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Chapter 4836

Chapter 4836


The driver's body was twitching when the car lost control and rammed into a boulder on the side of theroad, making a huge explosion.

The monks inside did not even have time to react. They could only wail in pain when they wereengulfed by the flame.

The cars behind instinctively stepped on the brake. Boston Garcia and the others were twitching theireyes when they saw the sight.

Nobody thought Harvey would be this aggressive while being chased down.

It was unbelievable for him to deal with that many experts so casually.

Then, Harvey kicked his car door open before walking down.

"You're pretty cocky, kid!

A short and chubby monk jumped out of the passenger's seat with a pompous look.

"How dare you defy our people?! I'll fucking..."


Harvey stomped on the ground without even saying a word.

Glass shards flew straight ahead. The monk's expression instantly changed as he stumbled backward.

That said, he was just too slow. Blood spurted out of his neck in an instant.

He was one of the Rakshasa Monks and also Boston's disciple. His fighting skills were impressive, andhe was considered an expert.

He thought he could make a name for himself in the city but could not even defend himself againstHarvey.

He resentfully covered his throat while he fell to the ground, paralyzed, slowly waiting for his life toperish.

"How dare you block my way when this is the extent of your abilities?

"Just kill yourselves already."

Harvey seemed indifferent as he wiped his hand with some tissue.

A slender monk walked out with his eyes lit up and his head raised high.

From a certain standpoint, it was already enough to prove his strength when he stood out after Harveykilled off a Rakshasa Monk that easily.

"How dare you kill my junior like that, kid?! I must admit, you're pretty bold!" he exclaimed whilesquinting at Harvey.

"But I'll tell you something! I'm different compared to him!

"If I want to, I..."


Even before the monk was done speaking, a shard also flew right into his throat.

He could not fend himself off, nor did he have the chance to struggle.

He was filled with disbelief when he saw the red blood spurting out of his throat.

"The Rakshasa Monks?

"You people are nothing compared to Frankie Garcia and the others...

"Zoe Garcia's way above your league too..."

The monk realized something after hearing those names.

He could not believe it when he finally figured out Harvey's identity.

But in the next moment, he fell to the ground, paralyzed with boundless hatred and shock showing inhis eyes.

He was angered that Harvey dared to kill him!

And yet he was shocked that Harvey's strength was way beyond his imagination!

The Rakshasa Monks came all the way here to make a name and remove the shame from theircountry.

But he did not expect to bump into the person who caused the problem in the first place!

He was filled with nothing but utter resentment!

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