Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 419 I Think You All Misunderstood
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Chapter 419 I Think You All Misunderstood

Chapter 419 I think you all misunderstood

After achieving her goal, Lina said a few words apologetically, then left with a smile and walkedtowards Daisy.

Dirtying Martha's dress meant that she couldn't continue staying at the palace banquet anymore.

Dream on if she thought she could become King Ducasse's queen.

Martha watched as Lina went to find Daisy with cold eyes and furrowed her brows even tighter thanbefore.

She really wanted to leave here, but she didn't leave because she felt that her dress was dirty or itwould be embarrassing to stay here.

She felt that Daisy wouldn't let her off so easily and might cause more trouble for her again later on.

After After weighing everything in her mind several times over, Martha turned around ready to leavewhen suddenly a courtier shouted loudly beside her

"Prince Ducasse succeeds to the throne, welcome the new King Ducasse, and Catherine QueenDowager."

When the people standing at the palace banquet heard this, they immediately bowed to salute, andat the same time loudly echoed, "Welcome the new King Ducasse, and Catherine Queen Dowager."

Seeing this scene, Martha knew that she couldn't leave now.

She bent down and imitated the people around her to salute the new king and queen dowager.

After Alain and the queen entered the banquet hall, they walked to the main seat and sat downtogether.

Martha stole a glance up at the queen dowager, Alain's mother.

The queen dowager still looked very young, with very fair skin, she didn't look like someoneapproaching fifty at all, but looked like a woman in her thirties.

After the king and queen dowager were seated, many ministers and females surrounded them andstood around them.

The queen looked at the duke's daughters standing in front of her, as well as the other females, whowere all dressed up beautifully.

Finally, the queen's gaze rested on Daisy, she seemed very satisfied with Daisy's nobility andelegance.

After Daisy felt the queen's scrutiny, she immediately showed her a friendly smile.

If she wanted to become a princess, the most important thing was to get the queen dowager's favor.

She still looked as beautiful as ever, composed, elegant, and noble - all adjectives that could beused to describe a queen.

As expected, after sizing her up for a moment, the queen dowager spoke in a gentle voice andasked, "Are you the daughter of the Lucas family?"

Daisy replied calmly,"Your Majesty is wise, I am Daisy Lucas, the daughter of the Lucas family."

Daisy answered calmly, and showed a flattering smile just right.

When the queen dowager heard this answer, she smiled with satisfaction.

Such a calm and elegant young lady was indeed the daughter of the Lucas family.

Seeing that Daisy didn't mention his sister, Alain frowned displeasedly, and quickly said with asmile, "The Lucas family has another daughter. Mom, have you ever seen her?"

The queen dowager raised her eyebrows, looking at her son with a look of surprise.

Alain smiled and searched for Martha in the crowd, and soon saw the latter standing in the corner.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly, and he stepped off the stage and walked towards Marthastep by step.

Daisy, who was standing aside, saw this scene, and the smile on the corner of her mouth suddenlyfroze.

She didn't expect King Ducasse to walk towards Martha in front of so many people.

Was King Ducasse really interested in Martha?

Just when Daisy was taken aback, Ducasse had walked up to Martha, smiling and holding Martha'shand.

"Lady Martha."

Feeling the man's warm palm, Martha frowned, and immediately tried to free his hand, but was heldtightly by the man.

She had no choice but to be led forward step by step by King Ducasse.

Soon, the two stood in front of the queen dowager.

When the queen dowager saw Martha, the pupils in her eyes suddenly shrank, but she still smiled.

It was her.

The queen dowager knew whose daughter Martha was without being introduced, because Marthain front of her looked exactly like her mother.

Seeing his mother smiling, Alain thought that his mother was very satisfied with the woman hechose, and the smile on the corner of his mouth widened unconsciously.

"Mother, this is the daughter of the Lucas family who just found her. Her name is Martha, and she isquite special."

When the queen dowager heard her son's words, she looked at him and knew that her son hadtaken a fancy to Martha.

She unconsciously tightened the hand placed by her side, but said with a smile on her face, "Itseems that Alain has found his favorite candidate for the queen."

As soon as her words came out of her mouth, all the females present were shocked, and theylooked in the direction of Alain in disbelief.

Daisy's hand was clenched tightly, her long nails digging into her palm.

She looked at Martha who was standing not far away with hatred, her eyes were full of jealousy.

Why was this bitch!

How could a bastard be worthy of being a queen!novelbin

At this time, Daisy was very angry, and Lina was as angry as her.

She just went over and spilled wine all over Martha's body, just because she didn't want him to stayat the palace banquet.

But she didn't expect Martha to be so thick-skinned. Even if her dress was ruined, she still wantedto stay at the palace banquet to seduce King Ducasse.

Lina stared at Martha resentfully, wishing she could rush over to teach Martha a severe lesson now.

How could a woman who was nothing deserve to be the wife of King Ducasse!

At this time, Martha couldn't help trembling after coming back to her senses.

She never thought of getting married in this country, let alone becoming a queen.

She frowned, and opened her mouth to deny Alain's words, but she saw Louis who was standing onthe side slightly shaking his head at her.

She knew what Louis meant -- he didn't want her to deny Alain's words in public.

It was just that if she didn't deny it now, it would be more troublesome in the future.

Martha thought so in her mind, and after hesitating for a moment, still retorted in front of everyone.

"Sorry, King Ducasse, I think you have misunderstood."

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