Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 445 Lack Of External Stimuli
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Chapter 445 Lack Of External Stimuli

Chapter 445 Lack of External Stimuli

Louis didn't finish his words, but King Ducasse got it.

He didn't deny that Martha was different from other women, but he felt that he was not justinterested in her.

Perhaps, he really fell in love with this woman.

King Ducasse looked at Martha with a scrutiny in his eyes, and there was affection in his eyes thatoutsiders didn't notice.

Louis' eyes darkened, and he asked softly, "Do you really fall for her?"

King Ducasse curled up his lips and chuckled.

"Though she doesn't seem to have a crush on me, maybe one day she will feel something for me."

Louis looked sideways at the woman lying on the hospital bed, and remained silent.

He didn't know how to tell King Ducasse that there was special someone in Martha's heart.

And that person would never be King Ducasse.novelbin

After a while, Louis darkened his eyes, looked at King Ducasse and said in a deep voice, "It'sgetting late, I will guard Martha, you should go back to the palace first."

King Ducasse glanced at the time; it was indeed late.

"Well, I'll go back first. If she wakes up, tell me."

He was very worried about Martha's current situation, but as a king, he still had to deal with a lot ofaffairs.


After King Ducasse left the hospital, Louis looked at Martha, who was sleeping, and frowned.

He called the doctor.

The doctor stood at the door of the ward, looking at Louis in front of him respectfully.

"Count Caesar, what can I do for you?"

"How is she doing now?"

Louis' eyes darkened, and he asked in a deep voice.

The doctor looked at the woman on the hospital bed solemnly, and told about Martha's currentsituation.

"Her current physical functions are stable, but there is no sign of her waking up for the time being."

"What does it mean?"

Louis frowned.

"Is it possible that she will never wake up again? She has been detoxified, hasn't she? Why? Doesthe incense have side effects?"

The doctor sighed resignedly, and explained seriously, "She will not wake up for the time being. Idon't know if it is because of the lack of some external stimuli; her brain is in a state of shock, andthere are many complicated reasons."

Louis frowned, and the doctor explained further.

"Even if she's detoxified, the incense will make her trapped in a dream and unable to get out. Andher body functions work well; the biggest possibility is that she has entered a nightmare and refusedto wake up."

Louis' expression darkened upon hearing it.

Trapped in a nightmare and unable to get out...

Damn it!

If it weren't for the Lucas siblings, how could Martha become what she was now!

His eyes were cold and stern, and he walked out with a gloomy expression. When he passed theward, he said to his subordinates.

"Watch her here, no one is allowed to go in."


After his subordinates responded, Louis left.

He was now going to the Lucas family to punish the culprit.

But as soon as he walked out of the hospital, he was blocked by someone.

Stefan and Eden had been guarding outside the hospital. They saw King Ducasse leave and wereabout to enter the hospital.

They didn't expect to run into Louis.

When Stefan saw Louis, his eyes were scarlet and his face was livid, he stepped forward andgrabbed Louis by the collar, growling, "I want to see her!"

Eden immediately grabbed Stefan's hand, trying to calm him down, "Calm down."

But Stefan didn't seem to hear Eden.

He gripped Louis' collar even harder, and his voice was full of urgency.

"Louis, let me see her, I must see her."

Louis looked at the furious man in front of him indifferently, and asked indifferently, "Don't you wantto know what happened today?"

Stefan's hands tightened again; he stared at the man in front of him with gloomy eyes, pursed hislips and said nothing.

Of course he wanted to know what happened today, but now he was more concerned aboutMartha's situation.

Louis naturally saw Stefan's worry, and he said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, she's out of dangernow."

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