Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 422 Fighting To The Death
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Chapter 422 Fighting To The Death

Chapter 422 Fighting to the death

On the other side, not long after the palace banquet ended, Daisy walked out of the palace with anangry face and left in frustration.

That damn Martha stole Ducasse's attention as soon as she appeared! She wouldn't let this bitchget away with it!

Martha, on the other hand, walked out of the palace together with Louis, with her red lips tightlypursed, looking at the man in front of her with a somewhat alienated gaze.

She didn't expect things to develop to this point.

However, she won't just compromise like that.

Once outside of the palace gates, Louis stood by his car looking at Martha with mixed emotions onhis face.

"I have something I need to take care of first; you can go back to the Lucas Family."

"Louis," Martha called out and stopped him from leaving; her eyes filled with complexity as heturned around towards her.

Louis was slightly stiff, and after a moment of hesitation, he turned and looked at Martha standingbehind him.

"You don't want to go back?"

Martha pursed her red lips and shook her head slightly.

Now that she was here, she wouldn't leave easily.

However, staying did not mean marrying King Ducasse.

After a moment of silence, she looked at the man standing in front of her with determination andspoke coldly.

"I will not marry King Ducasse, let alone become the queen of Z Country."

Louis stiffened upon hearing this and his gaze deepened.

This matter was not as simple as Martha thought. Sometimes, even if she didn't want to, she had tomarry a nobleman.

Martha waited for a long time without getting an answer. She took a deep breath and continuedspeaking.

"I don't know why you're doing this or what benefits I would get from marrying King Ducasse. But Ican tell you one thing for sure: I will never marry him."

When she said this, she paused, and when she recalled what had happened in C Country, her eyesunconsciously showed a little bit of bitterness.

"I trusted you before because I thought you would not lie to me."

But... I know now that even you are lying to me.

Once trust is broken, it is not so easy to rebuild.

Louis understood exactly what was going on with Martha right now. In their eyes, Martha had tomarry the new King Ducasse; otherwise there would be no turning point in this matter.

With lowered eyes and after pondering for a while Louis explained solemnly.

"My mother has her reasons for doing this."

"What reasons?" asked Martha impatiently but didn't receive the answer she wanted.

The man stepped forward and his gaze became even deeper.

"Just believe us that we won't harm you."

Upon hearing these words, anger surged up inside Martha's heart which had been suppressed untilnow. She glared at Louis furiously.

That's enough! I don't want to hear any more of your high-sounding words about protecting me! Ialready know why you're doing all of this!"

However, what answered her was a long silence.

Martha glared at the man standing in front of her, her hand at her side clenched into a fist.

She was angry with them, who knew something, but used the name of protecting her to force her todo something she didn't want to do.

Since they did this, she would not give up her principles easily.

She thought so, and looked at Louis with colder eyes, "I have my own principles, and even if youwon't tell me your reasons for wanting me to become a queen, I won't compromise them."

After Martha said this, she turned and walked towards the coming vehicle, ready to leave here.

Louis looked at the back of the woman leaving hesitantly, wondering whether to tell the truth of thematter.

His mother had warned him not to reveal the truth so early, but he couldn't keep it inside any longer.

As Martha was about to get into the car, Louis called out after her.

"Wait a moment."novelbin

Martha paused briefly but didn't turn around. She knew what was coming next.

Sure enough, the next second, Louis walked over quickly, pulled Martha to a deserted place, andtold the truth.

"We have been investigating for so many years, and it is impossible for us to investigate nothing.Although we have not yet confirmed who is behind the scenes, but based on our observations overthe years, we can deduce that the person who has been trying to kill you is probably Gage. "

"But with his power and influence combined with the Rowland family's support," Louis continuedgrimly, "you don't stand a chance against him."

"So, you want me to be the queen and use the power of the royal family to fight against him?"

Louis nodded gravely. "Yes. Only by defeating Gage's daughter Daisy and becoming the new queencan you gain enough authority to fight back."

Martha lowered her eyelids at this news; long lashes trembling slightly over tightly pursed lips asshe clenched both fists at her sides in frustration.

Seeing her like this, Louis sighed helplessly, his long and narrow eyes filled with complexexpressions.

Although he doesn't want Martha to make such a choice, it's just that there is no other way now.

His eyes darkened, and his thin lips parted slightly: "Don't you want to avenge your mother? Don'tyou want to be the mistress of the Lucas family?"

Martha's body was slightly stiff, and she looked up at Louis, her excitement couldn't be concealed inher voice.

"I want to avenge my mother, and I also want to get the Lucas family out of trouble, not in this way! Idon't want to fight to the death, and I don't want to do the mistress of the Lucas family!"

When she said this, she watched the man standing in front of her eyes become more and moredetermined.

"I just want to find out what happened, give my mother justice, and then go home to be with myfamily!"

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