Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 615 Mommy, Jimmy Misses You So Much
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Chapter 615 Mommy, Jimmy Misses You So Much

Chapter 615 Mommy, Jimmy Misses You So Much

When Martha heard that, she widened her smile and reached for Melissa's hand.

"Did you agree?"


Looking at the teasing look on Martha's face, Melissa blushed.

Melissa's affirmative answer made Martha's smile brighter.

"It seems like our Jimmy is about to have a wife or a younger brother."

"Don't be ridiculous."

Melissa reached out her hand to cover Martha's mouth in a panic, for fear that she would saysomething inappropriate again.

Martha raised her eyebrows, staring at her best friend, making the latter's face even redder.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the Doyle Manor.

As the car approached the Doyle Villa, Martha saw Rhys holding Jimmy standing at the gate,looking forward to their arrival.

After the car stopped, Martha eagerly opened the door and got out of the car.

Jimmy, who was standing next to Rhys, saw his mommy, his eyes turned red, he immediately let goof Rhys' hand, and ran towards his mommy.

After he ran halfway, he suddenly stopped and looked at his mommy who was walking towards himstep by step in a panic.

He rubbed his small hands helplessly, and nervously looked at Martha.

"Are you really my mommy?"


Martha murmured, took a step forward and squatted down, directly hugging the child into her arms.

It was not until this moment that all worries had left her mind completely.

During the period of being tied up in the basement, she was unafraid of facing death, but she wasworried that her beloved man and child would get in trouble.

Now, seeing them both safe and sound, she was content.

When Jimmy was hugged by his mommy, his body was stiff, and soon he smelled the smell thatbelonged to his mommy.

It was not until then that his body slowly relaxed and he reached out to hug Mommy.

He knew that this was her real mommy.

His daddy did not disappoint him and brought back the real mommy.

"Mommy, Jimmy misses you so much!"

"Mommy misses you too."

Martha let go of the child in her arms with moist eyes, and reached out to gently wipe the tears offJimmy's face.

"Why are you crying?"

"Jimmy is so happy to see Mommy."

Jimmy wiped away the remaining tears on his face, and grinned.

When Martha heard that, a gentle smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She rubbed Jimmy's head, feeling sorry, and whispered, "I'm sorry for worrying Jimmy."

"I've been very good. I listen to Uncle Rhys and eat good food, so Mommy, you should remember toreward me."

Jimmy suddenly tilted his head, blinked his big eyes, and looked at Martha expectantly.

Martha understood that her son was trying to ease the tension.

She knew what he meant and didn't intend to spoil it. Instead, she hugged Jimmy and echoed him,"OK, I'll promise you one thing, and I'll also give you three days to think about it."

"It's a deal."

Jimmy put his arms around Martha's neck, with a happy smile on his face.

Just as Martha took two steps with Jimmy in her arms, Stefan stepped forward to stop her, "Let mehold him."

"I can do it."

Martha hugged Jimmy tightly, unwilling to let go.

But Stefan reached out, took Jimmy from her arms and put him on his shoulders.

"You need to see a doctor about your health. Don't hold our child until you recover."

Jimmy, who was being hugged by his daddy, stared at his daddy unhappily when he heard that.

He wanted to refute, but when he turned his head and saw his mother's pale face, he swallowed therebuttal.

Martha knew that Stefan was worried about his health. Just as she was about to refute, she sawJimmy's worried look on his face.

She frowned slightly, but she said nothing.

After the three took two steps, they saw Rhys standing not far away.

Stefan hugged Jimmy and stopped in front of Rhys, watching the latter with dark eyes.

"Thank you."

"No biggie," Rhys replied lightly, and his eyes fell on Martha.

He saw Martha's pale complexion at a glance, she frowned, and parted his lips.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine." Martha smiled slightly, looking at Rhys with gratitude in her dark eyes.

"Thank you for taking care of Jimmy."

"Jimmy calls me 'Uncle', I can't let him call me that for nothing."

Rhys raised his eyebrows slightly, and as soon as he looked up, he met the eyes of Jimmy who washeld in Stefan's arms.

When Jimmy saw Rhys' gaze resting on him, he immediately cracked a big smile.

He didn't have have a good impression of this uncle before.

It was because this uncle always had a cold face and looked like someone not to be approached.

But when his dad brought him to this uncle's care, he knew that this uncle would protect him.novelbin

This uncle was usually alone and seldom smiled, so he began to chat and talk with this uncle.

And it paid off. This uncle really treated him much more pleasantly.

And he began to discover that this uncle was not as scary as he imagined. He was just too lonelyand used to being alone, so he always had a cold face.

Rhys, who was standing behind, saw Jimmy's smile, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of hismouth.

He was fond of this adorable kid.

Martha noticed Rhys' smile too; she followed his gaze down towards her son who was grinningwidely at Rhys.

Her eyes were full of shock, and then her heart was filled with pride.

Her son was really good, even winning over someone as difficult to deal with as Rhys!

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