Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 400 Someone Forced Her To Leave?
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Chapter 400 Someone Forced Her To Leave?

Chapter 400 Someone forced her to leave?

"Uncle Sam, please come in."

After Martha said this, she turned sideways, obviously agreeing to let the other party into the room.

Sam's thin lips were tightly pursed as he walked indifferently into Martha's room and nonchalantlysat down on the couch in the room.

Martha, who opened the door at this time, remained in place, looking at the man who walked intothe room with a wary look in his eyes.

The door to the room had been closed by Martha before Sam entered.

This nominal third uncle was now coming to her, talking about some secrets.

In particular, what he had to say concerned her mother, and the door to the room was closed toprevent the servants from hearing what they shouldn't.

Sam, who grew up in the Lucas family, was not stupid, and noticed Martha's wariness in just oneglance.

His eyes darkened, and his indifferent voice rang out in the room.

"You don't have to be so wary of me, I'm not going to hurt you."

Martha looked at the man standing not far away with some consternation, how could she haveexpected the other party to just say it so directly?

Could it be that this third uncle had always spoken so directly?

Without waiting for Martha to come back to herself, Sam withdrew his gaze and turned his head tostare at his niece standing in the doorway.

He had been watching Martha's stunned face, his thin lips unconsciously pursed.

After a long time, his eyes began to lose focus, as if he was looking at another person through thewoman in front of him.

Soon, he hid his outburst well and said lightly, "You look like your mother."

Martha's eyebrows knitted slightly, her eyelids lowered, hiding the weird look in her eyes.

Somehow, she actually saw a hint of tenderness in Sam's gaze.

Was ...

When she thought about it, she couldn't help but start to wonder what kind of relationship this thirduncle had with her mother.

Martha pondered for a moment before taking the lead and breaking the silence at this point.

"At this late hour, did you come to tell me something about my mother?"

Sam's eyes sank, and his face hidden under the light appeared even colder and more stern.

"You shouldn't have come back."novelbin


Martha's hand at her side involuntarily perspired a thin layer of sweat, and her heartbeatunconsciously accelerated.

Intuition told her that she was going to be one step closer to the truth.

Sam turned around, his eyes darkened as he looked out the window at this point, "The Lucas familyis more complicated than you think."

Martha standing behind him gave a silent sigh and replied softly.

"No matter what, it's my mother's family."

Sam froze and his thin lips pursed a little tighter.

He believed that Bella was unwilling to come back.

His hand clenched, and his husky voice said, "You mother made great efforts to escape becauseshe wanted nothing to do with the Lucas family."

"You, as her only daughter, shouldn't have come back."

Martha stared after Sam in confusion.

What does Uncle Sam mean?

Her mother escaped because she didn't want an arranged marriage, didn't she?

At this thought, she couldn't help asking, "My mother escaped because she didn't want to marry intothe royal family, didn't she?"

Sam suddenly burst into laughter and turned around to look at her niece.

"If only it's as simple as you think."

Sam looked at Martha, his eyes filled with complicated emotions.

When Bella left the Lucas family, she was younger than the current Martha.

He didn't know where she got the courage to face everything.

Martha was dazed at this moment.

A lot of ideas flashed across her mind, and in the end, she asked in puzzlement, "Why did mymother leave the Lucas family back then?"

Sam sighed silently, frowned and said coldly, "Your mother is very sensible. She knows she's theeldest daughter of the Lucas family and should shoulder her responsibility and obligations since shewas young."

Martha understood Sam's implications.

He meant that her mother left for some other reasons.

Yet she didn't know what made her mother leave here. After pondering for a while, she pursued,"So, why did my mother leave the Lucas family? Did someone force her to leave, or did somethingbig happen to the Lucas family?"

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