Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 734 The Girl Seems Like A Little Angel
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Chapter 734 The Girl Seems Like A Little Angel

Chapter 734 The Girl Seems Like a Little Angel

Although Jimmy was happy inside, he didn't show it on his face. He withdrew his hand seriously, butthe slight raise of his eyebrows still let Martha and Stefan know what he was thinking.

Bianca and Maxwell standing at the door looked at the little girl with obvious confusion in their eyes.

They exchanged a glance and both saw doubt in each other's eyes. But obviously, now is not thetime to ask about this.

Martha saw that both kids were looking at each other, smiled and said, "Jimmy, do you want toshow Anna around our house?"

"Okay," Jimmy happily replied and after hesitating for a few seconds, he directly took Anna's hand."Let's go. I'll take you around."

Anna turned her head and glanced at the beautiful couple standing next to her.

Martha nodded lightly with a gentle tone in her voice. "Go ahead."

"Okay," Anna happily answered as she followed Jimmy towards the Doyle Manor's garden.

After the two children walked away, Bianca couldn't restrain her curiosity anymore. She quicklyapproached Martha with quick steps.

"Whose child is that?"

"I picked her up on the way," Martha said with a light smile as mischievousness flickered throughher eyes.

She knew that by saying this, Bianca would definitely be very worried, but it was just how thingswere.

Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, Bianca raised her voice an octave higher thanbefore, "You picked her up on the way?"

"Yes," Martha responded calmly while reaching out to grab Bianca's arm before gently explaining,"When we were heading towards the airport, we passed by an intersection where that little girl stoodcrying out loud. I felt sorry for her, so Stefan and I brought her back."

Bianca and Maxwell were stunned by such words.

They never expected Martha and Stefan would take a young girl back after their trip in Ulmore.

After a while, Maxwell finally came back from his thoughts, saying worriedly, "By bringing this littlegirl back, if she can't find her parents, then..."

Maxwell didn't finish what he wanted say but Stefan walking beside him already knew what hemeant anyway...

His eyes darkened, and he spoke softly, "We've been to the Ulmore Police Station and left ouraddress there. If the parents find it, they'll come to pick her up."

"That's good. I was afraid if her parents wouldn't be able to find their child, they would be worriedsick," Bianca quickly agreed with relief.

But if the child was lost, wouldn't the parents immediately report it to the police?

That meant that as soon as they brought back the child, she would be taken away again? That'swhat Bianca thought in her mind, as she asked curiously.

"If you bring back the child now and her parents find out about it later on, won't they report itimmediately? Then won't they have to come over here to get their child?"

Martha sighed helplessly before answering quietly, "I'm afraid things aren't peaceful in that girl'sfamily. I suspect that her parents can't take her back anytime soon."

Maxwell frowned slightly when he heard this and asked in confusion, "What did that girl tell youguys?"

"She said that while her daddy went with her mommy for a prenatal checkup, a nanny took her out."

"When they stopped at an intersection along the way," Martha continued speaking softly. "Thenanny told Anna that if she crossed this road, then she could see her daddy and mommy."

"But after she turned around," Martha paused briefly before continuing slowly, "the nanny wasnowhere to be found."

Bianca and Maxwell fell silent upon hearing all of this.

They were no longer children. Just hearing these few words made them guess what kind of personthis nanny might have been.

They didn't know what kind of family Anna came from exactly, but just thinking about how a nannycould harm a two-year-old made them feel cold inside.

Martha continued speaking with sadness in her eyes for Anna, "If Anna's parents report it to thepolice, they could see our address, but maybe they will choose to let their daughter stay with ustemporarily."

"So we decided to bring her back first," Martha concluded firmly.

In Martha's opinion, nothing was more important than ensuring safety for children's lives.

If she were Anna's mother, she would choose to do so. After all, the abductors would not go to thepolice station or leave an address while filling out forms there .

Maxwell quickly understood all these twists and turns involved in between.

Bianca nodded in agreement as she walked beside Martha. "The child will be relatively safe with ushere."

After the group of four arrived at the hall, a servant brought them tea and then left.

Just as the servant was about to head to the kitchen, Stefan suddenly called out to him. "TakeMartha's tea away and give her a glass of juice instead."

"Yes," replied the servant respectfully before taking away Martha's tea.

Bianca smiled with satisfaction. "Stefan, you're so thoughtful."

Martha blinked playfully at Stefan, her eyes full of mischief.

Stefan looked indulgently at his wife and said, "I've been staying in the hospital for some time now.Whenever I have nothing else to do, I ask doctors about what foods are good or bad for you. I'malready used to it."

Maxwell's attention was immediately drawn towards Martha upon hearing Stefan speak.

She had been vomiting after eating recently and he had been worried sick about her.

But Bianca told him it was normal during pregnancy and that it would subside after two months.

When he saw his daughter standing at their doorstep earlier on, he noticed that she seemed muchmore spirited than yesterday. He didn't ask any questions then, but couldn't help worrying when theybrought up this topic again now.

"Martha, are you hungry? Do you want me to cook something for you?" Maxwell asked anxiously.

Martha shook her head with a smile. "Dad, I'm not hungry right now. Later on though, I'd like somenoodles cooked by Bianca."

"Sure thing! I can cook whatever you want," Bianca replied and patted Martha's hand happily.

Seeing Martha's rosy cheeks, she was much more relieved.

However, all of this was just a facade.

In fact, Martha's face was very pale due to lack of sleep.

In order not to worry them, she used makeup suitable for pregnant women to make her look lessterrible.

Now seeing neither Maxwell nor Bianca noticed anything unusual made her feel relieved too.

In the garden, Jimmy led Anna into the garden before letting go of her hand gently and blowing hiswhistle.

Soon, the little golden retriever ran over, wobbling very cutely.

Anna's eyes lit up when she saw the puppy, and she pointed at it with a smile on her face. "What acute doggie!"

Jimmy turned to her with a gentle smile and said, "His name is Nick, and he's a boy."

Nick ran up to Jimmy and obediently sat down in front of him. Jimmy stepped forward and gentlypetted Nick's head. "Nick is such a good dog," he said proudly.

Anna stepped forward curiously and asked timidly, "Can I pet him?"

"Of course you can," Jimmy replied with a smile before introducing Anna to Nick. "Nick, this is Anna.You mustn't bully her."novelbin

Nick obediently lay down without making any noise while Anna slowly approached him and beganstroking its fur gently.

"Hi there Nick! My name is Anna, nice to meet you," she said sweetly.

Nick lay still while both children petted its fur lovingly.

Jimmy watched from behind as Anna played with Nick under the sunlight that filtered through thetrees above them; it was like watching an angel playing with an animal in heaven - so beautiful italmost took his breath away.

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