Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 512 He won’t coerce her
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Chapter 512 He won't coerce her

"There's only one way to prove you didn't know, and that's to get Stefan out." How could she have agreed to marry King Ducasse if it hadn't been for Catherine threatening herwith Stefan's life. Neither did she have a crush on King Ducasse, nor did she want to be his wife. She came to Z Country just to find out the truth about her mother's death, nothing more. King Ducasse pursed his thin lips tightly, and after a long silence, he suddenly asked a question. "What did my mother do to you?" Martha smiled mockingly, and said indifferently what Catherine had done to them. "She sent her men to Stefan's hotel and kidnapped us. She took us to the dark room in royalpalace, whipped Stefan, and coerced me to marry you." "I don't agree, so she tortured me and forced me to marry you with Stefan's life." As soon as she finished speaking, King Ducasse said incredulously, "Impossible, my mother is thatsort of person." Martha glared at the man, and scolded, "Stefan is being imprisoned in a dark room now; if you don'tbelieve it, go and see for yourself now!" With that said, Martha's eyes were filled with hatred. She tightened her hand tightly by her side, looking at King Ducasse with indifference. At this time, King Ducasse still couldn't believe that his mother was that kind of person. He even felt that Martha hated his mother so much that she deliberately slandered his mother. He grew up beside his mother since he was a child, and he had never seen his mother get angrywith the guards, let alone torture somebody. As these thoughts raced through King Ducasse's mind, he felt that had lost her sanity. His thin lips parted slightly, and his voice softened a bit. "Calm down, Martha, can you be rational?" Now King Ducasse vaguely knew something, but she didn't want to admit it. After hearing his words, Martha laughed ironically as if she had heard a big joke.

"Being threatened with the life of the one I love and marrying another person, do you think I can stillkeep my sanity?" King Ducasse's eyes darkened, and there was an injured look in his golden eyes. He pursed his thin lips tightly, and after a long silence, he said softly, "I will go to verify this matter." "If what you said is true, don't worry, I will help you save Stefan, and I won't force you to marry me." After King Ducasse said this, he turned and left the West Palace, leaving Martha standing alone... ... Catherine's bedchamber in the royal palace. When King Ducasse was about to enter Catherine's bedroom, a guard stepped forward andstopped him. "Your Grace, Catherine said that she was feeling unwell today and could not see you." King Ducasse frowned and asked eagerly, "What's wrong with Mother?" "Catherine said that it was just a relapse of the old illness, and you didn't need to worry." King Ducasse looked at the guard in front of him, his eyes darkened, and after hesitating for amoment, his thin lips parted slightly, and he asked in a deep voice, "What the hell is going ontoday?" As soon as the guard heard this, he immediately understood that King Ducasse was talking aboutthings happening between Catherine and Martha. He bowed his head, and respectfully responded to King Ducasse according to what Catherine hadexplained before. "Catherine asked Lady Martha over to persuade Lady Martha to think clearly about what shewanted, so that Lady Martha will not be blinded because of the momentary love." "But Lady Martha not only didn't appreciate it, but instead angered Catherine and made her sick." "Your Majesty, I can prove that Catherine persuaded Lady Martha nicely and didn't do any harm toLady Martha." King Ducasse nodded slightly upon hearing this. He tightened his hand on his side, and suddenly asked, "Has my mother imprisoned anyonetoday?" novelbin

The guard bowed his head and replied respectfully, "Catherine is so kind, she would never do sucha thing. Please do not believe false accusations against Her Majesty." "Catherine invited Lady Martha into the palace because she kindly wanted to persuade Lady Marthato marry you, so that the Lucas family would become members of the royal family, but she neverexpected that Lady Martha would maliciously slander her in front of your majesty." "This whole thing makes me feel sorry for Catherine." "Um." King Ducasse's eyes darkened, he responded with a low voice, turned and left Catherine'sbedroom. As he walked away, his steps quickened unconsciously, and the hand at his side had clenched intoa fist. His golden eyes were filled with doubts. The narration of his mother's personal guard was completely different from Martha's. Who should hetrust? He didn't believe his mother was that kind of person, but Martha's confident demeanor didn't seemlike she was lying either. After hesitating for a moment, King Ducasse took a deep breath, turned around and went to thedungeon where the criminals were held to seek evidence. After he came to the dungeon, he looked carefully at everyone in the dungeon, but he didn't seeStefan. As for the dark room Martha told him, he didn't think his gentle and decent mother could own aplace like that. If there was, it was impossible for him to be kept in the dark. He didn't believe that his mother was that kind of person. Martha must have misunderstood...

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