Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 346 Exactly The Same, But Not Her
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Chapter 346 Exactly The Same, But Not Her

Chapter 346 Exactly the same, but not her

She obviously looked exactly the same as her mother, even the gentle aura of her was also similarto her mother, how could she not be her mother?

She shook her head in disbelief, and her feet felt like they were filled with lead, unable to takeanother step.

She was not her mother, why ...

She thought of another possibility. Only, she still did not want to believe that the woman in front ofher was not her mother.

At this time, Louis, standing next to the chair, as if he could see the confusion in Martha's eyes, histhin lips lightly parted, and his gentle voice rang out in the conference room.

"This is my mother, the hostess of the Caesar family."

Martha looked at the two people in front of her with increasing confusion, not understanding whyLouis' mother was so similar to her own mother.

And why were they here together at this time?

Her eyebrows knitted slightly and she suddenly remembered Jane's words.

She turned her head to look at Jane, who was standing to the side, with clear doubts in her eyes.

After Jane met Martha's eyes, she couldn't help but feel a little flustered, yet with a little bit ofheartache and helplessness.

After Martha saw this, she immediately understood that Jane knew everything about the currentsituation, but just did not tell her.

At this moment, she just felt like the whole world had been turned upside down, not understandingwhat was going on now and who was this woman who appeared in front of her.

The hand at her side kept tightening. She was trying to bring her senses back a little, but afterseeing the face in front of her that looked like her mother's, she couldn't be calm anyway.

Louis looked at Martha tenderly and walked towards the latter step by step, with seriousness in hiseyes.

"Martha, we came back specifically to find you this time, because we need you."


It was after six o'clock in the evening when Martha returned to the Doyle Manor.

She walked into the house in a daze, her mind coming back to the scene she had just witnessed inthe conference room.

When Bianca saw her face was white and she was spiritless, she eagerly went up to her and askedwith concern, "What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

But Martha, as if she had not heard Bianca's inquiry, walked dully in the direction of the stairway.

She looked ahead with her eyes listlessly, like a soulless person, and mechanically walked up thestairs to her room.

Bianca saw Martha in this state and wondered even more.

What happened? Why did Martha look like losing her soul?

She was anxious, and after a long time of hesitation, she could not resist going to Maxwell.novelbin

On the other hand, after Martha returned to her room in a daze, she locked herself in her room andstared blankly at her mother's picture on the desk.

Her mind unconsciously recalled the appearance of Louis' mother in the conference room, and whatthey had told her.

That night, Martha did not leave the room.

The next day at breakfast, Jimmy did not see Martha come down to eat at the regular time, andlooked in the direction of the stairs in confusion.

It was so late. Did Mommy have breakfast early and went to work?

When Jimmy left, Bianca glanced in the direction of upstairs full of worry, and her worried voice rangout in the dining room.

"This doesn't seem to be a good situation."

Ever since Martha came back yesterday in a state of distraction, she had locked herself in her roomand hadn't come out until now.

She talked to Maxwell about the situation and asked the latter to persuade her, but the latter said togive Martha some time and maybe she would be fine the next day.

But it was so obvious that Martha didn't get better.

Bianca thought of Martha's pale face yesterday, she could not help but worry more about Martha'scurrent situation, and at the end she could not resist saying.

"Why don't you go check on her?"

Maxwell glanced at the direction of Martha's room and nodded gravely.

"Okay, I'll go later and see what's wrong."

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