Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 762 I Won’T Spend Your Money Recklessly
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Chapter 762 I Won'T Spend Your Money Recklessly

Chapter 762 I Won't Spend Your Money Recklessly

Jane had thought about it, and the words just slipped out of her mouth. But she wasn't sure how shewould react if she found out about her past. What if it was something terrible? How could she facehim again? And right now, he was the only one who could save Vivian.

So, Jane became timid once again.

However, for Louis, this was a relief because Jane didn't continue to ask questions.

The moment Jane asked him that question, he couldn't deny that his heart suddenly started beatingfaster. He couldn't hide anything from Jane but didn't know where to start.

The driver took them to the best restaurant in town where Louis had reserved the entire place justfor the two of them. The music played only for Jane and waiters attended to their every need.

As they walked through the restaurant together until they were seated at their table, Jane's heartkept beating fast.

Back when she struggled in life, she carried boxed meals with her everywhere; now here she wastransformed into someone who frequented high-end places like this...

"This is my supplementary card; you can swipe it as much as you want," Louis interrupted herthoughts by handing over a black card while still speaking with a smile on his face.

A black card! Her eyes lit up at the sight of it - not only did Louis give her such a high salary andarrange surgery for Vivian but also gave her a black card!

She pinched herself hard on the thigh - ouch! It hurt; this wasn't some dream!

"I don't think I should take this," said Jane, even though deep inside her wanted nothing more thanthat card.

"Since I'm your legal husband now, isn't it normal for me to give my wife money?" asked Louisteasingly after seeing how hesitant she looked.

He made sense though - husbands should provide money for their wives' expenses without anysecond thoughts or hesitation... but then again, how long have they been married?

Jane felt conflicted inside. "You've bought me so many things and paid Vivian's surgery fees... that'senough already."

"Just keep it as backup," replied Louis straightforwardly, leaving no room for Jane to say no.

Jane had no words left in response, afraid that if she refused once more, then maybe he would getangry with her again...

She touched the black card hesitantly – feeling its weighty significance within seconds before finallyaccepting it reluctantly.

"I'll take it for now, don't worry, I won't misuse your money," Jane coughed twice and reassuredLouis.

Louis was amused by her words. "You can go to the mall every day, Jane. All I want is for you to behappy."novelbin

Meanwhile, in a certain basement.

A man in black asked his subordinate, "Are you sure you saw correctly? Is the woman next to himthe assistant who has been with him for years?"

The man frowned and looked sullen.

"Yes, that woman is the assistant who has always been by Louis' side. They are now lovers."

"Keep an eye on them and report back when necessary."

"Yes!" The subordinate left and the man laughed smugly.

He had been expelled from Z Country by Louis before and had suffered many setbacks. He almostlost his life and became a laughing stock of his entire family.

This time he came here to make Louis pay with blood debts.

Louis... ha! You want to return to a normal life? I won't let you!

In a western restaurant, the waiter had served their food already, and Jane and Louis were eatingface-to-face.

Although she hadn't visited such restaurants in years due to her busy schedule, when she saw thecutlery placed before her, she took it so naturally that it startled herself.

Was she once rich?

"What's wrong?" Seeing Jane's reaction suddenly made Louis nervous; he feared that she mightremember something from their past together.

Jane shook her head. "Nothing much really; it's just funny how natural this feels despite my lack ofexperience with these things. Oh yeah, about what I said earlier, don't take it personally. It was justme being impulsive asking those questions earlier on."

"Forgetting about our past is destiny's arrangement. My current life is pretty good too."

Looking at how intently Louis gazed at her made Jane feel like he owed her something again.

She wanted answers but didn't know where or how exactly she should start asking.

"Jane, I will compensate you. I..." said Louis hesitantly.

Without waiting for Louis to finish speaking, Jane interrupted him and said, "But the way you treatme only makes me anxious. I'm constantly wondering what happened between us in our past."

Jane paused for a moment and continued, "Well, I don't want to talk about that. Let's just focus onliving in the present."

"Okay," Louis replied with a single word.

After finishing their meal, Louis held Jane's hand as they walked out of the restaurant.

Before they could get back to their car, a tall man in a black suit approached them and saidrespectfully to Louis, "Mr. Caesar, Mrs. Caesar is waiting for you at the Carl Grand Hotel."

Upon hearing this news, Louis' face turned cold instantly.

Jane wondered if the so-called "Mrs. Caesar" was his mother.

Rich families always emphasized matching social status when it came to marriage partners.

Given how wealthy Louis was compared to her own humble background, she knew that his familywould be the first ones to oppose their relationship if they found out about it.

Not wanting to make things difficult for Louis, Jane immediately suggested, "Since someone iswaiting for you there, you should go ahead. I'll head over the hospital myself. You can call me whenyou're done or I'll just take a taxi back."

Louis nodded in agreement and let the driver send Jane to the hospital while he got on the blacksedan.

About an hour later, the car stopped outside a seven-star hotel where Eve, Louis' mother, wassupposedly waiting for him. Louis got out of the car and finally met up with her in the lobby.

He walked up directly and asked bluntly, "Is there something you couldn't say over phone?"

"If I had told you over phone something unpleasant that you wouldn't have liked, wouldn't you havejust hung up on me?" Eve retorted wryly, knowing full well how stubborn her son could besometimes.

Louis then countered by saying, "Well, I'm here now. So, tell me what it is, but you know that I won'tobey any orders from anyone."

"You're an adult now, and your status speaks for itself. I don't need to give you orders. What I hopeis simply that you think carefully if it is worth it before doing anything..."

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