Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 43 Jimmy Misses His Mother
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Chapter 43 Jimmy Misses His Mother

The servants heard it and were frozen, not knowing what exactly she meant by saying that. In theend, the old servant came back to earth and answered in a low voice, "No. Lady Hollie comes forMr. Harrison in the daytime only." Then she added instantly in case Martha misunderstood Stefan, "Don't worry, Miss Doyle. Mr.Harrison has never let her stay overnight." "Oh, I see." Martha smiled lightly. In fact, she didn't care if Hollie had stayed overnight or not. She just wanna hear some gossips. But the old servant had misunderstood it, and explained hastily, "Miss Doyle, when you had theaccident four years ago, Mr. Harrison has locked himself up in the room for three days. In fact, Mr.Harrison cares much about you. " "Oh? He didn't starve to death after three days without food or water? " The old servant heard it and was stunned, wondering why Martha had been so sharp-tongued. Martha saw the stunned look on her face, but she just ignored it and returned to the guestroom. ... Meanwhile, in Hollie's villa, Hollie was sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed, and saying in a clearand cold voice, "It's settled. The two suspects have acknowledged their guilt." Joann, who was sitting on the sofa across from her, heard it and sighed with relief. "Shit! Martha is so damn lucky! She has survived the first time! She has survived the second time!We even couldn't kill her in the big fire!" Joann looked at Hollie and complained. Hearing it, Hollie said nothing in reply, but glanced at Joann with disdain, wondering if she could bemore stupid. This stupid trick couldn't kill Martha, but on the contrary, it could only improve the relationshipbetween Stefan and Martha. Joann had no idea how much Hollie disdained her. Instead, she asked, as if Hollie would be there toback her up, "What will we do?" "What else can we do now? We can only spy on Martha secretly." novelbin

Hollie leaned on the sofa wearily and couldn't help recalling what had happened in the hospital. She didn't want Stefan to hate her more. So, now the best way was to sit back and do nothing. Joann clenched her fists and said, "It really upset me that Martha had a narrow escape in the fire.But fortunately, we've burnt out all those paintings."Those paintings, which Martha had devoted much time and energy to, were all burnt out in the fire. Somehow, Joann had vent out her anger to some extent. It was in the middle of the night. In one hospital of U country, the man, standing at the door of theoperating room, had a very handsome and angular face. He was staring at the door without a blink and standing still like a statue. He even couldn't count how many times the poor boy had barely escaped his life. Jimmy had another attack. But he didn't call Martha to tell her about it, in case she got freaked out. Three hours later, the operation was finished. The boy in the operating room had made it throughagain. Very soon, the surgeon came out from the operating room and told Rupert that Jimmy was stablefor the time, but he couldn't wait any longer. They must find the way of transplant as soon as possible, otherwise, he wouldn't survive. Rupert heard the surgeon out, returned to the ward in heavy steps, and sat down by the bed with aweary face. He looked at the little boy in bed, whose lips were dry and chapped, and couldn't help but feelsympathy for him. Jimmy wasn't his son, but he'd treated him as his real son over these years. And Jimmy was really sweet and thoughtful. He was only four but he acted more mature than theboys of his age. He was sick since he was born. So far, he'd suffered a lot. Two hours had passed quickly. Jimmy blinked and opened his eyes softly. His face was deadly pale but he still said with a bright smile, "Rupert, did I travel to the outer spaceagain?"

Every time he suffered an asphyxia from the severe pain, Rupert would tell him he was gonna travelto the outer space, and he could see the sun and his mommy again if he made it through the trip. Thinking of it, Jimmy looked at Rupert proudly. Rupert saw Jimmy asking for praise and reached out to touch his head with love, "Jimmy, you did itagain! That's really amazing!" "But I miss Mommy." Rupert saw his bright eyes BEING filled with expectation, and lowered his head to check the timeon the watch with a smile. Considering the time zones, it was early morning in Martha's place and she should be up. He raised his head to look at Jimmy and put on a smile, "OK. Let's call your mommy." At 8 AM, in the Harrison Villa. Martha got a call from Rupert when she went out of the room and stood on the staircase. Her heart pounded. It was late at night in U Country. Why did he call her at this hour? Or did Jimmy have anotherattack? Martha felt her heart in the throat and picked up the phone instantly, "What's wrong, Rupert?Did Jimmy have another attack?" "Mommy, it's me!" Martha heard Jimmy's excited voice from the other end. And the anxiety on her face was gone in asecond. She looked very soft and tender, and her voice sounded sweet and nice. "How are you feeling now, sweetie?" "Mommy, I miss you very much." Hearing it, Martha couldn't help smiling more brightly. Stefan was sitting at the dinning table. He looked up and saw Martha standing on the stairs andtalking on the phone. The smile on her face was as bright as the morning sun, but he found it unpleasant to look at. He narrowed his eyes, and wondered whom she was talking to on the phone and who had madeher smiled so brightly. At the moment, Martha sensed that Stefan was looking at her, then they looked at each other in the

eyes. She was nervous, grabbed the phone and said, "Jimmy, I'm busy with something. I'll call you later." Jimmy agreed, then she hung up the phone abruptly. In a panic, Martha looked at Stefan in his deep eyes again after she hung up and turned around. She took a deep breath, pretended nothing had happened and went to the dinning room with apoker face. She sat down on the chair. Stefan glanced at her coldly and said, "Who was it on the phone?"

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