Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 808 Not Accepting Your Child With Another Man
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Chapter 808 Not Accepting Your Child With Another Man

Chapter 808 Not Accepting Your Child With Another Man

She disrupted Louis' previously unchanging life, but also transformed Louis into a real person withemotions.

Now, when Eve sees Jane again, she suddenly doesn't know what to say.

She wanted Jane, a powerless woman, to leave Louis, but she also knew that the woman's leavingagain would kill Louis for good.

No, perhaps Louis wouldn't let this woman leave at all.

And if she were to finish Jane without mercy, then Louis really would cut off ties with her completely.

She couldn't do it, nor could she watch her own son suffer, so after struggling for a while, she stillcame.

She wanted to have a good talk with Jane.

After hearing the woman's words, Jane was slightly stunned but then replied gracefully, "I guessedit."

Eve's lips curved slightly, her gaze falling on Jane with a scrutinizing look.novelbin

"You are clever."

Jane pursed her lips and said in a gentle tone, "Madam, please have a seat here while I pour yousome tea."

Eve nodded slightly and sat gracefully on the sofa, her beautiful eyes occasionally glancing at Janeand also taking in the decoration of the villa.

Jane's long hair fell casually on her shoulders, and her figure was as slim as it was five years ago,completely unlike a mother who had given birth to a child.

The villa was decorated very warmly, with two sunflowers inserted in a vase in the corner, makingthe atmosphere of the entire living room brighten up.

There was a painting hanging on the corner not far away, which was crooked and twisted like achild's drawing, but it was clear that the child drew a family of three.

After Jane poured a cup of tea and walked out, she immediately saw a woman with a warm smileon her face.

She placed the tea on the coffee table in front of the lady and humbly said, "Madam, please havesome tea."

"I am Louis' mother."

Eve fixed her gaze on the woman sitting opposite her, pondering whether the woman's gesture wasgenuine or just an act.

Jane nodded gently, her hands placed in front of her unconsciously clasping together, the palmsalready sweating with nervousness.

"Madam, did you come here today to find me?"


"Jane, I heard you lost your memory and forgot everything from the past?"

"Yes," Jane replied softly, looking down and staying silent.

She didn't know why Louis' mother suddenly came today, but she knew that if she were Louis'mother, she wouldn't agree to them being together.

Ignoring their mismatched backgrounds for now, Louis still didn't know that Vivian wasn't herbiological child. And the people in Louis' family probably didn't know either.

As a noble family, how could they allow a woman with no background and an unknown child tobecome the Countess?

Thinking of this made Jane bite her chin hard.

"Madam, I know I'm not worthy of Louis. I..."

Before she could finish speaking, Eve interrupted her words.

"I didn't come here today to break you two apart."

The elegant woman's cold words stunned Jane on the spot. Did she just hear correctly? Did Louis'mother say that she wasn't against them being together?

The shock and disbelief on Jane's face did not escape Eve's eyes as a small smile formed on herlips. She gracefully picked up the teacup in front of her and took a sip,

"As Louis' mother, I am well aware of how much my son loves you."

"So for my son's sake," Eve continued calmly while placing down her cup gently onto its saucer, "Ican accept you."

Upon hearing these words from Eve made Jane's expression change instantly into one difficult toread. She thought there was going to be some sort of battle today but it seemed like there was no

fight at all.

She pursed her lips slightly as she tried to contain herself from showing too much emotion beforewhispering softly, "Thank you."

Thank you for accepting me despite having nothing.

And thank you for not using any malicious language towards me like what others have done.

Since finding Vivian alone and raising her by herself, she slowly realized that this world isn't alwayskind-hearted or fair; many people are selfish or vengeful while others are like herself who have donenothing wrong yet constantly endure hurtful remarks from others.

Eve raised an eyebrow as she looked coldly at the woman sitting across from her before parting redlips slightly with a hint of amusement in them.

"Thank you is too early to say. Although I have expressed that I will accept you, it does not meanthat I will also accept the child you had with another man," she said.

She had sent someone to investigate Jane's life ever since she received news that Jane was stillalive. She knew Louis cared about Jane and saw her as his life. Plus, Louis' life had been aimlesssince Jane disappeared, so when she found out that Jane was still alive, she was actually morerelieved than anything else.

But she didn't expect that in the five years of her disappearance, Jane had a child.

She had someone do a paternity test with Louis and the child wasn't his.

Eve snapped back to reality and raised an eyebrow as she looked at Jane, bluntly saying, "TheCaesar family has a certain status in Z Country's royal family. So when it comes to offspringmatters, not only the Caesar family but also royal family take them seriously."

Jane understood what Eve meant but couldn't bring herself to give up Vivian and marry into theCaesar family alone. Vivian was the only light in her dark life; no matter what happened, she wouldnever give up on her.

Thinking this through in her mind made Jane smile as she spoke, "Madam, Vivian is my daughter; Iwon't give up on her."

Upon hearing this statement from Jane, Eve furrowed her brows slightly and looked at her withsharp eyes.

Just then there came a sharp sound of tires screeching outside of the villa followed by footstepsentering into living room where they were sitting. A tall figure walked towards them while castingsharp glances towards Eve who sat nearby.


"What kind of look is this?"

Eve stared coldly at Louis who approached them.

Louis stepped forward towards the sofa where he stood protectively in front of Jane.

"Why did you suddenly come here?"

His voice sounded cold and indifferent while he watched Eve cautiously.

He came here to handle business affairs in one company which he recently acquired but suddenlyheard from guards stationed outside about his mother coming over unannounced

He knew that his mother never liked Jane and was afraid that she would do something harmful toher while he was away. So, he immediately stopped what he was doing and drove back home at full


As soon as Louis stepped into the living room, his gaze landed on Jane. He breathed a sigh of reliefwhen he saw that she was unharmed.

Thank goodness he came back in time.

Eve noticed the guarded look in Louis' eyes and knew exactly what her son was worried about. Shesnorted and said indifferently, "I have no intention of hurting her."

Louis furrowed his brows slightly, his eyes growing darker with suspicion. What had happened justnow? Why did the atmosphere in the hall become so tense?

He thought it was because his mother asked Jane to leave him...

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