Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 786 Cold On The Outside, Warm On The Inside
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Chapter 786 Cold On The Outside, Warm On The Inside

Chapter 786 Cold on the Outside, Warm on the Inside

On the other side, in a doctor's office.

Mr. Berger had just finished a meeting and was preparing to rest in the lounge when someoneknocked on the door urgently.

The urgent knocking proved that whoever was looking for him had an emergency.

Mr. Berger furrowed his brow slightly and looked towards the direction of the door. "Come in."

Jane opened the door anxiously and stood nervously at the entrance, unsure of what to do.

"Mr. Berger, it's me, Jane."

"What's wrong?"

Mr. Berger looked at the woman standing before him with confusion, not understanding why shesuddenly came over.

In theory, Vivian should be undergoing surgery by now and Jane should be with her daughter.

So why did she suddenly appear here?

As Mr. Berger looked at Jane's anxious face, he wondered if something had happened to Vivian.

Just as Mr. Berger was puzzled, Jane spoke up anxiously, "Mr. Berger, Vivian is not my biologicaldaughter."


Shocked by this revelation, Mr. Berger widened his eyes as he stared at her.

He never expected Vivian wasn't actually Jane's daughter!

He saw how much love Jane gave Vivian; He also witnessed how close Vivian was to Jane,depending on her for everything!

But now this woman says Vivian isn't hers!

After regaining his senses, Mr. Berger had a serious face as he questioned her again, "You'resaying that Vivian isn't your daughter?"

Jane nodded tearfully, then continued speaking, "I found Vivian more than four years ago when shewas abandoned by her parents due to congenital heart disease."

"I adopted her, naming her 'Vivian', hoping she could live a happy life."

Listening intently, Mr. Bergers furrowed his eyebrows tightly but remained silent without sayinganything.

Jane walked forward hesitantly because Mr. Berger's silence.

"I thought since Vivian needed blood transfusion surgery, my blood would help, but since Im notreally related... the compatibility might not be high enough.."

After remaining silent for a while, Mr. Berger nodded softly .

"Well, you're right. Although it's more likely for blood from close relatives to blend better together,there's still the possibility of rejection. It's not too late for you to speak up now," Mr. Berger said.

"Mr. Berger, I'm sorry for causing trouble," Jane lowered her head in guilt and her eyes were filledwith anxiety.

If she had spoken up earlier, perhaps Vivian would have been better prepared for the surgeryprocess.

Now that there was no blood available to replace Vivian's, what could they do?

Mr. Berger sighed helplessly but his gaze towards Jane was full of admiration.

For four years, an unmarried woman had single-handedly raised a girl who suffered from congenitalheart disease and was abandoned by her family. This unwavering love that Jane showed towardsVivian was also a testament to her kindness.

After regaining his composure, Mr. Berger asked in a deep voice, "What is your blood type?"

Jane paused for a moment before looking up and immediately replied, "I am type O and my child isAB."

Upon hearing this news, Mr. Berger sighed helplessly again as he knew that Jane's blood would beof no use to Vivian whatsoever.

However, they only had four days left, which meant they couldn't afford any delays anymore.

He regained his focus and said firmly, "The surgery will be delayed until tomorrow afternoon at threeo'clock. I need to find someone whose blood does not conflict with hers."

"Mr. Berger..."

Looking gratefully at the old man before her while bowing respectfully down in thanks, Jane said,"Thank you so much for being willing to save Vivian."

"Go back now."

As he watched Jane leave the room, Mr. Berger sat alone on the couch lost in thought.

After some time, he thought of Vivian's smiling face as his eyes grew deeper with determination."Vivian, I will definitely save you."

Four years ago, you were lucky enough to meet Jane and live through it all. Now four years later, Iwon't allow Death take away your life easily...

When Jane returned back into their hospital room, Vivian looked at her mother's complexexpression, curiously asking, "Mommy, did you go to see Mr. Berger because of me?"

Jane looked at her innocent and lovely daughter and smiled, "Mr. Berger said he will performsurgery on you tomorrow afternoon. After tomorrow, you will be a healthy little girl."

Upon hearing this, the little girl's eyes lit up and she smiled happily.

Louis frowned slightly upon hearing the change in surgery time from this afternoon to tomorrowafternoon. What had happened? His gaze towards Jane deepened with concern.

Jane shook her head lightly to signal him not to ask now and then walked towards the bed with asmile. "What do you want for dinner tonight?"

"Mommy, can I have sandwiches for dinner tonight?" The little girl raised her face hopefully as shelooked at her mother.

She loved eating sandwiches, but Mommy was always busy working part-time jobs all day long thatshe didn't have time to make them for her. Now all she wanted was some sandwiches from Mommy.

Jane raised an eyebrow when she heard this and asked with a smile: "What kind of sandwiches?"

"Great turkey sandwich and fish sandwich," replied the little girl quickly. She couldn't help butsalivate when thinking about Uncle Louis' delicious homemade sandwiches that he sent over twodays ago.

Jane gave Louis a meaningful look when she heard this When their eyes met, Jane couldn't helpbut remember what Vivian had told her earlier about how Uncle Louis always looked at her mommywith gentle eyes whenever they were together.

The little girl said, "Mommy, what I said is true! Every time we're together with Uncle Louis, hekeeps looking at you like that, his gaze is so warm."

Jane blushed as she panickedly shifted her gaze away from him towards Vivian instead.

Just then, Vivian's sweet and timid voice said, "Uncle Louis, I want to eat sandwiches tonight, Canyou ask one of your men to buy some for me?"

"No problem."

Louis agreed happily and got up to instruct his subordinates to buy more sandwiches for Vivian.

After he left, Jane immediately sat down on the chair next to the sickbed.

"Vivian, how did you get along with Uncle Louis just now?"

Vivian tilted her head and thought about it. She remembered the smile on Uncle Louis's face andblinked cutely.

Uncle Louis smiled, so their interaction should be good.

Thinking of this, she nodded seriously.

"It was okay."

Jane curled her lips and showed a bright smile.

"Thanks to Uncle Louis, we were able to meet Mr. Berger this time. So when you see Uncle Louisagain, don't be afraid."

"Some people are like that - cold-faced but warm-hearted. Do you understand?"novelbin

Vivian nodded innocently, thought of Uncle Louis' blue eyes and said with a smile, "Mommy, UncleLouis has very beautiful eyes. I like them a lot."

Hearing this remark made Jane think about how deep and alluring his gaze was when he looked ather.

At that moment she felt as if those eyes had enchanted her.

Without thinking much about it, she nodded in agreement, "Yes. they are very beautiful; I like themtoo."

The little girl giggled while looking at her mother who suddenly realized what she had said causing aslight blush on her pretty face.

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