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Chapter 478 Sentenced To Death

Chapter 478 Sentenced to Death

Just after all three had been controlled, Daisy's mother suddenly came.

Seeing her mother coming, Daisy immediately struggled to break free from the guards and wantedto rush into her mother's arms.

But unfortunately, the guards were King Ducasse's men and wouldn't let Daisy go so easily.

In the end, Daisy could only look in the direction of her mother, crying miserably for help-

"Mother, save us."

As soon as Daisy finished speaking, Andrew screamed in panic, as if he had grasped a life-savingstraw.novelbin

"Mother, save me, I don't want to die yet!"

When Cecilia heard this, she comforted them lovingly, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and looked suspiciously at a maid who had beenserving Daisy.

The maid quickly walked to Cecilia knowingly, and told about what she had just heard in the hall.

"Lady Martha testified that Master Gage was the murderer who assassinated her, and at the sametime said that Lady Daisy used aphrodisiac incense on her."

"She also spoke Andrew's violations and threats to the maids over the years, and when he was atthe racecourse... he wanted to violate Lady Martha."

Cecilia soon knew everything, and with a slight frown, she understood the seriousness of it.

In this situation, she could only intercede with King Ducasse, wishing King Ducasse could giveGage and Daisy a lighter sentence for the sake of her father, the old duke with great militaryexploits.

At the same time, Cecilia knew that it was impossible to leave unscathed.

After she understood this, her eyes darkened slightly, she turned her head to look at King Ducassewho was standing not far away, and said in a deep voice, "King Ducasse, the Rowlands have beenassisting the royal family since the establishment of the Rowland family."

"When something like this happened this time, I hope you can see through everything clearlywithout wronging any innocent parties."

Hearing this, King Ducasse frowned.

It wasn't that he couldn't understand what Cecilia meant, but it meant that he had just succeeded tothe throne, and if he wanted to stabilize his position after ascending to power, then he needed thesupport from the Rowland family now more than ever before.

And what happened today created the best chance for him to have the support of the Rowlandfamily.

But King Ducasse hated being threatened.

Today, he would not allow Cecilia to threaten him.

Those who do wrong should be punished.

King Ducasse tightened his hand on his side, his eyes darkened, and a cold voice sounded in thehall-

"Mrs. Lucas, you're right, but what I want to punish today is not the Rowlands, but the Lucas."

He wouldn't let anyone who had hurt Martha get away with it.

Today, he would make sure justice was served for her and show them that her position wasunshakable.

As King Ducasse thought this to himself, his voice grew colder again when he spoke once more,causing the temperature in the room to drop several degrees.

Then, without haste or urgency, Ducasse listed out the crimes of Gage and his son-

"Gage attempted to assassinate my future queen--a crime that cannot be forgiven. His daughterDaisy tried to ruin my future queen's innocence by using aphrodisiacs on her--an unforgivable sin."

"And then there's Andrew--he tried to violate my future queen at a horse stable and has forcedmany young girls into terrible situations over these years. Their crimes are all punishable by deathaccording to Z Country's law as a warning for others."

Cecilia heard this and though she still appeared calm on the surface, her hand at her side hadalready unconsciously clenched into a fist while sweat formed on her palm.

She knew that King Ducasse was really angry this time, and it seemed that things were not easy tohandle this time.

She glanced sideways at her husband, Gage, who had been captured, and then at her daughterwho was standing not far away, and she knew that there was only one way out now.

Cecilia tightened her hand by her side, and turned towards King Ducasse, who was standing not faraway with gloomy eyes, as if making up her mind.

"Since everyone is present here today," She said firmly,"I declare that, I, Cecilia Rowland, will cut offall ties with Gage from now onwards."

Gage heard these words and immediately paled!

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