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Chapter 593 Drawing Them Out

Chapter 593 Drawing Them Out

Stefan narrowed his eyes slightly, frowned, and after a moment of silence, he said coldly, "I think herroom is strange, but I can't tell it exactly."

"What happened last night?" Louis couldn't help but ask.

Stefan told what happened last night in a cold voice.

"Martha gave me a glass of water last night, but I didn't drink it, and then I followed her to the doorof the old Mrs. Lucas' room.

"I saw her go in with my own eyes. When I went again, the door of the room was locked. I foundSam and went there with the key to the old Mrs. Lucas' room, the room was opened but there wasno one in it."

"Later, the two of them suddenly appeared at the door of the room, fake Martha said she went out tosee the night scenery with the old Mrs. Lucas."

After Stefan finished speaking, the room fell into a strange silence.

Upon hearing what happened last night, Louis was surprised.

They had never suspected the old Mrs. Lucas, since they used to believe she was the leastsuspicious.novelbin

Yet they were uncertain about it now.

As long as the real Martha was not found, they could not arrest fake Martha for interrogation.

Otherwise, the mastermind behind the scenes would hurt real Martha and even kill her.

At this time, Stefan's eyelids drooped, and he felt a strange feeling.

For some reason, he felt that Martha was in a place very close to him.

But why couldn't he find her!

They had searched everywhere they could go, but there was no clue of Martha.

After Louis snapped out of his thoughts, he said in a cold voice, "Maybe we can try to draw them outand see if it's what we thought it was."

Sam's eyes lit up, and he immediately got Louis' meaning, looking at him with appreciation.

"If the trick works, the villains will hand over Martha themselves."

Stefan, Louis and Sam exchanged knowing glances, with plans forming in their minds.


That evening, Martha, Stefan and the old Mrs. Lucas had dinner together.

Stefan sat next to the old Mrs. Lucas, and after some discussions in the royal palace, he began tosecretly pay attention to every move of the old Mrs. Lucas.

The old Mrs. Lucas looked the same as before on the outside, still looking sickly and weak.

After glancing at the people at the table, Martha looked suspiciously at the maid standing aside.

"Won't Sam come back for dinner?"

The maid bowed her head respectfully and replied, "Lady Martha, Mr. Lucas went to the royalpalace to meet the king in the afternoon to discuss state affairs, and he has not returned yet."

Martha nodded and said nothing more.

Sam was in charge of all affairs of the Lucas family, so it was normal for him to be busy.

At this moment, one of Sam's men suddenly ran in in a panic.

"Something bad happened."

After his subordinate walked into the restaurant, he half-kneeled, looking at the three people whowere eating with sweat profusely.

Martha asked puzzledly, "What's wrong?"

"Mr. Lucas angered the king this afternoon, and is now being detained in the royal palace."

Sam's subordinate spoke tremblingly, with horror on his face.

Beads of sweat on his forehead slid down his cheeks drop by drop, and finally disappeared into theskirt of his clothes.

Martha frowned slightly when she heard this, her eyes were full of astonishment.

She didn't expect that such a steady man as Sam would anger King Ducasse.

She nervously turned to the old Mrs. Lucas who was sitting beside her.

She couldn't understand why Sam angered King Ducasse, who had the supreme power in thiscountry.

The old Mrs. Lucas' eyes darkened after seeing Martha's panicked look.

But after all, she had been through a lot of intrigue, so she recovered her composure soon.

Stefan pretended to look nervously at Sam's subordinate and asked, "What's going on?"

Sam's subordinate lowered his head in panic, and said in fear, "Mr. Lucas has completely differentopinions from King Ducasse on something. Later, during the dispute, Mr. Lucas contradicted KingDucasse, and even said a lot of cross words. King Ducasse was furious and said ..."

For the latter words, Sam's subordinate trembled with fear and lost the courage to say them out.

Martha noticed it, and immediately asked, "What did he say?"

Sam's subordinate lowered his head even more, and said in a trembling voice, "King Ducasse saidthat he would punish Sam and make the entire Lucas family suffer."

When Martha heard this, her body trembled, her expression changed drastically, and she looked atthe old Mrs. Lucas in fear.

The old Mrs. Lucas also showed panic on her face. She never expected that things would reach thispoint.

Stefan had been observing the changes them. Noticing their eye contact, his eyes darkened.

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