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Chapter 5825 Bam! A loud sound was heard when the figure landed on the ground. The floor cracked instantly, and rubble flew out in every direction.

Lennon and the others were sure that someone who did that would be badly injured, but that wasn't the case at all.

After standing still, the person raised his hand at Lennon.

"I'm telling you this one time: hand over the beads, or die," he said hoarsely. His horrible voice sounded as if he had a knife stuck in his throat, and it was grating to the ears.

Everyone finally looked at his face. It was a middle-aged man whose age was unclear. Scars crisscrossed his entire face, and he looked very ugly indeed. Because of his messy hair, his eyes and mouth were the only visible features.

Studying him from a corner, Harvey could tell that the man seemed familiar-but he just didn't recall where. Lennon was struck by a sudden thought.

"A genetically enhanced Islander warrior?!" he exclaimed. "That's not a human at all! Kill him! Quickly!" The guards quickly shifted directions, and puller the trigger at the warrior without pause. Bullets covered the general direction.

The warrior's body twisted in an extremely odd way, dodging every single bullet in just the nick of time. He then took a step forward before pouncing at them. The guards bravely charged forward, but were sent flying without much effort.

"Genetically enhanced warriors?" Julie cto her senses, and her eyes turned cold. "How dare an experimental guinea pig like you step inside our sacred place?! You deserve death!" "No wonder you have the guts to ignore my name! You're just a weapon who only know how to kill!" Rhodes snarled coldly. "Take another step forward, and I'll send you flying with a single slap!" The warrior locked eyes with Lennon, and slowly stepped forward; he didn't seem to hear what anyone said to him.

He was slow, but he dodged every single bullet and attack while sending all the guards who chis way flying- expert martial artists of all sorts of tribes and families included.

In front of the warrior, they were completely inferior.

Ernie had already got his most experienced subordinates to deal with the ninjas. His face darkened instantly, and he pointed at the warrior.

The strong subordinates looked at each other. Sswallowed spills, spulled out their syringes to inject themselves with unknown liquids, while others even started chanting their secret techniques.

These subordinates instantly raised their strength exponentially; every single one of them pounced forward, exuding fearsauras.novelbin

Bam! The warrior didn't even bat them an eye, and swung the back of his palm forward. The subordinates were instantly sent flying before they could get close.

After seeing this familiar move, Harvey's pupils shrunk.

He didn't think it'd be possible, but at the stime, it seemed completely reasonable...

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