York family in South Light? The question is, nobody has heard of such a figure like thisin the York family.”

Shane could not wrap his head around this mystery.

But this was all normal, Harvey was already exiled three years prior by the York family and erasedall traces relating to Harvey in the family. As an outsider like Shane, it was only natural that he hadnot heard of Harvey before.

Without a second thought, Shane smiled.

“Honestly, the antiques that I’ll let people have a taste of are not ordinary objects. You’d better becareful. If you lose in front of everyone, knowing the old man, he would likely throw you under thebus with all his might.”

Harvey rolled his eyes.

‘How can you blame me for this?’Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

‘If it wasn’t for your sweet little granddaughter, how could the teacher and the student even havehated me with fervor right now?’

“Right, Harvey. Do you need my help to persuade Charles? Tell him to stop going against you, thenyou’ll be able to save yourself from embarrassment.” Shane told Harvey with good intentions.

“I’ll pass.”

Harvey shook his head.

“Do you know how confident I am in beating those two?”

“How confident?”

Shane was curious. This young man in front of him had never shown what he’s capable of, but hiskeen eyes for appraising treasures were spot on. At that moment, Shane was also curious on howcertain they could beat Harvey.

“One hundred percent.” Harvey nonchalantly said like it was no big deal.

But after hearing this, Shane was frozen in place.

He regained consciousness after looking at Harvey’s silhouette while he was about to move out ofthe room and then chased after him.

Rosalie on the other hand was in a daze just by looking at Harvey, then came back to her sensesafter calling to herself and walked out the room.

She did not want to admit that Harvey at that moment had enchanted her to the point where shewas helplessly dazzled.

She was the young lady of the Naiswells. Even if she admired a man, how could she get to the pointwhere she was obsessed? Her pride would not allow it, not to mention that the man was married.


At the same time, in the ballroom.

At that moment, it was almost an hour later than the time written in the invitation for the antique fair.

But Shane had not shown up yet, the people that had attended were confused and perplexed.

Of course, quite a few people had grown resentments deep within their hearts. But at that momentthey would not even dare let it out.

Because the Naiswells were hosting the antique fair, the first ever in Niumhi. The standards werehigh and rules were strict.

At this occasion, nobody would even dare to say a word if Shane were to be a few hours late andeveryone would all wait there obediently.

“Why is Master Naiswell not present yet? How could he not be here on time especially during thisoccasion? He’s not even here now, did something happen to him?”

Sean Zimmer was constantly looking around feeling curious. It was rare for the Zimmer family toeven be able to attend an event as big as this. They were more afraid of accidents that mighthappen than the Naiswells.

“I cannot care less whether Master Naiswell attends, but that worthless sack of trash actually didn’tattend. Sigh, I wouldn’t know what that worthless trash is thinking right now. Sigh, I don’t really feellike eating right now. I want to go home and make him kneel in front of me. How great does thatsound?!”

Zack Zimmer was making a face full of glee.

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