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Chapter 278

Shirley Ryan became panic-stricken and uttered, “Senior, you’ve misunderstood me, I wasn’t closewith you that’s why I didn’t spoke nicely, but after getting to know you more and more these days Iknow that you’re actually a great man and I’m trying to accept you for who you are.”

“See, I even accompanied you for dinner, we have better days waiting ahead of us, let me go thistime would you? We can have supper together.”

Shirley tried to look as pitiful as she could be, she’s not the girl who just graduated from collegeanymore, after years of immersing herself into the realities of the working industry she knew verywell that if she didn’t act obedient, he might get impulsive and do something way worse than justtouching her.

Jerry Zabel moved closer and sniggered. “Trying to accept me? You’re such a sweet talker, Shirley!If it isn’t for me achieving what I have now will you even look at me in the eyes? You women onlylove money!”

Shirley trembled lightly. “Senior, this is really a misunderstanding, I do admire your determinationand persistence!”

Jerry cackled devilishly. “So I’m such a good man in your eyes huh, I don’t even know that myself. Ifthat’s the case, then I shall lower my status and take you in. And I assure you tomorrow I’ll have youget engaged to me and even add your name to that house of mine.”

“I suppose you know that there are a lot of women chasing me out there too, but none of them lookas gorgeous as you, my junior…”

As he spoke he reached his hand out to caress Shirley’s smooth cheeks and embraced her into hisarms.

“Senior, don’t!” Shirley yelped and tried to struggle but to no avail as she was tied up wholly to theseat.

Jerry finally revealed his true colors as he cackled and tore open her top with the sound of clothesripping, ignoring her cries.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org



Right at that moment, a loud noise was made as a shared electric bike crashed into the front of thebusiness car, Harvey York landed coldly from the bike.

Jerry who was in the middle of having fun got annoyed immediately and howled, “Who the f*ck isruining my fun, I’m so going to kill you!”

In his eyes, Harvey was just a live-in son-in-law who recently popped Jerry’s ego with his Zimmers’member card, and now he’s riding a pitiful little shared electric bike over right at this moment to spoilhis pleasure time.

Jerry wished so badly that he could crash him to death with that car of his right away.

“You’re having a good time aren’t you, Senior Zabel?” Seeing nothing serious happened to Shirley,Harvey’s worry disappeared instantly.

“You’re the one who asked me to come in half an hour didn’t you? Oh I’m even here by one minuteearlier, you’ll be done with your thing if I’m late by one minute I assume?” Harvey glanced at hisphone on purpose and taunted.

That moment, Shirley curled herself up into a ball as she moved further back into the seat to hideher skin, while feeling astounded.

Why was Harvey here?

But anyhow, his presence had definitely saved her from being further molested.

With that thought in mind, she threw a look of gratification at Harvey.

“What the hell are you implying?” Jerry snorted coldly. “Harvey, as someone who has been a live-inson-in-law for three years and hasn’t even touched his wife before, you dare to talk to me this way?I’m telling you, you’ll be as good as dead if you triggered me!”

Harvey shrugged and chuckled. “Senior Zabel, I don’t understand what you’re talking about, you’rethe one who called me over here so why are you mad right now? Tell me what do you actually wantthen!”

“What do I want?” Jerry glared at Harvey and pulled out a baseball bat from the trunk. He saidcoldly, “Now I’m showing you what I really want!”

As his voice died down, Jerry swung the bat right toward Harvey’s head.

Not only would he have Shirley Ryan to himself tonight, he’s going to break this annoying live-inson-in-law to pieces, or else he wouldn’t be satisfied at all.

Harvey squinted and dodged his body to the left when the bat was near, then he thrusted his lefthand and grabbed Jerry by the collar and threw him over the shoulder hard onto the ground.


Jerry never would have guessed how strong Harvey was and he couldn’t even lift himself up fromthe ground.

Kicking away the bat on the ground, Harvey stepped on Jerry’s chest and smirked. “Just like that?”

“You’re so dead! Do you know who I am? How dare you hit me, I won’t let you off easily!” Jerrywho’s twitching below in pain started to yelp non-stop.

Even Shirley who was still in the car felt astonished and commented, “Harvey, don’t get impetuous.”

Harvey tilted his head and glanced at her. “What? Are you trying to help him? If I’m not here tonightwhat do you think he’ll do to you?”

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