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Chapter 2320

Chapter 2320

The square–faced man tapped Lilian‘s face lightly, grinning.

“Interesting. We thought you were just some brain–dead woman, but it looks like you do have someinsight after all. At least, I‘m a little moved by your words.”

“It‘s a shame that neither you nor I get to decide whether you live or die..

Lilian‘s body trembled in fright.

“Please, sir! Be the bigger person and let me go!”

“H–how about this? I have another few hundred million dollars worth of private money. I‘ll split half of itwith you!”

The man with a square face didn‘t respond. He stood up and chuckled coldly, and then dialed a

number on his phone.

“We found Lilian, Master York. She‘s still alive.”

“Looks like the Briewood Gang kept her alive for


“What should we do next? According to my intel, that man‘s already interrogated Sister Thirteenovernight. He‘ll be here soon.”

“Why don‘t we set things up here and give him a big surprise?”

“Kill her.”

A frosty tone sounded from the other side of the phone.


“Kill her? But Master York, she still has value...” novelbin

The square–faced man trembled. Naturally, Lilian had already talked him over and he was tempted byher offers.

“I said kill her. Her existence has no meaning anymore.”

“As you wish.”

The square–faced man inhaled deeply, not daring to refute his superior‘s orders.

He hung up and squinted at Lilian before letting out a sigh of regret.

“Send her off.”

One of the men in suits approached Lilian, a dagger in his hand.

Lilian, who had been listening to the conversation, screamed at the top of her lungs.

“No, don‘t kill me! Don‘t kill me!!! I have lots of money! I can give you everything I have if you just let melive!”

The square–faced man stood still,



At this moment, wails of pain could be heard. Something had happened to the people who were standingguard outside the warehouse.

The square–faced man instinctively turned around for a look.

The door of the entrance slowly opened, revealing Harvey‘s silhouette. He walked in without a care in theworld.

Harvey seemed calm, as if he was taking a stroll in a garden rather than entering the enemy‘sstronghold. A strong sense of confidence and unspeakable pressure exuded from him.

Several men who were hiding in the shadows rushed out with their weapons brandished, but were allsent flying in an instant by Harvey‘s


The square–faced man gritted his teeth in frustration when he saw that his men were unable to hold outagainst Harvey.

“Go together, all of you! Kill Harvey York!”

“Well, now. You know me?” Harvey asked,


“You‘re not from the Briewood Gang, are you? Why don‘t I have a guess as to who you work for?”

“Let‘s see. Are you Quinton‘s men?”

The square–faced man‘s eyes twitched frantically when he heard Harvey uttering his superior‘s name socasually.

“Kill him!” he screamed, furious.

One man hiding in the shadows raised his firearm, so quietly that he was soundless. Before the manmanaged to pull the trigger, Harvey

swiped his feet across the ground before and

kicked a rock at the man.

The rock landed on the man‘s head, leaving a large dent on it. He fell to the ground, paralyzed, disbeliefwritten all over his face.

“Go! Get him!”

Several more men with knives exchanged dubious glances before charging forward without a care in theworld.

Harvey grabbed one of their blades with ease and used it to slash them all away.

Slash, slash, slash!

All of them fell to the ground in an instant, out


Harvey was still showing no emotion, his face blank and eerily calm. Not a single drop of blood was onhis shirt despite having defeated so many

of his foes. He had complete control of the entire


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