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Chapter 673 Stefan Gets Jealous

Chapter 673 Stefan Gets Jealous

Thinking of this, she lay down on the bed, feeling despondent and looking at the ceiling with a lookof despair.

Why did she go out with Melissa to see male models?

Now she had to wait here for Stefan's trial.

Martha shrank into the quilt melancholy, covering her ears and and burying herself in the quilt.

Twenty minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and Stefan, shirtless, opened the bathroom door andwalked into the bedroom.

He saw his wife huddled under the quilt at a glance; his brows were slightly raised.

The woman who was curled up in the bed at this moment, tightened her grip on the quilt as sheheard the sound.

At the moment when the bathroom door was opened, sweat had formed in her palms.

She closed her eyes tightly, hoping that Stefan was too tired to bother her.

In the next second, she knew that she was thinking too much.

The quilt was lifted roughly by the man, and Martha froze when she felt the quilt disappear.

Stefan stared at her condescendingly, his lips parted slightly, "Open your eyes."

Martha hesitated, and opened her eyes obediently.

As soon as she opened her eyes, all she saw was a man with a naked upper body and a tie aroundhis neck.

His tanned skin was exposed, and and the eight perfect abs were all muscular without any excessfat.

The black tie hung in the middle of the abdominal muscles, giving the man a bit of abstinence andevil charm.

A picture suddenly flashed in Martha's mind; it was the movements of those male models dancingon the stage today.

She drooped her eyes guiltily, and a suspicious blush appeared on her cheeks.

Stefan's eyes gradually darkened, and he stretched out his slender fingers to gently lift the woman'schin.

"It that male model good-looking?"

"Not at all." Martha hesitated for a moment and then shook her head vigorously to deny it.

There was a sneer on Stefan's lips. He stared at her meaningfully, with his lips parted slightly, "Isthat so? I think he's not bad."

"No, no, he's very plain-looking."

Martha's survival instinct made her deny Stefan's words.

Her intuition told her that Stefan was very angry.

Before she came to herself, he had leaned over, put one hand on her head, and grabbed her handwith the other, leading her to touch his abs.

"Tell me, which is better, my figure or that male model's?"

Martha's face turned red again, and she pulled out her hand in a panic, trying to avoid it.

But he held her hand tightly and pressed her hand to his abs.

"Simply looking at it may not give you a strong feeling."

Martha's eyelids drooped, and she didn't dare to raise her eyes to meet the man's gaze.

She could clearly hear the man's breathing getting heavier, and finally she gritted her teeth andsummoned up the courage to say, "I didn't take a closer look at his abs, but now I have seen yourabs, and I'm very satisfied."

The man's eyebrows slightly raised, and upon hearing Martha's slightly teasing words, he only feltthat the suppressed anger dissipated a lot.

But he still didn't intend to just let go of her easily.

A smile rose to his lips, and he spoke again in a low voice, "Since you like it, then I can let you feel ittonight."

After saying this, Stefan grabbed Martha's slender waist.

In the next second, he switched positions with her.

Martha's eyes widened, and she looked in shock at him.novelbin

"Stefan, you..."

Before she finished speaking, he interrupted her in a deep voice, "I never knew you had a liking forhot guys until today."

Martha's lips parted slightly, and she was about to speak up and defend herself, but she felt that shecouldn't explain it.

The person who liked to watch male models was Melissa. She was just dragged by Melissa towatch a male model show today.

But who knew that it would bring trouble upon herself!

Looking into Stefan's eyes, she knew clearly that it was useless for her to explain.

Not only had she been caught by Stefan watching a male model show, but she had also beenpursued by one of the male models.

At this moment, Martha deeply regretted agreeing to watch the performance with Melissa.

After waiting for a while, Stefan only saw Martha's absentminded look.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at her with a bit of displeasure.

This woman is actually distracted now.

It seems that he has been so nice to her recently that she has forgotten that she is a marriedwoman.

With a sullen face, he cupped her chin.

"Have you drawn a conclusion?"


Martha looked up at Stefan in a panic, lay motionless in his arms very weakly and helplessly, notdaring to move.

The man's lips curled slightly as he continued to ask, "Are my abs better than that male model's?"

She was speechless upon hearing these words.

Why was he dwelling on this question? She didn't expect Stefan to be so childish.

It seemed that he would not let her go until he got a satisfactory answer.

Martha bit her lip, and said softly, "Yours are better."

When Stefan heard that, the emotions in his eyes became more and more intense, and finally heturned over and kissed her red lips.

When Martha was out of breath, he let her go and nibbled on her red lips.


The woman gasped in pain, and the next second, the man's wicked voice sounded in her ear, "Fromnow on, don't go out to see other men again."

Before Martha could answer, the man had kissed her all the way along her slender neck...

She subconsciously grasped the man's arm with both hands, her eyes gradually becoming blurred...

In the wee hours before Martha got exhausted, she seriously reminded herself that she would neverdo any absurd things with Melissa again.

She couldn't bear such a crazy Stefan anymore.


In Melissa's suite, as soon as Melissa entered the room, she was trapped by Eden between hisarms and the door.

She was slightly taken aback, and immediately showed puppy dog eyes, and put her arms aroundhis neck before saying affectionately, "Honey, I've been walking for a day, and my feet are so sore."

With downcast eyes, Eden bent down and picked up Melissa, throwing her on the bed.

As soon as Melissa exclaimed slightly, Eden pressed against her and directly sealed her lips with akiss...

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