Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 687 The Only One I Like Is You
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Chapter 687 The Only One I Like Is You

Chapter 687 The Only One I Like is You

Martha sighed silently and thought, "Helen bore some resemblance to my old self. But I'm luckyenough to have Jimmy as my pillar of support back then. When Jimmy fell ill, my biggest wish wasfor him to recover and live a healthy life. However, Helen is different. Revenge was what kept hergoing until this day."

Martha could sense the deep hatred in Helen's eyes and sighed again before speaking up, "Helen,have you ever thought that maybe they've received their punishment?"novelbin

Helen furrowed her brows slightly and looked at Martha with a blank expression. After a moment ofsilence, she opened her lips slightly and clenched her hand into a fist. "But I haven't got myrevenge," she said.

Martha reached out to hold Helen's hand gently and spoke in a soothing tone, "Revenge shouldn'tbe the priority of your entire life. Don't lose yourself in it."

Although she knew better than to advise someone without understanding their pain first-hand,Martha couldn't help but feel uneasy about seeing such hatred consume someone so young.

Helen lowered her eyes and whispered softly, "It is my luck to meet you."

"Alright now," Martha smiled warmly at the delicate girl beside her. "It's getting late; you should gorest."

With a quiet response from Helen as acknowledgement, Martha walked Helen out of the door.

However, just as the door closed, Helen suddenly turned her head with an ironic smile on her lipswhile muttering under her breath, "Ever since I was humiliated all those years ago, there has only

been one thing left for me - revenge."

"Meeting you really is my luck," continued Helen sarcastically while smirking coldly. "But meetingme? That's your misfortune."

Though she was grateful for being helped after all these years, Helen, who had been living in hell,would not do anything good in return.

Suppressing any last bit of pity within herself, Helen let out another cold laugh before walking away.

She had nothing left except for revenge, and climbing higher seemed like an easy way out.

In the room, Martha sat on the sofa with a low mood after Helen left. She thought about a lot ofthings, including the days when she was tormented by Stefan, the days when she was alone withJimmy abroad, and the desperate days when Jimmy fell ill. Those scenes kept playing in her mindand made her heart ache.

When Stefan came out of his room, he saw Martha sitting alone on the sofa with tears in her eyes.He walked over quickly and hugged her shoulder.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Martha wiped away tears from her eyes and buried herself in his arms. "Nothing," she said. "I justsuddenly remembered how you used to abuse me."

Stefan tightened his grip on Martha's hand and looked guilty as he gazed into her dark eyes.

Before he could say anything, Martha reached out and pinched his waist tightly. "If you ever treatme badly again," she said firmly, "I won't let you get away with it."

"I won't," Stefan whispered softly as he comforted her. His heart ached for her even more now thathe knew what kind of person he used to be.

He couldn't understand how someone like him could have done such terrible things before.

Martha buried herself deeper into his embrace as she wiped away tears from her face.

After calming down a bit, Stefan asked in a deep voice, "What did Helen say to you?"

He knew that Martha wasn't someone who would dwell too much on past events, so there must besomething that Helen had said to upset Martha so much earlier.

However, what exactly did Helen say that caused such an emotional reaction from Martha?

Stefan pursed his lips slightly while looking at Martha's face intently.

Martha fixed up some stray hairs before speaking softly, "She said that she didn't believe we wouldreally take her back home; she has developed feelings for you because she thinks maybe you willtake care of her in this way."

"She also apologized to me saying that it wasn't right for her to fall in love with you." As soon asthese words were spoken by Martha's mouth; Stefan immediately clarified their relationship statusby saying, "This has nothing to do with me! The only person I love is YOU!"

"I know." replied Martha.

Stefan breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this, but then his brows furrowed. "Do you believewhat she said?"

Martha pursed her lips and took the glass of water that Stefan had just brought over, taking a sipwithout answering.

Seeing her reaction, Stefan understood immediately.

He reached out and placed his hand on Martha's shoulder, his expression serious as he spoke."Martha, Helen is a scheming woman. Whatever she did tonight was surely a part of her plan."

"Maybe from the very beginning, her target was me because I have power that she can never attain.She wants me to help her seek revenge."

Martha raised an eyebrow and laughed in response. "Stefan, don't flatter yourself."

Deep down inside Martha felt that Helen might be exactly the type of person Stefan described.

Putting down the glass of water in her hand, Martha rubbed at her sore shoulders.

Stefan saw this and immediately began massaging them for her while sighing helplessly.

"I know you don't want to accept this reality but you never know how greedy people can be," hesaid.

Just like the fake grandmother from the Lucas Family, she sacrificed so many lives just to stay aliveforever; now Helen was getting close to them only for selfish reasons.

His eyes grew darker as he thought about it but ultimately didn't say anything more about it.

The next day they all headed off towards their tourist destination under bright sunshine as usual.

Their first stop today was an adventure spot with some climbing involved.

Upon learning where they were going, Jimmy became excited right away.

"Mommy! I have never climbed before!"

"Jimmy, you need to be careful," replied Martha dotingly while looking at him with affectionate eyesfull of warmth.

The two chatted happily along their way until suddenly Jimmy turned around to look at his daddywhen he noticed once more how much attention Helen kept giving him all along.

Running towards Stefan with quick steps, Jimmy grabbed onto his daddy's hand tightly beforewalking towards his Mommy again.

"Daddy, Mommy is a girl. You need to go protect her," said Jimmy.

Stefan smiled and tousled his child's messy hair before taking Martha's hand naturally...

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