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Chapter 899 I Don'T Have A Dad

Chapter 899 I Don't Have a Dad

"Uncle, you're so handsome," Jay complimented without thinking.

It was the first time Jimmy had ever been complimented by a child, and he raised an eyebrow insurprise. He usually didn't like interacting with children, but he found himself instinctively reachingout to touch Jay's rosy cheeks.

"In a crowded place like this mall, you can't run around recklessly. Otherwise your mom and dad willworry if you fall," Jimmy said.

His words shocked Bryce who was standing next to him. Had he suddenly changed? Or had thesun risen from the west? It seemed like it had been five years since he last spoke such a longsentence with patience.

Jay nodded obediently. "Thank you for catching me and preventing me from falling onto theground."

Jay's childish voice was sweet as his round eyes sparkled brilliantly.

Jimmy didn't know why he felt such an inexplicable fondness for this little child.

"Where are your parents?" He looked around but didn't see any adults come to the child, squintinghis dark eyes slightly in suspicion.

Jay pointed to Olivia who was distributing flyers not far away. Her clear and pleasant voice rang out."Mommy is working."

Following Jay's finger direction, Jimmy saw Olivia wearing a thick raccoon costume handing outflyers not far away.

"Mommy works very hard; her clothes are so thick that I'm afraid she'll get heatstroke. I boughtmineral water for her. I didn't expect to almost fall down."

"You're such a sensible kid," Jimmy praised. When he was about to live, Olivia ran towards them.

"Olivia , I almost fell down earlier."

Upon hearing that her son nearly fell down earlier, Olivia looked worried.

"Were you hurt?" Olivia asked anxiously as she struggled to squat down beside her son despitebeing encumbered by the bulky costume outfit she wore for work today.

"Nope! This handsome uncle caught me!"

Relieved that nothing bad happened to her son, Olivia breathed a sigh of relief and shifted her gazetowards Jimmy. "Thank you, sir."

Jimmy's heart jolted at her voice though because it sounded like Anna's.

"Sorry, we have to go now," Olivia said, seeing the manager standing next to Jimmy. After thankinghim, she immediately took her son's hand and left.

"Goodbye Uncle," Jay waved at Jimmy.

"That little kid is really cute and well-behaved," Bryce commented.

Jimmy nodded lightly. "His parents have educated him well."

After saying this, he walked straight ahead. If Anna wasn't gone, would our child be just as cute andwell-behaved?

It wasn't until four in the afternoon that Olivia finished work and received her salary. Although shewas tired, she was still very happy when she received her pay. She quickly went to the playgroundto find her son.

"Olivia, I'm here!" Jay waved happily when he saw Olivia.

Olivia smiled as she walked up to her son and held his small hand. "I will take you out for steak."

Jay shook his head mischievously. "Mommy, it's tough for you to earn money. Let's eat at homeinstead so we can save some money."

Olivia looked at her precious son with heartache; he should have a better life but because of herselfnot being able to find a good job, most of the time they had instant noodles for meals instead.

Looking at Jay's thin body made her feel even more guilty.

"Earning money is meant for spending it. Today, I will take you out for a big meal. Don't say no."

Jay looked helpless but couldn't do anything about his mother's insistence.

The mother-son duo soon arrived at a French restaurant in town where they ordered two portions ofspecialty steaks that were not too expensive but still reasonably priced.

Olivia thoughtfully cut up the steak for her son before saying: "Olivia, eat up."

Jay handed a piece of steak over to Olivia's mouth; his big watery eyes sparkled brightly withhappiness.

"You're such a good boy." Olivia opened her lips with contentment written all over his face.

The mother-son duo enjoyed their meal thoroughly while Olivia ordered one dessert that was Jay'sfavorite food item on the menu just so he could indulge himself further into happiness while eating ittoo!

Watching Jay's happy little face filled with joy made Olivia feel relieved inside.

"Olivia, I need to use restroom." Jay jumped off from chair immediately.

"Do you need to to go with you?" Olivia asked.

"No!" He refused right away!

"I'm already a big kid, so it's okay for you to wait here, Olivia." Jay said before bouncing off towardsthe restroom.

Olivia wasn't too worried about her son wandering around, since she knew he wouldn't go far andthere were surveillance cameras in the restaurant.

Jay arrived at the restroom and wanted to wash his hands. However, he frowned when he saw thatthe sink was too high for him.novelbin

What should he do?

Jay was feeling a bit frustrated.

Jimmy walked out of the restroom and was surprised to see Jay struggling with the sink whilefurrowing his brows. He had encountered this child earlier in the mall that afternoon.

"Uncle, it's you again!"

When Jay saw Jimmy in the mirror, he quickly turned around with excitement on his handsomeface.

Jimmy took a few large strides towards Jay. "Do you want to wash your hands?"

Jay nodded eagerly but pointed helplessly at how high up the sink was. "I want to but... I'm not tallenough."

Jimmy couldn't help but smile as he picked up Jay into his arms without hesitation.

"Thanks, Uncle!"

After washing his hands quickly, Jay had a sweet smile on his face as Jimmy put him down on solidground again. But then something strange happened - when Jimmy let go of him, Jay felt anunexpected desire for Jimmy's embrace.

"Uncle, you're the first man hugging me ever! It feels different from my mom's hug," said Jayseriously.

Jimmy raised an eyebrow curiously before asking, "Hasn't your dad ever hugged you before?"

The mention of 'dad' made all happiness disappear from little boy's face immediately; after sometime passed by silently, his lips opened up again. "I don't have one; only Olivia is my family now."There seemed to be no relatives or anyone else close in their lives either...

For some reason, Jimmy found himself distressed fro Jay upon hearing those words. Maybe it wassympathy.

"Do you have a girlfriend, Uncle?" asked curious little guy suddenly while looking straight into theman's eyes; "If not, then I can introduce my mom to you! She is most beautiful woman in wholeworld with gorgeous big eyes plus gentle personality and lovely voice! And most importantly she is akind-hearted person who would make the best wife ever!"

Jay's description of his mom made Jimmy think of Anna.

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