Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 632 Taking Wedding Photos Together
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Chapter 632 Taking Wedding Photos Together

Chapter 632 Taking Wedding Photos Together

After taking the medicine, Martha sat on the sofa with a wry face.

Stefan might have found out her intentions.

That was why he directly ordered Jimmy to bring medicine to her and supervise her to take it.

Every time she saw Jimmy's radiant look, she couldn't help but think of what happened in themorning.

She really didn't know how long this kind of life would last.

Maxwell saw his daughter's worry at a glance, and couldn't help asking with concern, "What'swrong? Did something happen?"

"No." After Martha came back to her senses, she showed a bitter smile to her father.

In the next second, she saw from her father's face that he was worried about her, she was slightlytaken aback, and explained, "It's just that the medicine is too bitter. I don't want to take it, but I haveto."

Maxwell chuckled, "You are Jimmy's mommy. You should set a good example. Why are you stillafraid of taking medicine?"

"Dad, I'm not just Jimmy's mommy. I'm also your little girl."

Martha spoke dissatisfiedly, then got up and sat next to her father, leaning on the latter's arm.

Maxwell was amused at Martha's words.

"Yes, yes, you are always my little girl."

Martha smiled in satisfaction, suddenly thought of the Doyle Group, and couldn't help but ask, "Howis the Doyle Group?"

"After you escaped from marriage, the Doyle Group slowly got on the right track, and its currentstock price has slowly returned to the peak, regaining its heyday."

As soon as Maxwell mentioned the Doyle Group, his face was full of smiles.

The Doyle Group became what it was because of Martha's and Stefan's contribution.

Martha got the Doyle Group to work on Louis' project, and made it a listed company.

Stefan brought many resources to help stablize the Doyle Group's development.

Martha was grateful to Stefan for what he had done.

She concealed the gratitude inside, and stretched out her hand to pull her father's arm distressedly.

"Dad, when I fully recover, I will take over the affairs of the Doyle Group."

"No," Maxwell said with a smile on his face, and then explained, "Some time ago, I discussed withStefan about merging the Doyle Group with the Harrison Group and making the Doyle Group asubsidiary of the Harrison Group."


Martha looked at her father in confusion, not understanding why he made such a decision.

Maxwell read his daughter's thoughts at a glance, smiled and reached out to hold her hand andpatted it.

"The Doyle Group is an independent entity even when it becomes a subsidiary of the HarrisonGroup."

His words made Martha feel relieved.

Only then did Maxwell continue, "Your mother and I have only one child, and the Doyle Group willbe handed over to you sooner or later. And he is your husband. You are a husband and wife, and itdoesn't matter who owns it."

Martha was taken aback for a moment, with a lot of thoughts in her mind.

Before, she tried every means to separate the Doyle Group from the Harrison Group, but she didn'texpect that the Doyle Group and the Harrison Group would get merged again.

Just like the fate of her and Stefan.

They parted and reunited. After being through a lot, they came to where they were.

At that moment, Stefan came out of the kitchen and asked with a smile: "Martha, Bianca asked mewhat would you like for supper?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Melissa's voice came.

"Bianca can rest now; I brought some supper for Martha."novelbin

After saying that, Melissa walked into the living roomwith a thermos, walked straight to Martha, andsat down next to the latter.

"Martha, today I brought you kelp rib soup."

When Martha heard that, she put on a wry smile.

She had thought it was a good thing that Melissa could cook delicious food for her every day, butMelissa brought soup to her every time.

She had been tired of having soup, but, "coerced" by Melissa, she had to have it.

As soon as Melissa turned her head, she saw Martha's wry smile and staring at her displeasedly,"Why, the soup I made doesn't taste good?"

"It's very delicious."

Martha forced a smile and looked for help from Stefan who was standing nearby.

Stefan raised his eyebrows, turned and walked towards the kitchen, pretending not to see it.

After Maxwell saw Melissa coming, he smiled and said, "Melissa is here, you guys chat. I'll go to thestudy first."

Having said goodbye to Maxwell politely, Melissa reached out to take the bowl that Bianca handedover, smiling obediently. "Thank you Bianca."

"No biggie."

Melissa quickly served a bowl of soup to Martha who was sitting beside her, and asked with a smile,"Bianca, do you want to try my cooking?"

"Let Martha drink more, I'm going to rest first." After Bianca said softly, she turned around andwalked towards the room.

Soon, only Martha and Melissa were left in the living room.

Martha looked at the pork rib soup in her hand and said in a low voice, "Melissa, can I not drink it?"

"It takes three hours to make it. Are you going to waste my hard work?"

Melissa crossed her arms and glared at the woman beside her displeased.

The woman shrank her neck in fear, resigned herself to scoop up the rib soup in the bowl, and put itinto her mouth one spoonful at a time.

After Martha finished drinking the soup in the bowl, she tentatively said, "The doctor said that mybody has almost recovered, so you don't need to..."

Before she could speak, Melissa interrupted her quietly.

"Don't think I don't know what he meant. The doctor said that you still needed nourishment for yourbody."

When Martha heard that, she hated Eden's honesty like never before.

If he hadn't been so bigmouthed, how could Melissa have known that information and brought hersoup!

After these few days, she had gained more than five catties!

With this thought in her mind, she looked at her best friend beside her with some despair on herface.

"Melissa, I have gained more than five catties recently."

"You're so thin, it's better to gain some weight."

Melissa smiled and pinched Martha's cheek, and filled the latter with another bowl of soup.

Martha looked at the soup in her best friend's hand, "I'm already full."

"You have to drink it when you're full."

Hearing Melissa's domineering voice, the woman resignedly took the bowl and continued to drink.

Melissa smiled unconsciously when she saw her like that.

Suddenly, she thought of an extremely important matter, and sat down beside Martha.

"I'm going to take wedding photos with Eden."


Martha looked at the woman beside her in shock, her eyes filled with disbelief.

Melissa had told her about Eden's proposal, and now were they going to get married?

Thinking of that, she asked in disbelief. "Are you ready to get married?"

Melissa nodded seriously, "We have plans for that. We're planning on taking some wedding photosfirst before discussing further."

The woman sitting beside her couldn't help but touch her forehead when she heard that.

Normally, people would set a date for their marriage first before taking wedding photos, right? Whydid it seem like things were reversed here with Melissa?

The next second, the excited voice of her best friend sounded, interrupting her thoughts.

"Martha, I still remember how you looked in your wedding dress last time, so I want to see what Ilook like in my wedding dress."

Martha froze for a moment, and the thoughts in her mind slowly drifted away.

The wedding dress she wore last time was designed by Stefan.

The wedding dress was beautiful, classic, and elegant.

Unfortunately, she didn't wear that dress to take photos with Stefan.

After Melissa regained her senses, she suddenly noticed the sadness on Martha's face, and after amoment of surprise, she understood what her best friend was thinking.

"I know that you and Stefan have not taken wedding photos, so I'm here to ask you to take weddingphotos together."

Martha suddenly raised her head to look at Melissa, her eyes were somewhat shocked.

Take wedding photos together?

She looked at Melissa, who was close at hand, with a slight smile on her lips, "It's a good idea for usto take wedding photos together."

"I came up with it, so of course it's good!"

Melissa raised her chin proudly, and started urging Martha to finish the soup quickly.

Martha was completely drawn to the idea of taking wedding photos and didn't pay attention toanything else. She quickly finished her soup, and was absorbed in planning where to take weddingphotos.

They discussed what type of wedding photos to take, how to take them, and how many to take.

It wasn't until Eden, who came to pick up Melissa, came in and urged her three times, that Marthareluctantly sent Melissa away.


When Martha came back into the bedroom, Stefan had just come out of the bathroom after taking ashower.

His hair was wet and hadn't dried yet, and it scattered on his chiselled face, highlighting a differentkind of sexiness.

A glint flashed in her eyes as she walked up with a mischievous grin, standing in front of the man.

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