Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 719 Where Does His Wife Feel Uncomfortable?
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Chapter 719 Where Does His Wife Feel Uncomfortable?

Chapter 719 Where Does His Wife Feel Uncomfortable?

An hour and a half later, all the paintings of the finalists had been scored by the judges from theNational Painting Association.

Out of all the participants, only Sunnay received the highest score.

The hostess took to the stage with a smile after all judges had finished evaluating each artist."Ladies and gentlemen, now that our last painter has been evaluated, our team is calculating eachartist's score within our judging panel."

"But this isn't their final score yet; those who scored lower still have a chance."

"Next up, let's welcome an exciting moment. Let's pick up your voting devices together and castyour precious vote for your favorite artwork."

As her voice came out of her mouth, a rectangular bar chart appeared behind her on the canvas.

Underneath were numbers representing each finalist while above them were growing barsindicating their vote count. Initially, contestant number 17 was leading by far but was soonovertaken by contestant number 12.

For one minute straight afterward, contestant number 12 continued to grow its bar and maintainedits lead over other finalists in competition.

Seeing this scene unfold led to even more enthusiastic remarks from the hostess. "Everyone,please look at our big screen! We can see that Contestant Number 12 is currently leading withvotes!"

"For those who haven't voted yet," she continued,"please hurry up and pick up your voting device tocast your precious vote for your favorite finalist."

Finally, the rectangular bar chart disappeared slowly from view as she faced towards audiencemembers with a bright smile on her face.

"Now every audience member here has cast their own vote! Do you want to know which artist willbe in first place?"

"Yes!" The audience members shouted loudly with excitement written across their faces.

Stefan sat quietly in his front row seat as usual watching everything unfold on screen without anyexpression change whatsoever.

He knew that Martha would undoubtedly take the first place this time around.

All he needed to do was sit quietly here beside his wife under these bright lights, then take herhome afterwards when it was over.

Stefan's eyes darkened slightly while pursing his lips together tightly as he thought about what layahead for him tonight.

With his current power, it was too easy for Martha to succeed.

He could spend money to help her advertise, or he could invite celebrities at great expense topromote the studio's collaboration between Martha and Rhys.

But he wouldn't do that, and neither would Martha agree.

He knew that what Martha wanted was not like a delicate flower in a greenhouse but someone whostood shoulder-to-shoulder with him.

So he supported Martha's participation in the finals and appreciated her success.novelbin

Soon, amidst enthusiastic cheers from the audience, the host announced with a smile. "I nowannounce that the third place winner of this national painting competition is painter number fifteen -Wesley Benjamin."

"Next up, can you guess who came in second?"

As soon as the host finished speaking, the audience below began answering excitedly.

"Edward! Edward!"

"Carson! Carson!"


Watching as excitement once again swept through the entire venue, the hostess revealed just atright moment. "That's right. The second place winner of this national painting competition is painternumber twenty - Jake Poole!"

"Jake! Jake!"

Some fans supporting Jake sat eagerly calling out from their seats in the audience section.

After pausing briefly, the hostess stepped forward one more step closer towards those seated belowbefore exclaiming loudly.

"Now we have arrived at most exciting moment of all!"

"I am pleased to announce that this year's first-place winner of our national painting competitiongoes to none other than Sunnay!"

With these words ringing out across all corners of venue accompanied by cheering voices fromsupporters throughout crowd, the entire audience rose up spontaneously, waving glow sticks whilelooking expectantly towards the entrance area where they knew Sunnay would be appearing anymoment now!

They knew Sunnay would never disappoint them!

Sunnay was their forever idol!

There were even some excited fans whose eyes had turned red while gazing upon stage andshouting loudly, "Sunnay! Sunnay!"

Fans were happy for Sunnay; happy she had made such an impressive comeback by winning firstplace honors at National Painting Competition. They had been waiting for this day for so long!

Finally, they got what they'd been waiting for.

Just when everyone was eagerly anticipating what would happen next on stage, the excited voice ofhostess rang out once again, "Ladies and gentlemen, please give warm welcome as we invite threepainters onto stage!"

Soon enough these three painters walked up onto stage one after another each wearing smiles ontheir faces.

Martha stopped at the center of the stage and looked up to meet Stefan's deep eyes. The man'seyes were bottomless, with a hint of a smile on his lips as he doted on Martha. Martha's mouthcurved into a bright smile as she won the first place, and Stefan was happy for her.

Once the three contestants had taken their places, the host turned to face the judges' table andrespectfully said, "Mr. Hebert, please present awards to our three artists." Mr. Hebert nodded slightlyand walked towards the stage.

A young lady carrying a tray gracefully entered from backstage and stood beside him. Mr. Hebertapproached Martha first, handing her the trophy from his tray with an affectionate smile.

"Sunnay, I look forward to your future," he said kindly.

"Thank you very much," replied Martha humbly as she accepted her award with both hands.

Mr. Hebert looked at her approvingly; his heart filled with hope for the future of artistry before turningaround to present second and third place awards.

As Mr. Hebert presented awards onstage, Martha suddenly felt sick in her stomach, her facechanging slightly while trying hard not to show it. She tightened her grip on trophy tightly.

Stefan who sat in the front row had been watching closely all along. He noticed every little changethat happened to Martha. His eyes narrowed as he stared at his wife full of worry.

What happened? Is there something wrong?

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