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Chapter 518 Mother and Son

At three o'clock in the middle of the night, only the sound of the guards patrolling could be heard. In this quiet night, Catherine's trusted guard came to her bedroom quietly. Catherine looked nervously at the guard standing not far away, "Is there a result?" The guard bowed his head respectfully, and replied in a deep voice, "Yes, the test results prove thatyou are the biological mother and son." As he spoke, the guard stepped forward and handed over a document with both hands. "Your Grace, here is the DNA test report." Catherine froze when she heard this, and her hand which took the report trembled slightly. Stefan was her real son? With trembling hands, she opened the report in front of her, and sure enough, she saw the DNA testresults in the last column- "Based on genetic laws of inheritance, 99% similarity between the blood samples indicates theirdirect lineage and confirms their relationship as mother and son." Catherine looked at the result in front of her, her eyes reddened unconsciously, and she gripped thereport so tightly that it was crumpled. Her and her beloved man's child was alive! She didn't expect that after more than twenty years, she could still find her child. Catherine shed tears that wet her cheeks.It never occurred to her that her son was still alive. But... she had just tortured her son, and she was uncertain if her child would admit her as hismother. Catherine panicked when she thought of this- "Is he awake?" When the guard heard this, he nodded slightly, "He just woke up." Her eyes lit up and she staggered towards Stefan's room. Stefan was her child and she was going to see him!

She had missed out on her child for more than 20 years, and she didn't want to miss him again inthe future. At this moment, Stefan just woke up, looking pale at the white ceiling. As soon as he woke up, he wanted to get up and leave here, but unfortunately, he didn't have anystrength at all. At this moment, there was an urgent footstep outside the door. Stefan slightly frowned, and his heart was in his throat. Would it be Martha coming? Although he felt that it was impossible, he couldn't help but hope that the comer would be Martha. Soon, the door was pushed open, and a woman walked in.To Stefan's disappointment, it was Catherine, not Martha at all. Catherine looked at the pale man lying on the bed, her eyes were red, and her voice was hoarse. "You're awake, how are you feeling now?" Hearing this, Stefan frowned, and his eyes were full of puzzlement. What did she mean? Why was she suddenly concerned about him? When he was puzzled, Catherine had walked from the door to the bed and sad by the bedside. She looked at Stefan with concern and reached out her trembling hand to gently touch his cheek. But as soon as she touched it, Stefan tilted his head and avoided it. Stefan growled to show his disgust. "Get lost!" Catherine froze, tears fell down her cheeks, and her hoarse voice said, "How are you feeling now?Shall I ask the doctor to check you again?" Stefan's eyes darkened, and he frowned and asked coldly, "What do you want to do?" Why was she suddenly concerned about him? Was there some kind of conspiracy? When Stefan was thinking, Catherine's voice said, "I- I am your mother, your biological mother." When Stefan heard this, he just thought it was ridiculous. His parents died in a car accident whenhe was young.

Catherine really made up an absurd lie. He mocked, "My parents died when I was a teenager, what you said is really absurd." He wanted to taunt Catherine, but he didn't have much strength to speak now. Catherine froze, and said with a wry smile, "I didn't lie to you, what I said is true." After saying this, she took out a folder and handed it to him. "This is the DNA test report, you can read it if you don't believe me." There was still an indifferent smile on Stefan's lips when he opened the DNA test report handedover by Catherine. He didn't believe it at first, yet he was shocked when his eyes fell on the test results, which showedthat Catherine and he were mother and son.novelbin

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