Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 706 You Are Thick-Skinned
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Chapter 706 You Are Thick-Skinned

Chapter 706 You Are Thick-skinned

Jimmy waited for a long time, but Melissa didn't say anything. He blinked his big eyes and asked,"Melissa, do you like this painting?"

The woman standing by the hospital bed snapped out of her thoughts and replied eagerly, "I love it!Your paintings are so beautiful. How could I not like it?"

Melissa looked at Jimmy's artwork with satisfaction. She had decided where to hang it.

Seeing Melissa's happy face made Jimmy smile too. To him, having someone appreciate his artwas a great feeling.


After Jimmy's leg got better, they set off to Z Country.

Since Jimmy still had difficulty moving around, he went in a wheelchair.

When they arrived in Z Country and settled into the Lucas Residence for their stay there, Jimmy,Melissa and Eden couldn't help but marvel at how wealthy the Lucas family was while also beingfascinated by the exotic culture here.

Sam was delighted to see Jimmy. His smile never faded off throughout their tour around manyplaces until it was time for them to go back home, which made Jimmy tearful as they left.

They stayed in Z Country for half a month before returning home. The day when Martha returned tothe Doyle Manor from her trip abroad with her family members including Stefan who wentelsewhere on business upon arrival back home; Rhys came over for a visit.

Maxwell and Bianca were out shopping together at that time while Jimmy started his new semester.

Rhys saw Martha standing at the door with raised eyebrows and commented, "You look good."

"I just got back from traveling," Martha replied nonchalantly as she turned around to walk inside.

As soon as they sat down in the living room together, after being served fruit tea by one servant,Rhys said meaningfully, "He trusts you enough to let you be alone with me."

Martha knew that 'he' referred to Stefan when she heard this comment. She elegantly picked up hercup of tea and took a sip before smiling, "I'm his wife. Of course he trusts me."

"After spending so much time on our honeymoon, Stefan's assistant had to take care of everythingat the Harrison Group. When Stefan left before, Eden was able to support the company, but thistime around Eden travelled together with them, so important documents are just piled up, waiting forStefan to come back and sign them." Martha thought of it and knew that Stefan must be very busyduring this time."

Rhys' eyes darkened and a slight smile appeared on his lips as he said, "You can get divorcedthough you're married."

Martha was slightly stunned but then smiled and blinked her eyes. "I wonder if Jimmy will still beclose to you after hearing you say that."

Rhys choked for a moment and a strange look flashed in his eyes before he finally said nothing.

After finishing her tea, Martha placed the cup back on the coffee table. "Why are you here today?"

When she asked this question, she had known that Rhys had come to see her about their studioand their working project.

But she didn't mention that those paintings were already ready. Why would he come?

As Martha thought about this, she looked at the man sitting across from her with some confusion inher eyes.

Rhys regained his composure as he lightly opened his lips, saying, "Have you forgotten ourcooperation?"

When Martha looked over at him, it seemed like he was indifferent but for some reason she couldhear a hint of grievance in his voice.

She raised an eyebrow slightly while saying, "I haven't finished paintings yet."

Rhys saw through the cunning expression in Martha's eyes but pretended not to notice it as hepicked up a teacup from the coffee table and sipped it slowly.

After a long pause, he spoke slowly, "If you don't make an appearance soon, you'll be forgotten byeveryone else. All your previous efforts will have been wasted."

Martha's long eyelashes trembled slightly but there wasn't any sense of urgency on her face whenshe replied, "Anyone who sees my paintings won't forget them easily. Fame is only a matter of timefor me."

Seeing how confident Martha looked, Rhys shook his head helplessly.

"If those who have worked hard for many years and only achieved success were to hear this, theywould probably criticize you harshly."

Martha's lips curled up involuntarily when she heard these words. She fixed her slightly disheveledhair and said gently, "I've already painted enough paintings. The rest is up to you."

Rhys' shock flashed in his eyes before he responded gleefully, "No problem, I'll take care of therest."

When Martha lived abroad, her paintings had gained worldwide fame.

Later on, due to the Lucas family's affairs, Martha stopped painting for about a year.

Now that their studio was about to be established, Rhys was going to lead the first "battle" to put iton the map.

He would make Martha famous again and double the value of her paintings while simultaneouslylaunching products from the Williams Group. By then, they could achieve mutual benefit throughcooperation.

Thinking of this plan made Rhys raise an eyebrow. He smiled at Martha while raising his tea cup."Wish our cooperation a great success, cheers!"

Martha smiled as she picked up her tea cup in front of her and said towards Rhys, "Cheers!"

After finishing their drinks together, Rhys' gaze fell on a small golden retriever that had beensquatting beside them all along.novelbin

He suddenly remembered that Jimmy's drawings were also very beautiful. His eyes darkened as helightly opened his lips, "Will Jimmy follow your path in becoming an artist?"

If Jimmy wanted to become an artist later on, Rhys needed to get him under contract early so thatthe Williams Group could have an easier time ahead.

Martha understood what was going through Rhys' mind after thinking for a moment.

She raised an eyebrow and replied warmly, "What he wants to do is his own decision. I can't makedecisions for him."

Rhys nodded in agreement before adding, "He has talent in this area. If he becomes an artist, Ibelieve it won't be long before he surpasses you."

Martha responded softly with pride written all over her face, "It won't be surprising. He's my sonafter all."

She knew deep down inside that Jimmy had more talent than herself when it came down topainting.

If one day, Jimmy decided not to inherit the Harrison Group but chase after his own dreams, shewould support him unconditionally.

Rhys chuckled at the remark and said, "You are so thick-skinned."

But Martha didn't think there was anything wrong with what she had said.

After chatting about a few other things, Rhys left the Doyle Manor.

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