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Chapter 662 Do You Not Know It?

Chapter 662 Do You Not Know It?

When the group arrived at the wildlife park, there were staff members waiting at the gate.

The staff members rushed up to them and said respectfully, "Mr. Harrison, Mrs. Harrison, MasterJimmy, welcome to the wildlife park."

Stefan glanced at him lightly, pursed his lips and said nothing.

Martha, standing next to him, smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Not at all. It's our honor to serve you," replied the staff member with a shy smile before leading thegroup of people directly into the park.

Melissa, who was following behind, didn't regain her senses until she entered the wildlife park, andlooked at Eden who walked beside her in shock.

Her eyes seemed to be asking why there were staff members coming out to greet them personallyand lead them around.novelbin

Eden smiled and reached out to hold Melissa's hand, parted his lips, and explained, "Stefan hasinvested heavily in Lover Island's tourism industry, so these people are just trying to get on his goodside."

Melissa was taken aback when she heard that.

Lover Island was one of the five most romantic places in the world, and most of the tourism herewas even invested by Stefan!

It wasn't until this moment that Melissa clearly realized how rich and powerful her best friend'shusband was.

The group followed their guide through various areas within the park with their first stop being anarea dedicated solely for golden monkeys.

The monkey enclosure was built next to water with artificial hills surrounding it. The scenery waspicturesque and very poetic.

Some monkeys were playing on top of these hills while others were playing around the pool, andsome were chasing each other.

When Jimmy saw this scene, his eyes lit up, and he looked at the staff excitedly.

"Can I feed them?"

"Sure," the staff member said enthusiastically, and looked at Jimmy respectfully.

"Master Jimmy, these are special food for golden monkeys. You can try to feed them. They are verydocile and will not scratch or bite people."

"Thanks." Jimmy thanked him politely, and walked excitedly into the enclosure of the goldenmonkeys with the food.

Melissa, who was standing behind and watching, hurried forward, took Martha's hand and walked tothe fence together.

"We're going to protect Jimmy."

Melissa showed a bright smile to Jimmy who picked up the food bowl, "Jimmy, I will help you feedthe golden monkey."

Martha was somewhat speechless when she heard that.

She thought, "Melissa wants to feed the golden monkey herself, but she uses protecting Jimmy asan excuse."

However, Martha also knew Melissa's personality - always impulsive and doing whatever shewanted.

Jimmy smiled and nodded, then pointed to one of the golden monkeys and turned to look at Martha.

"Mommy, that golden monkey is so beautiful."

"Well, this also shows that the living environment here is good, so the golden monkey grows sowell," Martha replied in a gentle voice, and stretched out her hand to tuck her hair behind her ear.

The golden monkey standing in front saw it and followed suit.

Melissa was stunned when she saw that, and then pointed to the golden monkey and laughed,"Martha, look, he is learning from you, and he seems to be learning."

The next second, Jimmy pointed at Melissa with a smirk and pointed at the golden monkey not faraway.

"Melissa, there are also golden monkeys learning from you."

Melissa was slightly taken aback, then turned her head to look, just in time to see the goldenmonkey grinning just like she did just now.

She frowned slightly, and touched her nose guiltily.

"I didn't laugh that exaggeratedly."

"Melissa, don't be humble, you smile more exaggeratedly than she did." Jimmy retorted calmly, andthe smile on the corner of his mouth never disappeared.

Eden stood behind them with a slight smirk on his lips, looking at Melissa with love in his eyes.

He loved how lively and animated she was; only then could he feel like life was interesting enoughfor him too!

Melissa playfully hit Jimmy on top of his head, "Don't talk nonsense. I'm an elegant lady. Don't ruinmy reputation."

Jimmy couldn't help covering his mouth and giggling when he heard that.

Martha also had a hint of laughter in her eyes before saying something meaningful, "Melissa, itwould be great if my daughter-in-law had the same temper as you in the future, and she will beliked."

Melissa didn't react at first, but then she lifted her chin proudly and looked at Martha with a hint ofarrogance. "Who does my daughter look like if not me?"

After saying this, she suddenly realized what she had just said and walked over to Martha with herhands on her hips. "Okay, I guess someone who doesn't know any better would think you werecomplimenting me."

Martha blinked her bright eyes and looked at her with a smile, "But wasn't I complimenting you?"

"Hmph, you know exactly what you meant," Melissa huffed before putting down the food in her handand turning to scratch Martha's itch without hesitation.

Martha was ticklish, and this time, laughter filled the whole golden monkey park.

Stefan and Eden, who were standing not far behind them, were smiling, looking at their wiveslovingly.

Soon, the laughter of the two was interrupted by the surprised voice of Jimmy, "Mommy, Melissa,look. Those two golden monkeys are copying your movements!"

Martha and Melissa paused, and they followed Jimmy's line of sight.

When they saw two golden monkeys with exactly the same movements looking at them, theylooked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

After Jimmy finished feeding the food in the small basin, he looked at the staff member eagerly,making the latter soften and believe Jimmy would be a handsome guy when he grew up.

Jimmy didn't realize what the staff member was thinking, and asked with a smile, "What animals arewe going to see next?"

The staff just stared blankly at Jimmy standing in front of him, wishing Jimmy could be his son.

After waiting for a while, Jimmy didn't hear any answer, so he stepped forward and waved his handin front of him in doubt.

"Hello, may I ask what animal we are going to see next?"

After the staff member came back to his senses, he looked at Mr. Harrison and Mrs. Harrisonapologetically, and replied gently, "To your right is where the koalas live; while on your left is thecrocodile pond."

Jimmy's eyes lit up, and he said quickly, "Mommy, can we go see the koalas first?"


"Sure," Martha replied softly, took the little guy's hand and signaled for the guide to lead the way.

As they walked, the staff member assessed Jimmy's interest in the koalas and began introducingthem in a gentle voice.

"There are a lot of eucalyptus trees in the forest because koalas spend most of their time in trees.Their bodies are light gray to light yellow with bare noses that are large and round. Their heads areround and their fur is very fluffy."

After listening carefully to the staff member's introduction, Jimmy couldn't help but ask a question.

"What do they eat?"

"They eat eucalyptus leaves. They can eat a lot of eucalyptus leaves every day."

The staff familiarly introduced the living habits of the koalas, fearing that Jimmy would bedisappointed that he would not be able to get in touch with the koalas.

"Koalas are docile by nature but also very lazy so their actions depend entirely on their mood."

Jimmy nodded understandingly when he heard this.

He understood that what the staff member was really saying was that when they went over therelater, it wasn't guaranteed that they would see any koalas closely .

Martha standing next to him clearly understood what was implied by what had been said. Shelooked down at Jimmy and saw him nod slightly understandingly.

"Since wild animals have their living habits. Being forced into doing things is against their nature,"Jimmy replied sensibly.

The staff member walking in front was startled, obviously not expecting such insight from such ayoung child.

He had been worried about whether or not Jimmy would cry or throw tantrums if he couldn't touchany koalas later on, but now it seemed that his worry was unnecessary.

Martha and Stefan, who walked behind Jimmy, nodded in agreement when they heard that.

Melissa, who was following behind Martha and her son, couldn't help but exclaim in shock when sheheard Jimmy speak. "Jimmy, I can't believe you're so young and yet so insightful."

You see, most kids at his age will cry and throw tantrums if they can't get what they like, but Jimmycan accept the reality without making a fuss.

For some people, the idea of loving something they cannot have is something they struggle withtheir whole lives.

As Melissa marveled at this thought, she walked up to the little boy and took hold of his other hand."Jimmy, I'm so proud of you."

Martha, who was standing on the other side of Jimmy, couldn't help laughing.

The group followed the staff to a grove of trees where koalas were lazily lounging around in them ormunching on leaves. They never came down from their perches even as everyone tried to getcloser for a better look.

But Jimmy didn't seem to mind one bit; instead he looked excitedly at his mother. "Mommy! Thekoalas are so cute! I must draw them when I get home."

Before Martha could say anything else, Melissa's cheerful voice rang out beside them, "Jimmy, doyou want me to take some pictures for you? You can use them as reference when drawing later!"

"Okay, Melissa, please." Jimmy's big eyes shone with excitement as he gazed up at Melissa.

Melissa took several pictures with the expectant eyes of Jimmy, and even showed the camera toJimmy, "Jimmy, what did you think of these photos?

After Jimmy took the camera, he carefully looked at the koalas in various states in Melissa'scamera, and the corner of his mouth unconsciously curled up.

He returned the camera to Melissa with a big smile on his face.

"The photos taken by you are so beautiful. I will learn to take pictures from you in the future."

"You've got good taste," Melissa replied with satisfaction before catching Eden's indulgent gazeupon her which made her pause briefly before lifting chin haughtily. "Don't underestimate me."

"Of course I won't. You are the best in my mind."

Eden's doting eyes fell on Melissa, causing the latter to blush again.

Somehow, she felt his tone of voice was very flirtatious.

Before they were in love, she always thought he was a gentleman.

Later, she realized that she was a horny man who always wanted to have sex with her.

Martha stood nearby with a smile on her face and happiness in her eyes. She was thrilled to seeher best friend so happy.

To Martha, life should be like this - full of laughter and warmth.

Stefan's eyes darkened as he took a step forward and wrapped his arms around Melissa's slenderwaist. "So have you found inspiration yet?"

Martha paused slightly, and then realized what the man was referring to.

She was thinking about her comeback after marriage, and she didn't hide it from Stefan, so the manasked this question at this time because he was worried about whether she would have theinspiration to paint.

After all, a lot of paintings were needed to open up a studio.

She smiled coyly at Stefan while looking up at him.

"Yes," she replied softly. "I'm overflowing with inspiration right now."

Stefan pursed his lips, looking dotingly at the woman in his arms.

Martha looked into the man's deep eyes, and the scene of him leaning on the railing on the roadaround the island unconsciously appeared in her mind.

He was bathed in the sun, and the sea water behind him sparkled under the sunlight...

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