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Chapter 565 Wedding

Chapter 565 Wedding

"Then come back early, Bianca and I will be waiting for you at home."


Martha replied softly before hanging up the phone.

After the call ended, she turned around to find Stefan had resumed his cold and noble demeanor.

She reached out to gently touch his neck, wanting to continue their intimate interaction.

But he stopped her by lightly holding onto her waist.

"Be good, let's go pick up Jimmy now."

Martha's hand tightened slightly but she didn't have any other reaction. She simply responded witha soft "okay".

The straightened their clothes before heading out together to pick up Jimmy at the Doyle Manor.


The Doyle Manor

When the three of them arrived at Doyle Manor, Bianca had cooked a table full of dishes.

Maxwell looked at his daughter with a smile on his face. "Today I asked Bianca to cook your favoritegrilled sea bass with orange juice. You should eat more later."

"Thank you, Dad," Martha said as she grabbed onto Maxwell's hand, smiling happily from ear-to-ear.

Maxwell's smile grew wider upon hearing this. He felt that life was good now that his daughter wasback and everything seemed peaceful and beautiful again.

Meanwhile, Jimmy stood off to the side with furrowed brows before walking over towards the kitchenwhere Bianca was standing,

"Granny Bianca, did you make any dishes today that Jimmy likes?"

Bianca lowered her head and looked down at little Jimmy who was over one meter tall. She reachedout and patted him on the head,

"Today Granny Bianca made lemon honey pork ribs for Jimmy. You must eat more today, okay?"

"No problem!"

Jimmy nodded vigorously with excitement written all over his face.

Lunchtime passed in harmony as they chatted about various topics while enjoying their mealtogether.

Before they knew it, it was Martha and Stefan's wedding day.

Early in the morning, Bianca woke Martha up so that hair stylists could do her hair while makeupartists worked on perfecting her look.

The wedding dress had been chosen long ago; after putting it on herself in front of the mirror, shecouldn't help but smile when seeing how stunningly beautiful she looked.

Soon enough, Martha got ready, and got into car headed towards their wedding venue.

The driver was Eden just like last time, and Melissa, the maid-of-honor who happened to beMartha's best friend accompanied Martha in the car .

Melissa glanced at Martha, reaching out to gently hold her hand.

"Martha, you deserve to be happy."

"I will be," Martha replied with a bright smile before teasingly asking, "So when are you two gettingmarried?"

"We... we're not ready yet," Melissa answered, blushing.

Martha chuckled as she looked at her. "You're not getting any younger. It's time."

"Okay, okay. Today is your big day. Let's focus on that," Melissa said as she squeezed Martha'shand tightly while still blushing.

Half an hour later, the wedding car arrived at the venue for the wedding ceremony.

The venue was grand and decorated with white cloth everywhere like walking into heaven.

Yellow roses were placed around the wedding stage in various sizes and heart shapes while ninearches made of roses were also present adorned with white cloth that made them even morebeautiful.

Over a hundred tables were set up for guests along with countless chairs.

When Martha saw this scene unfold before her eyes, she couldn't help but feel amazed.

She never imagined that weddings could be so extravagant.

Melissa let out a sigh of admiration next to her, "It's so beautiful! Blue sky and white clouds mixedwith grassy meadows filled with roses; this is my dream wedding!"

Martha smiled wider upon hearing Melissa's words, feeling even more proud of herself.novelbin

As they made their way to where the bride rested, all those guests offered their blessings.

"Happy marriage!"

"Wishing you both eternal love until old age!"

"Wishing you both everlasting happiness forevermore!"

Martha kept searching for Stefan's figure but unfortunately didn't see him until she was almost atrest area.

At this point, Jimmy had pulled his dad into rest area.

Although he had confirmed that that was his mommy, Jimmy still felt like something was off with herlately.

After hesitating for a while, he finally spoke up to his daddy, "Daddy, Mommy has been acting a littlemean lately. She doesn't seem like Jimmy's mommy anymore.

Jimmy didn't know how to express himself and just looked at his daddy in confusion.

He was afraid that if his mommy found out about what he was thinking, she would be upset.

Stefan paused for a moment before gently patting Jimmy's head and explaining to him in a soothingtone, "Jimmy, my boy, your mommy is just worried about you too much. That's why she has beenacting impatient these days. Can we give her some more time?"

Looking up at his father standing in front of him, it took Jimmy a while before nodding slightly.Maybe it was because Mommy had been working too hard on her business trip outside and cameback exhausted that her attitude towards him to change.

Feeling relieved after hearing Stefan's explanation, Jimmy slowly let go of the worries inside of him.

Meanwhile Martha happened to be standing by the door when she heard their conversation. Sheclenched her teeth before loosening them again.

Eden had gone ahead with Melissa, so Martha decided to come over alone but ended upoverhearing their conversation instead.

It seemed like she needed to be more careful from now on...

As Stefan stood in the rest area lost in thought with his phone buzzing suddenly from within hispocket; he answered it, calmly asking, "What is it?"

"Can you come over here and rehearse the process again?" Eden asked through the phone,making Stefan even more excited than before.

He replied softly, then hung up.

Martha walked into the room, smiling lightly at Stefan, who noticed her immediately upon entering.

"You're here," said Stefan happily

"Hmm," replied Martha softly, looking down shyly

Stefan gazed deeply into Martha's eyes, then smiled warmly as he spoke again, "Eden wants me torehearse our process one last time, so please rest here for awhile."

Martha nodded gently, then walked into the rest area where only herself and little Jimmy were leftbehind...

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