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Chapter 541 Banned Medication

She sat in front of the table with a solemn expression, her eyes darkened. "What's wrong? Your face looks terrible," Stefan asked with concern, his eyes full of worry.He knew Martha had gone out for a walk but didn't know what had happened to make her look sobad. When King Ducasse saw her enter, his gaze fell on her, but he remained silent and pursed his lips. Martha looked at Stefan strangely before turning to King Ducasse and spoke in a low voice, "I just went to Catherine's chamber and found these medicines inside." She placed all the medicines that Catherine had been taking on the table. Seeing their puzzled expressions, she frowned. The next second, Stefan's puzzled voice echoed in the room, "Why aren't these medicineslabeled?" "Are these the medicines that Mother has been taking?" King Ducasse asked urgently when herealized what was going on. Martha gave him a solemn look before nodding slightly, "Yes. I just asked doctors within royaltyabout these medicines. They said they did not prescribe them." "The maid who takes care of Catherine said that an expert physician outside the palace prescribedthem, and Horadus went to get them every time," she continued. After listening to Martha's words, Stefan pondered for a moment before asking, "Have you askedCatherine specifically what illness she has?" "Yes," Martha replied as she put down the medicine in her hand. "She has many different symptomswhen she falls ill each time; however, all of these medicines can control her condition and help herrecover." It was precisely because of this that it seemed strange to Martha - while treating illnesses withspecific medications was correct; it was impossible for one medicine to cure all diseases entirely. Thinking this way, she spoke aloud, "Every time she falls ill, as long as she takes these medicines,she will return to normal."

King Ducasse heard this and felt increasingly suspicious about everything happening around him -he always thought his mother wasn't like the wrong kind of person; perhaps someone else wasusing medication to control or manipulate her? With such thoughts running through his mind continuously now more than ever before, he quicklyordered one of his guardsmen to find experts in medicines! The director of Loyal Hospital rushed in, sensing the different atmosphere in the room and speakingmore cautiously than before. "King Ducasse, is there anything I can do for you?""You can look up these medicines." King Ducasse picked up the medicines that Martha had just brought over and handed them to thedirector standing nearby. The director of Loyal Hospital took the medicines with both hands and respectfully replied, "Yes." After saying this, he hurriedly left Side Palace. Time passed quickly. Three hours later, the director returned to Side Palace with a solemn look onhis face and a report on medication testing. When King Ducasse saw him coming, he stood up from his chair immediately. "What's the result?" The director knelt fearfully on Side Palace's floor. His cautious voice was now trembling slightly ashe spoke, "The results show that these medicines contain ingredients that aid sleep but..." He paused, wiped the sweat from his forehead in fear, and looked at King Ducasse, not knowingwhether to continue talking. King Ducasse's eyes darkened, his voice tinged with solemness, "Go on." "Though it aids sleep, if taken for a long time, a patient will have a mental problem." At this point, Martha couldn't help but interrupt, "What kind of problem?" "If someone takes it for too long, their emotions will be controlled by it, and if someone guides themfurther, they'll go insane eventually without any cure." After finishing what he had to say, the director lowered his head without saying another word. This type of medication had been banned many years ago. Why did King Duchesse suddenly asknovelbin

him to test it? Did someone within royalty use such medicine? As soon as the director thought about this possibility within royalty, he shuddered all over, feelinglike he discovered something that shouldn't have been discovered. The atmosphere inside Side Palace froze for quite some time until finally Martha asked seriously,"Do you know where these medicines came from?" The director's face darkened as he answered in a low voice, "The ingredients in these medicinesare very unique. As far as I know, these medicines are banned and were expressly prohibited fromproduction by the late king many years ago." King Ducasse's hand tightened at his side, and the air around him dropped several degrees. He never imagined that someone would try to control his mother's mind with medicines while shelived in the royal palace. And his mother had probably been taking these medicine for many years. Doesn't this mean that there is someone else behind it all? Someone who planned to control hismother many years ago in order to achieve their own goals? As King Ducasse thought about this, a cold chill filled his golden eyes. "If someone has been taking these medicines for over ten years, what would their condition be likenow?" After pondering for a moment, the director replied, "If they have been taking them for over ten years,it is highly likely that they are now suffering from frequent seizures and madness. They may havealso been controlled by whoever gave them the drug so that they can no longer distinguish betweenreality and dreams." The director's words made all three people present sink into silence. Perhaps Catherine became like this because she had taken these medicines for a long time...

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