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Chapter 2377

Chapter 2377

A vengeful expression appeared on Harrison’s face. His old friend sitting acrossfrom him, Dennis, lit up a cigar and said, “Harrison. I think you’re being a little toocareful.”

“Harvey’s alone. He’s an outsider.”


“So what if he’s influential in Country H? So what if he has an extraordinarybackground?”

“If we will it, we can surely trample on him!”

“We didn’t go against him seriously before because we didn’t want to.”

“But now…

Dennis threw a document on the table, grinning.

“When you were called in for questioning, I hired a group of retired Americansoldiers staying in the Golden Triangle to deal with that bastard.”

“We should get some good news after a short while.”


Harrison’s calm expression changed at that moment. He was shocked and livid.

“You sent people to kill Harvey?!!

“I did. Fifty retired American soldiers. I even got my connections to transport explosives and firearms tothis place.”

“Don’t you worry. We won’t leave any traces behind.”

“We’ll get him this time for sure!”

“You bastard! It’s already bad enough that you sent people after him, but you even roped Americansoldiers into this?!”

Harrison was boiling with anger.

“Are you trying to kill me?!”

“If he lives or dies, I’ll be the one to blame for the consequences!”

“Calm down, Harrison. It’s not that I want to criticize you, but you shouldn’t learn such hawkish andimpatient behavior after going abroad for a few years. I told you many times already, didn’t I? To achievebig things, one must remain patient.”

Dennis took a drag of his cigar, his eyes cold.

“Not only did Harvey slap me in the face, but he also got St. Hope detained and your moneyconfiscated!”

“If we don’t kill someone like this, are we supposed to just let him run free?!”

“Don’t worry. Las Vegas and Hong Kong are LV. Briewood Gang’s turfs. No matter what happens, I canfix it.”

“I’ll make sure you don’t get blamed for the situation.”

“You don’t understand sh*t!”

Harrison stood up furiously and grabbed Dennis by the collar, fury coloring his face.

“Are you f*cking mad, Dennis?!”

“Didn’t you see what happened to that idiot Christian?!”

“Now you’re taking action without even asking for my permission?!”

“You actually did something like this in an airport?!”

“You’ll get other powerful influences involved!”

“We can’t suppress such a big incident, even if we tried!”

“Even Country H will notice this!”

“As the prime suspect, you’re literally pushing me down the water!”

Harrison kicked the documents, sending them scattered across the floor. Hisexpressions flipped between anger and anxiety. Finally, he stormed out of theroom. Before he left, he spoke one final time to Dennis.

“Dennis, I don’t care how far you’ve gotten. Call your men and get them back hereright now!”

“I’m heading back to America, to Night City.”

Harrison’s face was awful. For some reason, he had a bad feeling about the wholesituation.

He sensed that would turn into someone’s scapegoat. If he didn’t leave, he mightnot have another chance at surviving.

Dennis narrowed his eyes at Harrison while leaning casually beside the window.

“Hello? Dragon Palace?” he asked after dialing his phone. novelbin

Right as Harrison was heading downstairs and about to enter his Rolls Royce, afew people had him completely surrounded.

He saw these people’s extraordinary uniforms and the credentials shown on them,and his heart sank.

He raised his head to look at Dennis, his face a wretched look

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