Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 546 You Are Just a Madman!
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Chapter 546 You Are Just a Madman!

King Ducasse's eyes darkened as he glanced at the director standing beside him. "Take a look," he said. "Yes," the director quickly replied, walking over to the guard and taking the medicine from his hand. He examined it carefully, even sniffing it before turning back to King Ducasse with a graveexpression. "Yes, this is 'Sibi'. Some of its effects are even stronger than Sibi's." Martha, King Ducasse and Stefan all never expected that Clark would be the mastermind. King Ducasse glared at one of his guards and ordered in a low voice, "Bring Clark hereimmediately." "At once," the guard responded emotionlessly before leaving Side Palace. The atmosphere inside Side Palace became tense after the guard left. After a while, Stefan broke the silence by asking, "Clark was really behind all of this?" "Um," Martha murmured softly. She never thought that Clark would actually be proven guilty in such an undeniable way.Half an hour later, the guard took Clark to Side Palace. With an anger face, Clark glared at King Ducasse who sat at the host's seat. "Why did you arrestme?" "Take a look at this!" King Ducasse snapped. Then he threw the banned medicine onto the ground. Seeing what was on the ground, Clark narrowed his eyes incredulously. Soon, he regained composure and asked doubtfully, "What is this?" "This is something produced by your pharmaceutical factory; don't you know?" King Ducasse'svoice grew colder. However, instead of being flustered or panicked, Clark remained calm and innocent-looking as hegazed at King Ducassee. "Your Majesty, I have no knowledge about these medicines nor where they are from." "You still won't admit it?"

King Ducasse laughed in anger, turned around and grabbed the photos handed over by his guard,then threw them in front of Clark. "And what about these? Who is in the photos?" The photos scattered on the ground, but almost all of them showed Clark's figure. Clark's expression darkened as he saw this. He never expected that despite all the heavy security, someone could still take these pictures. Clark's gaze was fixed on the photos on the ground. His thin lips were tightly pursed and heremained silent for a long time. It was Martha who broke the silence first, "Uncle Clark, why did you do this?" "Why?" Clark glanced sideways at Martha with a gloomy expression. "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't havebeen caught!" "Do you know how close I was to succeeding? Just one more step!" Clark looked at Martha with angry eyes and an unwillingness to accept defeat filled them. He had put so much effort into developing an elixir of life, but all his efforts would be in vain now! King Ducasse saw that Clark still remained stubbornly unrepentant and his golden eyes becameeven colder. "Clark! Don't you know 'Sibi' has already been banned from production?" "So what if I do know?" Clark sneered, "If it weren't for me accidentally revealing my flaws, you wouldn't have found outabout me." Martha pursed her lips and looked at Clark with resentment in her eyes, "Why? Why did you targetGrandma?" Clark harmed Martha's mother because the latter would be the future head of the Lucas family,which was a hindrance to Clark. How about Grandma? Grandma was Uncle Clark's biological mother; how could he harm her? Martha couldn't understand why Clark would be so cruel and sinister. Clark chuckled disdainfully, "That old hag isn't dead yet; sparing her life is showing my mercy." novelbin

After saying those words, he scanned everyone present inside Side Palace before finally fixing hisgaze on Martha. "She's just an old hag; there's nothing shocking about it." "That's your mother! The woman who gave birth to you and raised you!" Martha glared at Clark while raising her voice involuntarily. Clark had no intention of getting angry, and he looked at his niece confidently. "Everyone dies,sooner or later. The main thing is whether the death has any value." "Do you know why that old hag hasn't died yet?" Clark took two steps towards Martha and smiledeven more sinisterly. "Because my experiment hasn't made a breakthrough yet, so that old bat is still alive and kicking." "When my wife died for me, it was a big step forward for my research." He said with satisfaction onhis face as if he was proud of his deceased wife. "She's killed by you?" King Ducasse looked at Clark in shock. He never thought that Clark wasinvolved in the death event that caused a sensation in Z Country. Clark's wife died from an explosion several years ago. It was originally thought to be the work ofcriminals but now it seemed otherwise. Soon after, Clark proudly replied, "Of course, she did it for my career; she should be happy aboutit." After saying this, he turned his gaze to Martha again with an increasingly gloomy look in his eyes. "I always thought I would live an ordinary life until I met someone who showed me there could besuch noble pursuits in life," said Clark as if lost deep into some memory. "I have been researching immortality medicines all along. Later, I accidentally discovered that bloodfrom loved ones is crucial to developing such medicines!" "My wife was killed by me personally. When she exploded publicly, I saw people's fear and terrortowards death." "And this is exactly why I want to study immortality drugs," said Clark with a sinister voice echoingthrough the room which pushed Martha's anger over its limit. "You're crazy! You're just plain crazy!" She glared at him while King Ducasse's eyes had turned

crimson red. At this moment, Stefan remained slightly sober amidst everyone else's emotional turmoil. When Clark fell silent, Stefan frowned and asked coldly, "How about Elsie? Why did you have to killher?"

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