Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 916 Can’T Do Anything With You
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Chapter 916 Can'T Do Anything With You

Chapter 916 Can't Do Anything with You

In just two weeks, Anna and Jimmy traveled to all the cities she had written in her diary as a childand longed to visit. Each city left them with warm and happy memories.

As Jimmy made a phone call nearby, Anna's face lit up with happiness. She had just bought somebird food and was now at the square, carefully throwing it among the pigeons. Watching them flaptheir wings and enjoy themselves brought her great satisfaction.

She took a picture of the scene without disturbing the birds and sent it to her son. Soon enough,she heard his clear voice on the other end of the line. "Olivia, I miss you so much! Are you comingback tomorrow with Dad?"

Anna felt heartbroken hearing her son's yearning tone but reassured him that they would be backsoon enough to pick him up.

After chatting for a while longer, Anna hung up but realized that Jimmy was nowhere in sight. Shepanicked slightly in this unfamiliar environment and quickly called his phone.

Luckily, he answered right away, "Anna, where are you?"

Relieved by hearing his voice, she replied softly, "I'm at Pigeon Plaza; where are you?"

"Stay there; don't move," he instructed anxiously before running towards her as fast as possible.

When he finally arrived by her side, Jimmy hugged Anna tightly without saying anything at first. Hehad been worried sick about losing sight of her earlier on.

"I... I didn't realize I walked out of your view like that," apologized Anna after looking aroundsheepishly and realizing how far away from him.

Jimmy didn't say anything but held onto Anna even tighter than before.

Feeling his trembling hands, Anna realized that her absence really scared him. "I am here, it's okay,I promise that what happened before will not happen again," Anna said softly in Jimmy's ear

After a while, Jimmy finally calmed down. He took Anna's little hand and held it tightly with his own.

"We are never apart."

The next day, Anna and Jimmy took a flight back to their home country. After getting off the plane,they didn't have time to rest and headed straight to Bryce's apartment.

"You finally came back."

Upon seeing the two individuals, Bryce breathed a sigh of relief.

"You look quite good. Seems my son have done a good job."

Jimmy, in a great mood, joked with a smile.

"I look quite good?" Bryce sighed helplessly. "If you don't come take your child soon, I'll break down.Do you know how many beautiful women's invitations I have to reject every day? This is practicallykilling me. Take the child away quickly. I need to get ready and start my nightlife." Bryce exclaimedin an exaggerated tone.

Jimmy held his son in his arms.

"It's better to settle down early and marry a woman who loves you. Don't harm those innocentyoung girls anymore."

Jimmy, with the attitude of an experienced person, "educated" his good buddy, but was directlypushed out by Bryce.

"There is an aunt who has been calling Uncle Stone, but... but Uncle Stone hung up angrily. I feellike there's something going on between them."

Jay, who got on the car, said with a mysterious face.

Will Bryce, this playboy, reject women's phone calls?

In Jimmy's deep pupils, there was a hint of amusement in his smile.

Anna had not seen her son for half a month and was filled with longing. She tightly embraced herson in her arms.

"Mom, I want a little sister. I want to be a big brother." Jay suddenly said something shocking.

Anna was shocked and completely unprepared for her son's sudden request. She didn't know howto respond and felt at a loss.

"Don't worry, I will try my best." Jimmy smirked suggestively.

Anna's small face instantly turned crimson, and her fist landed on Jimmy's chest.

"Don't talk nonsense in front of your son."

Jimmy reached out and grabbed Anna's small hand, gently kissing it.

"I will fulfill my son's wish."

Jimmy did what he said he would do and personally selected a nutritionist to come to the villa thenext day, claiming it was to take care of Anna.novelbin

Especially when the nutritionist brought over a pot of chicken soup, she felt an urge to run awayimmediately.

"Mrs. Harrison, it's time to have soup. I've added a lot of ingredients that can nourish your body,"said nutritionist Miss Mason with a smile as she approached her.

Although chicken soup is colorful, fragrant, delicious and nutritious, after drinking it continuously fora few days, Anna clearly felt that she had gained extra fat around her waist.

"I don't want to drink."

Without any hesitation, Anna firmly refused. If she continued to drink, she would definitely turn into alittle piggy.

Anna can't imagine herself being as round as a ball.

"Mrs. Harrison, you must drink this as it will regulate your body and help it reach its optimal state.This way, when you have a baby, it won't be too difficult for you."

Miss Mason tried to persuade her with earnest words, but Anna, who had always been gentle andeasy-going, was surprisingly firm in her stance this time.

"Take it away, I don't want to drink it. I can't swallow it."

Anna pushed the bowl away directly, her eyebrows furrowed tightly together.


No matter how much Miss Mason persuaded her, Anna refused to compromise until Jimmy camehome.

Upon seeing Jimmy return, Miss Mason breathed a sigh of relief and quickly handed him thechicken soup.

"Mrs. Harrison has been refusing to drink, please take care of it and I will go prepare dinner."

Jimmy nodded and sat across from Anna with a loving expression on his face.

"I won't drink, absolutely not."

Anna's firm voice was full of determination, showcasing her resolve.

Jimmy smiled and shook his head, "Honey, this is for your health. Don't you want to fulfill Jay's littlewish? He keeps asking to be a big brother every day. As parents, we should try meeting his wish,right?"

Sounds good.

Anna pursed her red lips.

"I don't want to drink anymore. If I keep drinking, I will become so fat. Besides, I have made up mymind to go out and find a job. I can't stay at home all the time."

Anna told Jimmy about her decision.

Jimmy frowned, "Are you going out to look for a job?"

In Anna's beautiful clear eyes, there was a shimmering light that was both bright and alluring.

Seeing her determined attitude, Jimmy no longer tried to stop her.

"Okay, you can go out and look for work, but... drink this soup first and be obedient." Jimmy gentlybrought the chicken soup to Anna's lips.


As soon as she smelled it, Anna felt her stomach churn uncontrollably with nausea.

She rushed towards the bathroom.

Jimmy was frightened and quickly followed her into the bathroom. Seeing Anna hunched over thetoilet bowl retching continuously made his heart ache with worry.

After a while had passed, Anna finally started feeling better. With Jimmy's help, she walked out ofthe bathroom and leaned lightly on the sofa after drinking half a cup of warm water.

"I'll take you to see a doctor," said Jimmy with an expression of deep concern in his eyes.

"No," replied Anna directly as she grabbed hold of Jimmy's large hand. "It might just be because I'vebeen drinking too much oily soup lately that my stomach is upset. As you know during those yearswhen I lost my memory, I ate very plain food, so maybe my digestive system is not used to it yet."

"Don't worry about me; everything will be fine in just few days' time," continued Anna reassuringlywhile smiling at Jimmy coquettishly with her beautiful clear eyes sparkling like gems full oftemptation.

Jimmy sighed deeply, saying, "I really don't know what to do with you."

He looked at Anna lovingly but still considerately instructed the servant to take away the chickensoup.

Because of Anna's physical condition, during dinner time that night, the nutritionist speciallyprepared some light dishes according to Jimmy's instructions, which allowed Anna to eat some.

The next day marked the beginning of Anna's job search journey. Originally, Jimmy wantedarranged for Anna work at J. S Entertainment so he could easily take care of her but he was directlyrejected by Anna instead..

Due to their usual low-key approach and the fact that they got married without making any officialannouncement, Anna was able to smoothly interview with several companies.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, she received a call from the human resources department of adesign company, informing her that she could start working the next day. Anna was overjoyed bythe news.

When Jimmy came back in the evening, she told him the good news. However, she didn't expectthat Jimmy not only wasn't happy but also had a disapproving expression on his handsome face.

"This company is so close to home, yet you still have to take the bus every day. It must be verytiring for you. What's more, this company is small and there aren't many employees, so there will bea lot of trivial things that you'll have to handle on your own. I feel sorry for you."

Jimmy pulled Anna to sit beside him and spoke up.

Having finally found a job, Anna doesn't want to give up easily.

"I can do it. Although the company is small, I have researched and found that it has great potential."

Anna's persistence caused Jimmy's eyebrows to furrow tightly.

"Switching to a more relaxing company would be better for you, otherwise I can arrange for you togo to the Harrison Group, so that you can be under my watch 24 hours a day and I can see youanytime."

Jimmy patiently advised.

Anna immediately refused.

"I don't want to, I have made up my mind, I must go to this company, so... your objections areinvalid. It's getting late and I still have to go to the new company tomorrow. I'm going to bed now."

Anna pushed Jimmy away in anger and walked towards the room.

Watching her back disappear, Jimmy felt helpless and immediately dialed Randall's phone number.

"Please look up Ravenpoint for me, the more detailed the better."

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