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Chapter 902 Jimmy'S Son

Chapter 902 Jimmy's Son

Jimmy's deep and hoarse voice was filled with suppressed emotions, his ink-black eyes as deep asthe ocean, reflecting the pain and excitement that only he could understand.

"Why can't I leave?" Olivia's almond-shaped eyes widened in anger and humiliation from Jimmy'sforceful kiss. She wanted nothing more than to tear him apart.

She could feel the stares of other guests around them, but no one dared to intervene.

"Sir, please let go. If you don't let go soon, I will scream for help," Olivia gritted her teeth.

"Uncle Handsome, what's wrong with you? Olivia said she doesn't know you. Is this harassment?"Jay asked innocently from within Olivia's embrace.

Jay's innocent question momentarily restored some sanity in Jimmy. Looking at Jay's puzzled littleface made him realize something important.novelbin

Could it be possible that he had mistaken her identity?

Mia was certain that she had pushed Anna into the sea - even watched her being swept away bywaves. In such a situation where Anna was pregnant at the time of her disappearance madesurvival almost impossible for her.

Did he really make a mistake?

Feeling Jimmy's pain through his eyes caused an inexplicable sense of heartache in Olivia; eventhe anger inside of her began to dissipate under his gaze.

Maybe he really loved this girl named Anna?

Olivia felt envious towards this girl who seemed to have captured Jimmy's heart so completely.

When would she find a man who would love both herself and Jay unconditionally like that?

Olivia steadied herself mentally before speaking patiently, "Sir, you have mistaken me for someoneelse; my son and I have things we need to attend to."

Jimmy continued staring at her intensely without letting go of his grip on Olivia's arm despite whatshe said.

Even if he had made a mistake about identifying someone else as Anna, so what? Her appearancemust be God arranging their meeting together for some reason or another.

"I... won't let you out of my sight," Jimmy declared firmly and domineeringly when it seemed likeOlivia finally convinced him.

"Are you crazy? Let me go!"

The gradually fading anger was reignited upon hearing these words, and even while holding herson, Olivia still fiercely tried to break free from Jimmy's restraint.

"Help me..."

Unable to shake off Jimmy, Olivia chose to call out loudly for help, but... to her disappointment, noneof the onlookers around dared to easily come forward and assist.

"Jimmy, calm down a bit. This is a public place."

Standing beside all along, Bryce was also shocked by Olivia's appearance. However, when he sawsomeone secretly taking out their phone to take a picture, he quickly stepped forward andwhispered a reminder.

Jimmy's eyes, with a hint of sharpness and a touch of blood-red, swept across everyone present.His eyes gleamed with a bloodthirsty light, causing some people preparing to take photos to quicklyavert their gaze, afraid to meet his eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Jimmy parted his sexy lips and said, "Let's talk in my room."

"No." Although Olivia usually has a gentle temperament and rarely gets angry easily, Jimmy'sbehavior today completely infuriated her. Without any hesitation, Olivia refused Jimmy outright andher rejection was very thorough.

The gazes of the two met in the air.

Bryce sighed and his gaze fell on Olivia.

"Miss, you really look a lot like the girl he loves. Why don't you talk to him? I guarantee that you andyour child will not be harmed, even if it turns out that you are not the person he is looking for. Hewould never hurt a girl who resembles his beloved." Bryce persuaded.

"Olivia, go talk to him. The handsome uncle seems really distressed," Jay whispered softly inOlivia's ear.

Olivia furrowed her brows as she hesitated. Suddenly, Jimmy snatched Jay from her arms andhanded him directly to Bryce.

"Please do not disturb us."

Taking care of the child, Bryce had a look of terror on his face. He has never had much patience forchildren.

"Bastard, help! Let go of me."

With her son snatched away and herself held in Jimmy's eyes, Olivia swung her fists, pounding hischest fiercely. But Jimmy remained calm and stepped directly into the elevator.

"You... jerk, bastard."

Angered, Olivia burst out cursing.

Jimmy let her vent her anger, allowing her to hit and scold him until she grew tired, slumping to theground. Then, he curved his lips.

"Sir, you have really mistaken me for someone else. My name is Olivia and the child who called outwas Jay, my son. We have been living in Trada for five years now and I gave birth to Jay here. Youcan inquire about us at our place of residence as everyone knows us there."

Knowing that she couldn't easily leave, Olivia had to patiently explain.

Squatting before her, Jimmy lifted her delicate chin with his long index finger.

His deep black pupils were reflected in her eyes.

"No, you are her, you are my Anna."

As Jimmy spoke, he helped her up from the ground.

Olivia, who had regained a bit of strength, didn't hesitate and ran straight towards the door.However... she was stopped by him after only a few steps.

Olivia, with no way out, had her back against the wall and looked at Jimmy who trapped her. Shewas on the verge of tears.

If I had known I would encounter this jerk, I should have chosen a different restaurant with my son.

"Sir, please calm down," Olivia spoke cautiously, afraid that impulsive Jimmy might do something toharm herself.

"Don't leave again. I haven't been doing well these past few years. How could you be so heartlessand ignore my existence?" Jimmy's eyes, shining, were locked onto Olivia, afraid that she woulddisappear from his world at any moment.

Olivia had a helpless expression on her face.

"Sir, you have really mistaken me for someone else. I am not the person you are looking for."

She couldn't remember how many times she had explained it to Jimmy, but he seemed to ignoreher every time.

"What do you want exactly? Send my son back to me as soon as possible. If anything happens tohim, I will... I will take your life."

Olivia, who was worried about her son's safety, shouted loudly at Jimmy.

Jimmy took a deep breath.

Why doesn't Anna recognize me? Why does she look at me with such unfamiliar eyes?

When me and Anna were together, considering her career, I did all the birth control measuresexcept for that one sex by the seaside. It was impossible for her to have a chance to get pregnant.

Could ... it really be that I had recognized the wrong person?

She is just a woman who looks like Anna?

Bryce led Jay to the next room and was relieved to find that he was obedient and well-behaved, notcausing any trouble.

"How old are you? What's your name? And your mother, what's her name? Have you always livedhere?" Bryce asked all his doubts in one breath.

Jay rolled his eyes. "Uncle, you have so many questions. Sorry, but I refused to answer any of yourquestions until Olivia comes back to me. You better make sure your friend, that handsome unclewon't hurt Olivia. Otherwise... otherwise I will fight him."

Jay stood with his hands on hips and a clear attitude.

Looking at Jay's handsome face resembling Jimmy's, as well as those commanding eyes similar toJimmy's too, Bryce felt a shock in his heart.

Could it be... the woman just now really Anna?

And is this child Jimmy's son?

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