Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 556 Schedule the Wedding as Soon as Possible
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Chapter 556 Schedule the Wedding as Soon as Possible

As Martha stepped through the doors of the Doyle Group, everyone was surprised and gaping ather in shock. Almost everyone knew that Martha had run away from her wedding. What was supposed to be agrand century wedding had turned into a venue with only the groom and guests waiting for herarrival. Most people thought that Martha would never return, but they were all surprised when she suddenlyappeared at this moment. And what was even more surprising was that Stefan, the groom who had been left behind andbecame a hot topic among A City's upper class society, was following behind her. The receptionist quickly regained composure and greeted them, "Mr. Harrison, Ms. Doyle, morning!" The rest of the lazy employees quickly returned to their positions and worked diligently whileexchanging glances with each other. As a CEO of a large corporation, how could he pretend like nothing happened after such anembarrassing runaway bride incident? Martha turned to Stefan and said, "I'm here now; you can go take care of your things." Stefan gently held onto her waist and said in a deep voice, "Let me stay with you for a little whilelonger." He knew that what these employees in the office were thinking about, so he would stay here for awhile longer to show PDA in front of them. Martha was startled by his sudden intimate gesture towards her. She wasn't used to being too intimate in front of others. However, it seemed as if Stefan wanted everyone to see how much he doted on Martha. "They're watching us." Blushing, Martha pushed him away before taking another step forward only to accidentally step onsomething beneath her feet. She wore casual shoes today with loose shoelaces decorations on top which came undone.

Just as she bent down trying tie them up again herself, Stefan beat her there first by crouchingdown beside her and earnestly tying up those shoelaces for her instead. "Ah! I can't take it anymore! How can Mr. Harrison spoil Ms. Doyle so much? This couple is just toosweet! I ship them!" "Shh. Keep your voice down or they might hear us. Don't tell me you don't want to work at the DoyleGroup anymore?" The employee who spoke first quickly shut up, while glancing occasionally in the direction of the twopeople. He muttered under his breath, "What a match!" As soon as Martha and Stefan left the office area, the employees discussed heatedly. "Hey hey hey, don't you guys think that our Ms. Doyle appears particularly tender and lovely in frontof Mr. Harrison?" "I feel the same." "To be honest with you, I secretly took a photo." One person shook his phone and pulled up a photo to show everyone. The picture prominentlydisplayed the heartwarming scene of Stefan crouching down to tie Martha's shoelaces momentsago. The man was handsome and the woman was beautiful, making the scene incredibly pleasing to theeye! Within an hour, news of Martha's return with Stefan by her side flooded the headlines of major newsoutlets. The two parties also received a message push on their mobile phones, with a picture of the two ofthem. [Secrets of A City's rich family - Revealing Why the Big Shot is Obsessed with the same lady] Martha couldn't help but blurt it out. She looked up at Stefan and shook her phone, suddenly wanting to tease him. So she walked over and sat down next to him. "Why do you think this big shot is so fond of that particular lady?" "This question will be answered by the big shot himself." novelbin

Stefan answered and leaned in closer. The originally large sofa appeared much smaller due to his approaching. Just as he was about to kiss her, Martha's phone suddenly rang. She chuckled and pushed him away before answering the phone. Stefan glared at the phone with a deep sense of resentment. If eyes could kill, the person on theother end of the line would have been torn to shreds by now. "Wow! Martha, you're back! Oh wait, hold on. You came back and didn't tell me first? I actuallyfound out from a gossip magazine. Maybe you should reflect on yourself, hmm?" On the other end of the phone, Melissa was extremely excited and spoke rapidly, leaving no roomfor Martha to interject with a single word. "Oh, I see now. Are you too busy flirting with Stefan and forgetting about our friendship? Bros beforehoes!" Martha smiled helplessly and said, "Okay, okay, I was wrong. Great writer, would you like to havedinner with me tonight as a compensation?" "Of course." Hanging up the phone, Martha finally noticed that Stefan was looking at her with a meaningfulexpression in his eyes. "It's Melissa..." "She knows how to pick her timing." Although his tone sounded light and breezy, Martha still caught a hint of subtle displeasure. "I haven't seen Melissa for a long time, and before I went to Z Country..." She even locked Melissa in the changing room. Stefan just sighed softly without saying anything, but he was thinking about scheduling theirwedding as soon as possible and taking Martha home. This time, there could be no more mishaps. After Stefan left, the HR manager knocked on Martha's office door with an employee by his side. "Come in." Martha said while looking at urgent files that had been piling up for days on end.

It wasn't until the person stood in front of her desk that she looked up. "Mr. Smith, what can I do for you?" Mr. Smith smiled broadly and pushed the young girl behind him towards her, saying, "Ms. Doyle,this is Nana who previously interned at our company's administrative department and has justbecome a full-time employee. She is quite capable so let her serve as your new assistant if youagree?" Martha remained silent for quite some time after hearing this from Mr. Smith. Just when Mr. Smith thought she was dissatisfied and would ask for someone else instead of Nana;she spoke softly, "Nana can stay." Mr. Smith breathed a sigh of relief. After reminding Nana, he left with a wry smile on his face. "Ms. Doyle, is there anything I can do? Thank you for your trust; I will definitely work hard!" Nana had youthful vigor which made Martha very satisfied. "Just help me sort these out," said Martha handing over a stack of documents to Nana whoimmediately went over to work at the assistant desk. Suddenly remembering something, she turned around to look at Martha, asking, "Ms. Doyle,actually I don't understand why you need a new assistant? Is Jane not coming back?" Upon hearing this question from Nana, Martha's eyes darkened slightly without answering it directly. Nana realized that perhaps it wasn't appropriate to ask such a question, then she buttoned her lipand got back down to work. Martha met Melissa at their usual coffee shop where they used to go together. "Melissa! Over here!" Melissa ran over excitedly. When she saw Martha, she gave the latter a big hug "You're finally back!" "Yeah, I'm back." Suddenly, Melissa seemed to realize that something was wrong and quickly let go of her, herexpression becoming serious. "Do you still consider me a friend? You didn't tell me anything and locked me in the dressing room.

Martha, you went too far!" At this moment, Melissa was like an angry cat with its fur standing on end. Although Martha knewMelissa wasn't really angry, she still tried to soothe her softly, "I'm sorry... but it all happened sosuddenly..." "I'm just glad you're back. I was afraid you wouldn't come back." As she spoke, Melissa's eyesbecame red. "I thought the same thing at the time." Melissa pulled her down to sit and called over a server. "Two lattes." Martha was slightly stunned but didn't say anything. Melissa completely ignored any changes in Martha's demeanor as she leaned on her hand andgossiped with excitement. "Martha, tell me everything! Where have you been these past few months? What have youexperienced?" As expected, gossiping was Melissa's true nature. "This is a long story," replied Martha.

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