Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 600 Draw My Blood For Her
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Chapter 600 Draw My Blood For Her

Chapter 600 Draw My Blood for Her


The guard at the entrance of the basement responded solemnly, turned around and gestured to thesubordinates who were on standby in the room.

Soon, the guards from the royal family rushed down to the basement.

"Isn't it a bit too late to want to run away now?"

Louis smiled mockingly, reached out to pick up the knife that the man in black had dropped on theground, and threw the hilt side at the old Mrs. Lucas.

The hilt of the knife was thrown on the old lady's shoulder, making her crooked and almost fall to theground.

After the guards came to the basement, a few people dealt with the men in black, and the othersquickly moved towards the old Mrs. Lucas.

The old Mrs. Lucas looked sideways after hearing the footsteps. After seeing many guards, acontemptuous smile rose to her lips.

"King Ducasse, you really went to great lengths to catch me."

"If not, how can I catch you?"

King Ducasse looked at the old lady with cold eyes.

He always felt that the old Mrs. Lucas had participated in a lot of conspiracy.

Only by catching her can the mystery of everything be solved.

The old Mrs. Lucas gave a low grin, stretched out her hand and sprinkled a packet of powder at theguard who was running towards her.

"If you want to catch me, it depends on whether you are capable enough."

After the guards who ran towards her realized it, they had inhaled a lot of white powder.

Soon, the group of people in front turned around with blurred eyes, and looked at the companionsbehind them with stern expressions.

Some of the guards behind who had not inhaled the white powder were killed by their insanecompanions before they could react.

King Ducasse had been paying attention to the actions of the old Mrs. Lucas just now.

When he saw this scene, he immediately realized that the white powder might have hallucinogeniceffects in it.

That's why the guards who inhaled the powder couldn't distinguish between enemies and allies.

He frowned and said icily, "Be careful, their nerves are confused."

When the old Mrs. Lucas heard this, she smiled mockingly at King Ducasse, turned around andwalked quickly into the passage.

Louis turned his head to look at the guards who were still fighting, and said blankly, "Knock themout, hurry up."


The guards responded, and took more aggressive actions.

After Louis gave an order, he quickly chased after the old Mrs. Lucas.

Soon, he put his hand on the shoulder of the old Mrs. Lucas, trying to hold her hostage.

At this moment, the old Mrs. Lucas suddenly turned around and stabbed Louis.

The latter took a quick step back, kicked the dagger away from the old woman's hand, steppedforward, and subdued her.

When he led the old Mrs. Lucas back to the basement, the battle between the guards and the black-clad men had ended.

And Martha, who had been holding on to her spirit all the time, relaxed after seeing the old hagbeing subdued, and suddenly passed out.

King Ducasse, who was standing on the side, looked sideways at the guard, "Tie them up and letthem be quiet."


The guard responded respectfully, and waved his hand to order his subordinates to immediately tieup the old Mrs. Lucas and the fake Martha.

Soon a doctor stepped forward and quickly injected them with tranquilizers.

After a dose of tranquilizer, fake Martha and the old Mrs. Lucas passed out quickly.

On the other side, the Side Palace.

After the battle, Stefan immediately left the basement with Martha in his arms, and rushed to theroyal palace as quickly as possible.

It didn't take long before the best doctors in the royal family to come to treat Martha.

After a long while, several highly respected doctors came out of the Side Palace, all with solemnexpressions.

"How is she?"

"How's it going?"

The voices of King Ducasse and Stefan sounded at the same time, both of them looked anxious.

After hearing what his brother said, Stefan glanced sideways at him, and didn't say much.

Several highly respected doctors looked at each other, sighed helplessly, and said, "The patient'scurrent situation is very critical, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is hovering between lifeand death."

"The strangest thing is that the blood in the patient's whole body disappeared very quickly, as if theblood had been drained."

"So now, the first priority is to transfuse the patient."

King Ducasse frowned, and a displeased and somewhat irritable voice sounded, "Then hurry up!"

The doctors nodded in panic, and one of them quickly took Martha's blood for blood testing.

Soon the blood type results came out, and a doctor immediately said, "Go to the blood bank and gettype O blood."


After a young doctor responded, he turned around and walked quickly outside the Side Palace.

At this moment, Stefan took a step forward, stretched out his hand and lifted up his sleeve, "I havetype O blood, draw mine."

After the doctors looked at each other, they immediately led Stefan into the Side Palace.

The patient's current situation was very dangerous, and it would take time to transfer blood from theblood bank here, so using Stefan's blood now was the safest way to save the patient.

Not long after, the doctor took 400 milliliters of Stefan's blood and transfused Martha.

However, the 400 milliliters of blood was not enough, and the blood from blood bank had not beentransferred, so they took another 500 milliliters of Stefan's blood.

As soon as the 900ml of blood was drawn, Stefan's face turned pale.

Seeing Stefan's pale cheeks, King Ducasse frowned slightly, and couldn't help worrying that Stefancouldn't stand it.

Stefan didn't care about himself, but only looked worriedly at Martha.

If he had protected her well, she wouldn't have suffered so much.

Stefan lowered his eyes to hide the self-guilt in his eyes, secretly praying that nothing would happento Martha.novelbin

It didn't take long for the doctor in the Side Palace to come to Stefan again with the needle.

"Sir, the blood is not enough, we need to draw more from you."


Stefan didn't even furrow his brows, but just responded lightly.

King Ducasse's eyes darkened, and his tone of voice was tinged with concern, "900 milliliters ofblood has been drawn from him; can he draw more?"

Without waiting for the doctor to answer, Stefan said, "It's okay, keep drawing as much as youneed."

After saying this, he turned his head and glanced at Martha who was lying pale on the bed.

As long as he can save her, it doesn't matter if he dies.

He just wants her to be well.

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