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Chapter 235

Suddenly Quinn barged into Zack’s office, her face the epitome of anxiety. Her makeup was ruined.

“Zack, we’re in big trouble! Did you hear?”

“What the hell is with you?” Zack asked nonchalantly. “Why are you in such a hurry?”

“I passed by the legal department just now. I heard that York Enterprise just retracted the legalletter!” Quinn was dumbfounded. ‘It’s only been one night! How could something this big happen soquickly?’

At this, Zack frowned. “Did you hear wrong? York Enterprise is a huge company. How is it possiblefor them to change their decision in such a short time? They retracted the legal letter they issuedonly the day before yesterday? Is this a joke?”

“It’s true! The entire company is discussing it right now. I also heard that the lawyer was quite politeand cordial this time. He’s completely different from how arrogant he was when he came before.”Quinn looked frightened.

“What?” Zack grew agitated and fell off his chair. He got back up awkwardly, gritting his teeth. “Howis that possible? Last night, I made use of all of my connections to inquire about this whole incidentfrom York Enterprise higher-ups. I heard they were all livid. How could they retract the legal letter bytoday? It’s not logical!”

“I don’t want to believe it either, but it’s impossible for the legal department to make a mistake aboutsomething like this.”

Yesterday, Quinn firmly believed that it was impossible for Mandy to solve the problem. Now, thelegal letter had been retracted. How could this news be fake?

Zack’s facial expression became extremely ugly. He initially thought he would be able to get rid ofMandy this time around. Unfortunately, the unexpected happened.

If Mandy was given the power to manage the company finances, it would certainly be a nightmarefor the Zimmers, him included.

“Come, let’s go. We’ll go to the legal department and see if this news is real or fake!” Just as he saidthat, his phone rang.

The minute he hung up, his expression darkened.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Quinn became worried. She hurriedly asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Grandpa said that everyone needs to go to the conference room for a meeting now.” Zack couldnot come to terms with this turn of events. If Senior Zimmer stepped forward now, it meant that thenews was indeed true.

In the conference room of the Zimmer Enterprise.

At that moment, Senior Zimmer walked over with a smile. Mandy was right there by his side.

That was the kind of honor most Zimmers could not have. In that instance, it seemed like Mandywas the hope and heir of the Zimmers to Senior Zimmer.

After all, Mandy managed to resolve the problem of the legal letter. In fact, she had done so in theshortest amount of time. Senior Zimmer was quite satisfied.

After this incident, no doubt the Zimmers would enjoy a powerful and prestigious position in Niumhi.Sooner or later, they would climb the ranks and emerge as a top class family.

Barring Senior Zimmer, the rest of them wore ugly expressions.

The Zimmers did indeed escape the crisis and avoided going bankrupt. However, this meant Mandywould be given full responsibility to manage the Zimmers’ finances. Not only that, she was also incharge of the shopping centre project. How would it be possible for them to benefit from this?

Senior Zimmer always turned a blind eye to their unscrupulous actions. But would Mandy do thesame?

Mandy was usually a rather naive person. How could she accept the fact that others wanted toembezzle the company funds? Conspiring with her didn’t seem possible as well.

By now, both Zack and Quinn had reached the conference room. Their facial expressions wereextremely unpleasant.

When they saw Senior Zimmer looking at Mandy in a gratified manner, they shook in anger.

It was even more so for Zack. He was the only one who enjoyed such an honor before. Did thismean that Mandy was going to take over his post now?

“This time around, Mandy helped us Zimmers and the company to solve this crisis. York Enterprisehas let bygones be bygones, and they’ll continue to invest in us. This is a great contribution.” SeniorZimmer smiled, pleased. “Hence from today onwards, Mandy is the finance manager of ZimmerEnterprise. This is what I have promised. On top of that, I also have a big announcement to make!”

Hearing that, Zack’s heart skipped a beat. ‘Could it be that Senior Zimmer wants to give someshares to Mandy? Or does he want to give her the post of chairman?

‘If that happens, then what should we do in the future?’

Zack wasn’t the only one. The other Zimmers were just as unwilling for it to happen.

Sean was the first to stand, rising from his seat with a loud bang. He exclaimed loudly, “Dad, youneed to consider this carefully. This is an important matter for us Zimmers and the company. Youmustn’t take it lightly!”

“That’s right! Grandpa, you must think carefully. We can’t give Zimmer Enterprise to outsiders whodon’t share our surname!” Zack spoke, his words carrying an underlying meaning.

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