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Chapter 394 The Family Dinner

Chapter 394 The family dinner

Early the next morning, Martha followed Louis to the Lucas family.

The car passed through the lively streets and slowly made its way to the other side of the city.

Half an hour later, the luxurious black car stopped in front of a castle.

Louis looked sideways at the woman sitting at his side, the corners of his mouth curved up in asmile, "This is your home."

Martha's red lips were pursed, and after clenching her hands, she pulled open the door and steppedout of the car.

She got out of the car and as soon as she looked up, she saw a luxurious castle in front of her.

The castle was purple, and the walls on the castle were a bit worn and obviously had a history ofyears.

With just one glance, Martha could feel the majesty and luxury of the castle, and it was at thismoment that she suddenly knew why the Lucas family would fight for the position of the head of thefamily.

People with desire should want to stand at the supreme point of this castle and become the masterof this castle.

Louis saw the solemnity in his cousin's eyes, and his eyes were thick with worry, but he smiled andwent over to place his hand on the latter's shoulder.

"Grandma's situation is complicated now, so you have to be mentally prepared."

Martha's brows knitted slightly. She glanced sideways at Louis, with confusion in her eyes.

Louis sighed helplessly, "You'll understand what I mean in a minute."

Martha nodded gently and followed Louis into the castle.

When Martha followed Louis in, the Lucas family was sitting at a long table waiting for the two ofthem to appear.

The Lucas were dressed in the formal attire of attending a family dinner, with serious faces lookingin the direction of the two just walked in.

When Martha looked over, she instantly felt that there was something solemn about this familydinner.

The old Mrs. Lucas sat in the main seat, obviously the master of the Lucas family.

To the left of the old Mrs. Lucas sat her three sons, Gage, Clark and Sam.

On the right of the old Mrs. Lucas was the youngest daughter Eva, and her grandson Andrew Lucasand granddaughter Daisy Lucas.

Since today was a family dinner, all the attendees were the members of the Lucas family.

Among Eva's three sons, only Louis Caesar was present, while her other two sons went abroad withtheir father and had not yet returned.

When Louis appeared with Martha, everyone sitting at the long table looked sideways at her.

Martha's hand at her side had tightened unknowingly, and a thin layer of sweat permeated her palm.

Although she knew that all these people present were her relatives, she was still too nervous tospeak in the face of these completely unfamiliar faces.

She looked nervously at the people on the long table, and the tension in her heart was eased a littlewhen she saw Eva's face, which looked just like her mother's.novelbin

And the old Mrs. Lucas, after seeing Martha's appearance that was like Elsie's, had some tears inher cloudy eyes.

Her lips trembled lightly. Obviously, she was so excited that she wanted to say something. Yet shestammered, unable to say a word, and she couldn't move at all.

Martha felt the old Mrs. Lucas's hot gaze, turned her head to look at her in dismay.

She had thought how fierce and angry the old Mrs. Lucas would be, but never thought the old manwould look like this.

Louis, who was standing next to her, obviously saw the shock of the woman beside her, and after asilent sigh, spoke softly to explain.

"Martha, the person sitting in the host's seat is Grandma, and she's not well."

Louis said so, but in fact, the way he looked at Martha was clearly implying that Grandma turned tobe like this because of something else.

Martha was stunned for a moment, her heart sank, and she looked at the old Mrs. Lucas, feelingsorry

That was her mother's mother, her grandmother ...

She thought of this in her mind, and then looked at the old Mrs. Lucas's appearance, unconsciouslyreddened her eyes.

Why did Grandma look like this?

What was the hidden agenda behind this? She must find Louis and ask him about it.

The uncles sitting next to the old Mrs. Lucas at this moment, seeing Martha's look, their eyelidslowered, each with their own thoughts.

Finally it was Gage who took the lead and broke the silence at this point.

"This is my niece who has been living outside, right? You look so much like your mother."

Clark sitting next to him heard this and smiled tenderly, looking at Martha with eyes full of affection.

Instead, Sam kept staring at Martha with complicated emotions in his eyes.

Martha nodded to her three uncles and said with a smile, "Hello uncles, my name is Martha Doyle."

No sooner had her words been finished than Daisy's mocking voice sounded.

"I'm not sure if you're the Lucas. Do you have any proof to prove you're one of us?"

Martha heard these words, her eyebrows frowned unnoticeably, looking at Daisy and thinking.

'That's Daisy, the daughter of the eldest uncle, who seems to be brainless.'

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