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Chapter 46 She's My Wife

After Martha became the executive director, she adapted to her work shortly after. A week later, she sent back the two puppets arranged by Hollie. One day, after ending the work, she sorted the files on her desk. Then she left her office after askingJane to deal with the rest matters. Once she left the Doyle Group's building, she saw a black vehicle nearby. It was Stefan's car. She still recognized it after five years. However, she didn't have the mood to see him, although she was staying in the same house withhim. Martha looked away, striding in another direction. "Beep--" The car honked. Martha furrowed her brows. When she turned around, she saw the car's rear window down. Stefan's straight nose bridge andhis face's sharp outline were exposed. The next second, she met his gaze, almost drowning in his peaceful but deep pools of eyes. "Get in, Martha," he called coldly. Martha stopped in her tracks. Before she responded, Solomon sensibly got off the car, blocked Martha's way, and opened the reardoor for her. Martha withdrew her gaze but stood motionlessly. "What do you mean, Mr. Harrison? I don't wantothers to misunderstand our relationship." Stefan frowned slightly, his face full of unhappiness. 'Misunderstand their relationship?' 'Was she so unwilling to have a relationship with him?' Scowling at her, he parted his thin lips and blurted out, "We're a couple. What can theymisunderstand?" 'A couple?'

Martha was amazed by his remark. Coldness flashed through her eyes. She retorted frigidly, "That's only what you think. In others' eyes, we're strangers with norelationship." "Get in. I'll attend a cocktail party organized by a client tonight. Be my date," Stefan interrupted hericily. He gazed at her unhappily, his eyes dark. However, Martha didn't care how impatient he was. Her tone became colder. "Mr. Harrison, I believe Hollie is more willing to be your date. Pleaseexcuse me." With those words, she turned around and was about to leave. Solomon subconsciously wanted to block her way, but Martha cast him a cold glance, and he froze. 'Being a CEO assistant is a real challenging task nowadays. Alas...' "Stop!" Stefan snapped. Martha walked forward, pretending not to hear him. The next second, her wrist was seized. Martha staggered, feeling a warm palm on her waist. "Enough!" Martha was angry and patted his hand off, glaring at Stefan. However, he ignored her. Before she spoke again, she felt her feet in the air--Stefan scooped herup. "What are you doing? Put me down!" Martha could tell Stefan didn't detest her as much as five years ago, and he seemed to care abouther. However, she had never expected him to do it so boldly during the time when all the employees ofthe Doyle Group got off work. They had attracted a lot of attention at the company entrance. Due to Stefan's social status, theydared not to watch the two but couldn't help checking on them from time to time. Frowning, Martha wanted to struggle, but Stefan warned him coldly, "If you don't want to be watchedlonger, you'd better stay still."

Martha stiffened and subconsciously stopped struggling. Feeling her reaction, Stefan curled his lips into a smile and carried her into the car. Right then, a petite figure appeared in the lobby of the Doyle Group. Hollie had just finished her work. When she saw Stefan carry Martha into the car, her facedarkened. She had seen Stefan's car in the office earlier and thought he was waiting for her. Hence, shejoyfully went downstairs. She had never expected to see such a scene. Her hand at her side tightly. Before she wanted to ask them, Stefan and Martha had sat in the car.The car roared away. Pressing her lips, Hollie wanted to blow up. However, she noticed many coworkers were watching.She was always a gentle, graceful woman in public, so she tried hard to suppress her fury. Her fingernails dug into her palms. The onlookers stared at her in inquiry and even sarcasm. Angryflames surged more in her chest. In the past five years after Martha's "death", everyone thought she would become Stefan's wifesooner or later, but Stefan didn't even propose to her. Now, Martha was back and stealing her thunder. Hollie sat in her car sullenly, swearing to herself that she must make Martha, that bitch, disappearfor good!. ... On the other side, a car was speeding down the road. "Stop the car, Solomon!" Martha snapped at Solomon while pulling away from Stefan. "Solomon," Stefan called icily. With a jolt of panic, Solomon pressed down the division plate to separate the backseat from thefront. He didn't want to get involved in the business between Stefan and Martha. Or he might lose his job. Gazing at the division plate, Martha burst into anger. She glared at Stefan furiously. novelbin

"I don't want to be your date. I'm exhausted. I want to go home." Stefan lifted an eyebrow, his gaze glancing at Martha's rosy cheeks. "You want to make money andbuy my stake as soon as possible, don't you?" he drawled. Martha frowned in confusion, trying to figure out what he implied. Stefan added, "You'll be benefited after attending the party. All the attendees are investors andbusiness owners. Unless you want the Doyle Group to be an affiliate of the Harrison Group. It's allup to you." Martha frowned, pressing her lips in silence. 'Is Stefan trying to help me create opportunities to meet investors?' 'Would he be so kind?' Staring at her angry face, Stefan narrowed his gaze. Her current image overlapped her image five years ago. Martha was boiled up by the faint smile on his lips. 'What's wrong with him?' 'Is it so much fun forcing me and watching me get angry?' In the weird atmosphere, Solomon drove towards their destination--a woman's dress store. Martha got off the car, staring at the store's name in a daze. Before she returned to her senses, Stefan naturally wrapped his arm around her waist, stridingtowards the store. "Welcome, Mr. Harrison," a saleswoman immediately greeted them with a smile. Seeing Stefan from afar, the store manager trotted towards them and said respectfully, "Goodevening, Mr. Harrison. The dresses you ordered for this season have arrived." "Well. Take them all here," Stefan answered without releasing Martha. Martha tried her best to struggle secretly and finally broke free from his arm. She glared at him. Soon, the new arrivals were taken out by several saleswomen. All the dresses were magnificent, some fitting the formal occasions and some looking pure. All werestunning. However, Martha didn't have the mood to choose a dress at all. She pointed at one randomly.

The manager immediately waved his hand at a saleswoman, who carried the dress to Martha. The manager smiled at Martha. "Miss, this is the newest dress from LS. It's..." "She's my wife," Stefan darted at him and interrupted with a cold voice.

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