Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 495 Killing The Man Martha Cares Most
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Chapter 495 Killing The Man Martha Cares Most

Chapter 495 Killing the Man Martha Cares Most

It seemed things were getting more and more interesting!novelbin

Catherine covered the emotions in her eyes, stood in front of her son, feigned hesitation, and waitedfor a while before asking, "Is it the man Martha loves?"

King Ducasse's hand on his side tightened unconsciously, and his lowered eyes were full ofcomplex emotions.

His silence seemed to be tacitly acquiescing to his mother's words, which made Catherine soonfigure it out.

"King Ducasse, Martha is the one who will be your wife, how can she love someone else?"

King Ducasse clearly heard the displeasure and anger in his mother's tone, and he quicklydefended Martha, "Mother, it's not what you think, things between that man and Martha are alreadyin the past."

Stefan was Martha's ex-husband, and that was all.

Thinking of this, King Ducasse put on a stern face.

And Catherine, who was standing next to her son, frowned slightly when she heard this, andwhispered in King Ducasse's ear-

"Martha is your future wife, the future queen of the royal family. I don't want the future queen of theroyal family to be slandered."

King Ducasse frowned, looked sideways at his mother, and asked in confusion, "Mom, what do youmean?"

Catherine's eyelids drooped, and a gloomy look flashed across her eyes.

"You like her and want her to belong to you forever, then you should eradicate all your opponents.Then, she will only care about you."

Martha cared about that man, didn't she?

Then she would instigate King Ducasse to kill the man Martha cared about most.

She would kill whoever Martha cared about, so that the bitch Martha could feel the same pain shehad suffered when she lost the most important people!

After King Ducasse heard what his mother said, he frowned unconsciously.

He didn't expect his mother, who was always gentle and kind, to say such cruel words.

He thought his mother just said such things because she wished his happiness so much.

As this thought raced through his mind, his golden eyes darkened, and his thin lips were tightlypursed and he didn't speak.

In Catherine's eyes, she thought her son was hesitating about whether or not to take action againstMartha's ex-husband, but she never considered that her own disguised personality was completelyunsuited for such words.

She put her hand lightly on King Ducasse's shoulder and squeezed it slightly, "King Ducasse, don'tworry too much, if you can't do it, I will help you."

When King Ducasse heard this, he was even more sure of what he had just thought.

He turned his head and saw his mother's anxious expression, sighed helplessly, and held her hand.

"Mother, I know you are worried about me, that's why you said that."

He then took his mother's hand and led the latter to the chair next to him, "Mother, sit down first andlisten to me."

Catherine was stunned for a moment; Seeing her son like that, she knew that her plan would notcome true.

She pretended to be anxious and sat on the chair, and her voice also brought a hint of urgency.

"What are you going to say to me?"

King Ducasse patted his mother's hand gently, and a gentle voice sounded in the living room-

"Mother, you can't do that. You have been kind all your life. If you really did something like that forme now, I'm afraid you'll regret it for the rest of your life."

"No, as long as you really like Martha and want to be with Martha, no matter what you ask me to do,I'm willing."

Catherine looked at her son sitting next to her lovingly, her eyes were full of concern for the latter,and her son had no idea about her calculations in her mind.

Hearing this, her son unconsciously revealed a gentle smile.

"I understand your love for me very well. It's just that Martha's ex-husband Stefan is not a citizen ofZ Country. As the king of Z Country, I can't hurt a foreigner."

When King Ducasse said this, he said again, "Stefan didn't do anything against Z Country's laws, if Ipunish him like this, if this thing gets out, won't it damage the reputation of Z Country? "

"Also, since Martha still likes Stefan, I don't want to attack him. I don't want Martha to hate mebecause of this."

He wanted to get Martha, let Martha be his wife, but he never wanted to hurt anyone.

What he wanted was Martha's sincere love.

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