Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 508 The exact same birthmark
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Chapter 508 The exact same birthmark

Stefan noticed her anger, his eyes narrowed slightly and glinted. "You want Martha to be your daughter-in-law so much, you have your own purpose, right?" Catherine's face darkened, and after a moment of silence, she retorted with a sneer, "What purposedo I have? It's just her desire." "Once one has desires, they will want more. After all, no one can resist wealth and status."Stefan sneered, and retorted lightly, "You are wrong, not everyone is like you. She is not that kind ofperson, otherwise I wouldn't like her." After he finished speaking, his face darkened, as he exuded a powerful vibe. His icy voice saidagain to spoke out Catherine's thoughts. "What you are saying now is just an excuse for your evilness. You want to achieve your goal, yetyou aren't unwilling to become a sinner, so you push the blame onto Martha. " "In this way, you can still be innocent. Yet you know it very clearly how evil, dark, and vicious youare!" Stefan's words rubbed salt in Catherine's woulds, and she stared at him fiercely. "Shut up!" The fierce look in Catherine's eyes didn't frighten Stefan, but instead raised the tone of his voiceagain. "Do someone like you deserve to be the queen of a country?" "Enough!" Catherine roared, raised her hand and slapped Stefan directly! The crisp slap sound was extraordinarily loud in the dark room, but Catherine still felt angry. She turned and walked over to the next table, picked up the whip on the table herself and began tobeat Stefan- "You brought it upon yourself! Who allows you to talk nonsense! Who allows you to slander me!" She yelled at Stefan furiously, and the anger could not be eased for a long time. At this time, the guards standing aside saw it, and lowered their heads in fear.

They knew well that Catherine was now being hit by her mental illness. This seemingly gentle and benevolent queen had always been emotionally unstable and sheneeded to take medicine immediately every time she became like this. Yet no one dared to stop her and they could only quietly watch her whipping Stefan like crazy. At this time, Stefan felt the pain from the whip, and only felt that the original burning wound becamemore stinging now. While gritting his teeth to endure the pain in his body, he began to mock the crazy woman in front ofhim. "Though you look like a powerful and well respected queen, you're a coward who dares not admitwhat you've done." "Shut up! Just shut up!" Catherine retorted angrily, and then whipped Stefan harder. While beating Stefan, she yelled angrily, "You are being played by Martha yourself, and you havethe nerve to reproach me!" "You're angry, because I've spoke out your true thoughts." Stefan retorted with a sneer, looking at Catherine's angry face, only feeling it ironic. He had been through so much with Martha, of course, he knew very well what sort of womanMartha was. Now, she had to marry King Ducasse because she was coerced by Catherine. Without what happened today, he believed that Martha would never have married King Ducasse! He looked at Catherine with firm eyes, but a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Catherine's pupils shrank slightly, she reached out and dropped the whip in her hand, and took astep forward to grab the man's collar. "What do you mean!" "If it weren't for that bitch, Elsie, how could I be what I am now!" With that said, she raised her hand and slapped Stefan directly. She was what she was now because of Elsie. Had it not been for Elsie, her husband and son would not have died and she would not havenovelbin

married into the royal family. Stefan's pupils shrank slightly when he heard this, and immediately asked in a cold voice- "What did Elsie do!" But Catherine was so angry that she couldn't listen to Stefan's words, she just whipped Stefan likecrazy and scolded- "You all deserve to die, you all deserve to die! You shouldn't live in this world!" When Catherine was beating Stefan, her nails accidentally hooked Stefan's torn clothes, and whenshe stretched out her hand, Stefan's shirt was torn apart. Catherine glared at Stefan and just wanted to continue yelling, but she froze in place for a second. She saw there was a birthmark on Stefan's chest.Although the birthmark was soaked in blood, she could vaguely see the shape of the birthmark. That birthmark was exactly the same as the birthmark on her dead son, how could it... How could it appear on him! Catherine looked at the man in front of her in shock, and dazedly reached out to wipe the bloodstains on Stefan's birthmark, wanting to see more clearly. Stefan felt Catherine's change, he frowned unconsciously, and his eyes were full of puzzlement. He didn't understand why she suddenly calmed down, or why she kept staring at him. At this time, Catherine, after wiping off the blood, could see clearly the shape of the birthmark onStefan's chest. In an instant, her memories overlapped, and the two almost identical birthmarks made Catherine'sheart beat faster... An unbelievable idea appeared in her mind, and in an instant, her whole body was trembling!

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