Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 474 The Murderer Behind The Scenes
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Chapter 474 The Murderer Behind The Scenes

Chapter 474 The murderer behind the scenes

Sam froze when he heard this, looking at King Ducasse in disbelief.

Martha was dead?

Wasn't she just unconscious?

How could she die suddenly?

Sam was shocked and even suspected that King Ducasse was lying to him, but why would he dothat?

In addition to King Ducasse, the painful person also has the old Mrs. Lucas of the Lucas family.

Besides the pain of losing Martha, there was also the sorrow of the old Mrs. Lucas. Although shecouldn't speak or move, her face was full of sadness.

Elsie was her favorite daughter who left the Lucas family when she escaped from her marriage.

Now... Those behind the scenes even killed Elsie's only daughter?

The old Mrs. Lucas had seen Martha before and noticed how much she resembled Elsie but neverexpected her to leave this world so soon.

The servants of the Lucas family were also saddened by Martha's death upon hearing about it;some even whispered their condolences in a corner.

"Lady Martha's pitiful, she just returned home, and died soon."

"Yeah, I thought Lady Martha was about to become a queen. What a pity!"novelbin

"Oh, Lady Martha is so poor, I hope she can find refuge in a good family in the next life."

"I just don't know who killed Lady Martha."


The voices of the servants were so low that the people standing in the middle of the hall naturallycouldn't hear them.

At this time, after Daisy heard the news of Martha's death, her nervous mood suddenly eased a lot.

It would be nice if Martha was really dead.

Since she was dead, no one could ever stop her.

Although Daisy thought so, she still put on a look of pain on her face.

She pretended to cry and looked at King Ducasse who was standing not far away, looking at thelatter in disbelief.

"How did this happen? Why did this happen?"

"Martha is the eldest daughter of the Lucas family who has been separated from us for many years.Now she has finally fallen in love with King Ducasse. I am still waiting to be Martha's bridesmaid.How did this happen?"

"Martha is really suffering, I hope she can live happily in heaven."

King Ducasse, who was standing not far away, felt disgusted when he saw Daisy's hypocritical look.

At this moment, King Ducasse suddenly felt lucky that the person he fell in love with was Martha,not Daisy, this pretentious woman.

His eyes darkened, and he suddenly spoke directly.

"She didn't die from being drugged at the racetrack. She was murdered."

When everyone present heard this, they immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.


Who would have dared to murder the eldest daughter of the Lucas family?

Sam's eyes darkened, and he frowned and asked coldly, "Who killed Martha?"

Hearing this, Gage echoed him eagerly.

"Yes, who made such a cruel move?"

King Ducasse glanced around at everyone present, and a cold voice sounded in the hall.

"The reason why I sent my men to heavily guard the Lucas family today is because the mastermindis here."

Ducasse's words exploded like a bombshell in the hall of the Lucas family, leaving everyonespeechless with shock.

When Daisy heard this, she panicked even more, and turned her head to look at her fathernervously.

When Gage heard this, he didn't panic at all. Instead, he frowned and asked in puzzlement, "I don'tunderstand what you mean by this, King Ducasse."

King Ducasse stared sharply at Gage standing not far away with his golden eyes, and explainedwhat happened last night in a cold voice.

"Last night, someone bribed the guards, sneaked into the hospital, and asked the doctor to injectpoison into Martha."

Everyone present was shocked when they heard this.

They never expected that after King Ducasse announced publicly that Martha would become queenconsort, there would still be someone daring enough to harm her.

And Sam, who was standing beside him, tightened his hands by his side when he heard that.

He didn't expect that with King Ducasse around, Martha would be murdered.

He tightened his hand by his side, and began to wonder who the one who killed Martha was.

At this moment, King Ducasse's thin lips parted slightly, and the cold voice sounded in the hallagain-

"Furthermore, the mastermind was worried that it wasn't fatal enough and had one of his confidantstab a knife into Martha's heart to ensure success."

"Tell me, those present, who on earth could have done this to Martha?"

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