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Chapter 626 Continue Your Story

Chapter 626 Continue Your Story


Martha happily turned her head to look at comer, and said excitedly, "Melissa, you're finally here. Ifyou don't come, I'll be bored to death at home."

"Don't be so dramatic!"

With that said, Melissa went to sit next to Martha and put thermos in her hand on the coffee table.

Martha looked curiously at thermos on the coffee table, and asked puzzledly, "What did you bring?"

"Fish soup."

She got up and walked towards the kitchen to get the bowl and spoon.

As soon as she entered, she saw the father and son standing in the kitchen.

"Mr. Harrison, Jimmy, you are all here!"

"Melissa, here you come."

Jimmy turned to Melissa with a big smile on his face, still helping Daddy wipe the bowl.

Stefan responded lightly, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Come and spend more time withMartha when you have time."

"Mr. Harrison, don't worry, I will come here often when I have time."

After Melissa responded, seeing Stefan standing by the sink, she was hesitant to ask him for help.

After a short while, she turned her head to look at Jimmy decisively, and said her purpose of cominghere.

"Jimmy, get me a bowl and spoon."


Jimmy quickly took out the bowl and spoon and handed them to Melissa, with a smile on his face.

Jimmy's cuteness made Melissa reach out and rub his hair.

"Thank you, Jimmy."

"You're welcome."

Jimmy answered solemnly, turned around and continued to help Daddy.

He said he was staying in the kitchen to help Daddy, but in fact he just wanted to get moreinformation about the wedding his father prepared for his mommy.

After returning to the hall with the spoon and bowl, Melissa smiled and walked to Martha and satdown.

"You can be called a life winner now. Your husband and child do housework, and you rest here."

"Sure thing."

Martha raised her chin proudly, her eyes still fixed on thermos brought by her best friend.

Melissa felt amused when she saw her like that.

She put down the bowl with a chuckle, opened thermos and poured a bowl of fish soup to Martha.

"Taste and see how I do."

"It must be delicious."

Martha couldn't wait to take a spoonful of fish soup and put it into her mouth. The fragrant fish soupspread in her mouth, making her let out a sigh of satisfaction.

"Melissa, your cooking skills have improved again."

"Of course, I'm a good chef."

Melissa smiled triumphantly, leaned back on the sofa, and relaxed.

Tired for two days, she could finally take a rest here.

She suddenly remembered something, and looked at Martha with self-blame.

"Martha, I'm sorry I didn't see you yesterday."

"For the sake of the fish soup, I forgive you."

Martha responded proudly, took a mouthful of fish soup and put it into her mouth again.

After she drank a whole bowl of fish soup, she lay lazily beside Melissa, and asked about the latter'scondition with concern.

"What are you busy with today? Why are you here so late?"

"My editor asked me for something."

When Melissa talked about that, she immediately got excited, and grabbed Martha's arm.

"Tell me, I'm not dreaming."

"You're not dreaming, or you would have pinched yourself, not me, to check if it hurt."

Martha responded angrily, and at the same time prized opened Melissa's fingers.

Melissa grinned, and then happily explained.

"Yesterday, my editor suddenly called me and asked me to continue writing, so that I won't stopupdating, otherwise I would lose a lot of fans."

"But I couldn't write at all before yesterday."

The prototype of her novel was Martha. After Martha escaped marriage, she no longer had thechance to talk with Martha about her story in detail, and naturally she didn't know how to continuethe novel.

So the novel had been not updated for a long time.

Until yesterday, the editor specially called her to update it quickly.

And after listening to Martha's experiences, inspiration flooded her mind, and she updated severalchapters.

Who would have thought that the novel would gain even more popularity this time.

Then the editor called her to discuss cooperation, and she...

In the next second, Melissa's thoughts were interrupted by Martha's concerned inquiry, "Did youwrite it later?"


Melissa looked at her bestie with some embarrassment, and smiled guiltily.

"After you came back, you told me your experience, and then my inspiration flooded again, and theupdated novel became popular again."

"So, my editor had a talk with me today, asking me to finish this novel, to give myself, readers andthe characters in the novel an explanation."

"Hmm," Martha lazily responded, and closed her eyes a little bit tiredly.

Melissa's excited voice rang out in her ear.

"The editor said that this novel I wrote is getting increasing popularity and readers were fond of mystory, so she wanted to take this opportunity to publicize it and raise my salary, so that I canconcentrate on finishing this book."

"It's just that these stories are all about you, but they are too secretive. Will it be bad for you if I writethem out?"

"Not at all," Martha answered lightly. With her lips parted, she started to help Melissa analyze it.

"Melissa, you are a novelist. Readers will only regard your novels as stories written after a burst ofyour imagination. What does that have to do with me?"

Melissa's eyes lit up, and she looked at Martha with joy.

"You mean, I can continue to write your story."

"Sure," Martha responded with a slight smile, then opened her eyes and looked at her bestie with asmirk, "But, I have one condition."

"What is it?"novelbin

Melissa asked puzzledly, the uneasiness that existed in her eyes just now disappeared without atrace.

Martha curled her lips and pointed to the thermos on the coffee table.

"My condition is that you should cook more delicious food for me when you have time."

"No problem."

Melissa waved her hands nonchalantly, looking at her bestie with a hint of distress.

Regardless of whether Martha would propose this condition or not, she would make soup for herduring this time.

In her opinion, Martha had experienced so many things during this period, and had suffered suchserious injuries, so she should make up for it.

Martha, who was sitting next to her, pursed her lips in satisfaction after hearing the answer.

At this time, Martha didn't know how much she would regret the condition she had brought up now.

She turned her head and approached Melissa with a smirk on her face, and asked gossipingly,"How far have you and Eden progressed?"

"What are you talking about? I don't understand."

Melissa's face turned red, and she sat up straight in a daze and began to clean up the things on thecoffee table.

Seeing her like that, the smile in Martha's eyes widened unconsciously.

"Weird. I asked if you and Eden are officially together now. Why did you suddenly blush?"

Melissa retorted angrily. "Haven't we been together a long time ago? Don't you all know that he hasproposed to me?"

After Melissa said that, she froze for a moment, and immediately realized what Martha meant.

Martha knew about her situation a long time ago, and the reason why she said that on purpose justnow was to tease her.

Yet Martha just watched Melissa innocently as if he had done nothing, "Really? What about yourengagement ring? Why didn't I see it?"

"I... I'm too shy to bring it out."

Melissa's confident voice just now was much soft, and she blushed even more.

Martha froze for a moment, and when she came back to her senses, she smiled and said, "You andEden like each other, and you're not doing something shameful, then why are you embarrassed?"

"Besides, isn't it the same if you wear it early or late? Anyway, I know where you two haveprogressed."

Although Martha said so to enlighten Melissa, she knew what her bestie was dwelling on.

Melissa was not used to Eden's identity now, or in other words, they suddenly changed from beingfriends to a couple, which made her very uncomfortable.

Therefore, Melissa would become very shy when it came to her love life.

After chatting about other topics with Melissa, seeing that it was getting late, Martha prepared to askthe driver to send Melissa back.

But who knew, the two had just walked out of the Doyle Manor when they met a familiar person.

"How did you come?"

Melissa looked at the man standing not far away in shock, and couldn't help but exclaim.

Eden stepped forward with a smile, and grabbed Melissa's shoulders, "I'm here to take you home."

"Hey, seems like you miss your fiance very much, no wonder you can't wait to go home."

Martha looked at Melissateasingly, with a smile on her face.

Melissa blushed, and retorted coquettishly, "No, I'm going home because it's getting late."

"Then go back quickly."

Martha saw them off with a smile, but felt relieved.

When she arranged the driver just now, Melissa didn't refute, probably because she didn't know thatEden was coming to pick her up.

But Eden had come, which showed that Melissa was very important to him.

In this way, she was at ease.

After saying goodbye to Martha with a smile, Melissa followed Eden into the car and left the DoyleManor.

After Martha sent the two of them away, she turned around and hit a man's warm chest.

Immediately afterwards, she was hugged, and the man's husky voice rang in her ears, "You will bevery happy too."

She froze for a moment, then reached out and hugged him back.

"That's for sure."

Because of you, I am very happy.

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